Anyone Who Disagrees With These Folks Is A Hate Group.
Its tough to stand for decency, rule of law, the constitution, and traditional values any more.
Its bad enough that the SPLC has been presented as a legitimate decider of who is a hate group, and who is not. Its hard to argue with their designations when listing supremacy groups (Neo-Nazis and Islamist organizations), but when calling traditionalists hate based?
Political correctness, driven by an emotional need to have a certain group’s behavior unconditionally accepted, has placed those who desire a safe, moral and aesthetically appropriate social environment in a bad light. Media driven values degradation has produced a new class of minority, and if you disagree, or are a practicing Christian, you must be a hate filled bigot.
Traverse City Family members have stood out in the cold, put up with physical assaults by those who disagree with their message, and have yet to hurt, maim, or intimidate any single person because of color, creed, their behavioral orientation, or gender. This group provides literature to help folks escape the trap of homosexuality, and produces educational videos designed to encourage more wholesome choices.