We will be billed for the higher pharmacy costs Michigan is considering.
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We will be billed for the higher pharmacy costs Michigan is considering.
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The Michigan Republican Party of Rick Snyder is still intact, as Republican lawmakers in Lansing are getting ready to push another gas tax on us!
We just did a gas and fee increase in 2015, which was also pushed by Republicans. They are getting ready to screw us again. Freshman State Rep. Jack O’Malley (the next Arlan Meekhof in training) is leading this new round of armed robbery against the unsuspecting taxpayer.
O’Malley wrote an op/ed in the Detroit News yesterday arguing how his “smart spending” legislation will fix the roads:
When the MEDC says "hold my beer.."
Turnkey operations are clearly the next step.
It’s true, why not turn our government bureaucracies into full blown business incubators? Buy a number of corner buildings, land, ready spaces, and turn em into a new 7-11 chain, tux shop conglomerate, or CBD syndicate. Then, turn em over to someone willing to fill out the paperwork, stand on a stage with a governor, and swear allegiance to the bureaucracy and our sacred Eco-Dev Central!
the MEDC is having a birthday. In fact it is apparently ready to graduate from simple cronyism, to full blown Fascism. Government determining which component of the economy it will promote with taxpayer money is certainly bad, but when it actually does the site work? From Crains:
Are there are some areas outside of your control and domain that you think we ought to be focused on as a state in order to improve our chances to land the next company from San Jose?
The one that’s in our domain that we have started doing some work on — working with our local partners — and that’s having ready sites. Whether it’s just raw acreage that has the right infrastructure available in terms of electrical capacity, water and sewer. …
We are not a state that has a lot of available spec buildings — the 180,000-square-foot size buildings that have been built speculatively by developers that we can immediately turn to a prospect and say here’s a building you can move into in 60 days. We’re doing some work in that space both on the spec building side … as well as on the raw land site improvement to help get us better prepared or ahead of the curve to take advantage of some of the opportunities that are out there.
In other words “if we build, they will come”
Regional 'payoffs' still ignore proper role of government.
I have written at the beginning of Snyder’s terms that he was the guy who essentially brought the neu-cronyism to Michigan. He invented the current form, and served as its first overlord. Money spent in ways that used to invite constitutional challenges, now routinely passes through the sieve of Lansing into favored projects and could be expected to always get the blessing of the governor.
I doubt the new governor will do anything but enhance it’s reach as she attempts to cajole lawmakers from the ‘other side’ to embrace her sure-to-be bizarre mechanizations that raise the cost of government further. Sadly, it is a Republican legislature that continues to make this kind of thing happen:
$10M In Sports Funding Coming: Is Indoor Traverse City Sports Complex Next?
By Beth Milligan | Dec. 29, 2018
$10 million in state funding is headed to northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula to create a regional sports commission – an initiative that dovetails with an effort by Traverse City Tourism to explore opening a year-round indoor sports complex in Traverse City.
Governor Rick Snyder signed off Friday on two supplemental spending bills totaling $1.3 billion for numerous projects throughout the state, including road upgrades, contamination clean-up, and education initiatives. The bills – approved earlier this month by state lawmakers – also include funding for community projects throughout Michigan, including $10 million to establish the Northern Michigan Regional Tourism and Sports Fund and to create a Great Lakes Sports Commission.
… Traverse City Tourism hired a consulting firm earlier this year to conduct a feasibility study on whether there is a need for such a facility in the area, how much it would cost to construct, and if it would be financially sustainable. The firm’s results are expected in January. But Traverse City Tourism President/CEO Trevor Tkach says preliminary findings “prove there is enough demand to run a cash-positive business if the facility gets built.”
Maybe “cash positive” means profit? Maybe, maybe not.
Easter eggs hidden all over the place. What's a poor chicken to do?
The MEDC is off the hook corrupt.
I know we have expressed issues before with the cronyism going on with the MEDC and its failures of transparency and effectiveness. Picking winners only works for ..the winners.
Its not hard to recognize unadulterated failure when we see it. If a person is hungry for the truth, its right in front of us. One need only look at hangar 42, RASCO, overpaying Film credits by 42%, and A123 just to whet the appetite!
But certainly, the MEDC provides a lot of high paying jobs for otherwise failed business leaders and political partisans. No way in hell will it willingly surrender the family secrets and threaten the taxpayer goldmine. Indeed, no dog and pony show of ‘allowing’ bids for outside agencies to measure it’s (the MEDC’s) effectiveness will ever meet the threshold of honest brokering.
Not without some pressure anyhow.
Cronyism alive and well in Lansing with renewable energy mandate 'lighting' it up.
The Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the two energy oligopolists in Michigan, through their lobbyists are attempting to railroad through a lame duck Michigan legislature Senate Bill 437. The bill would line the pockets of the energy oligopolists with subsidies and alleged necessary rate increases. The “climate change” advocates are being bribed to support the legislation because the legislation includes the production of more renewable energy in Michigan via windmills, etc. pursuant to Granholm’s 2008 Renewable Energy Mandate.
The following quote is from the linked article that substantiates the claim that in view of the 2016 Presidential Election results the legislature should stand fast and not support this wind fall profit package to the energy oligopolists and climate change advocates.
QUOTE: “The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States and the GOP maintaining control of the U.S. House and Senate means the key reason for pushing forward with Senate Bill 437, a bill that will revise utility regulations in Michigan, has effectively gone away.”
Governor Rick Snyder takes the budget to nerd year six.
Likely more than last year however (a given since it’s never been less). Its that time again, when Rick Snyder rolls out his revenue projections and planning on how to spend it down. He’ll pop it out there, and the race horses in the legislature will lap it up like a milkshake at post time. From the Michigan office of Propaganda:
“Governor Rick Snyder presents his FY 2017 budget today at 11 am.
In the budget, the Governor proposes strategic investments to tackle challenges head on.”
And if you think that was exciting, watch him live at 11 this morning by clicking on the link above.
Pure Michigan student creativity unfolding before our eyes.
Hey kids, get your art skillz on!
The Michigan State of the State address by governor Rick Snyder is coming soon! You can watch him get away with breaking the law, tell little white lies (or little dark ones), and learn how much you are already in debt in under two hours! Gosh, what a treat! (or a trick)
But wait, there is more!
From the Michigan State Department of Propaganda comes a new contest: Design The State of the State Program Cover!
“Students can submit their designs today through Jan. 3. The top five designs – judged by their creativity and originality – will be announced through social media on Jan. 5 and posted on Snyder’s Facebook page. The winning design will be determined by which one receives the most ‘Likes’ on Facebook by the end of the day on Jan. 8.”
Gosh what fun!
To make it easier for our precious snowflakes, here is what the winning entry should look like.
Government simply has no idea when its time to quit tampering.
In a move to further justify the existence of the MEDC, there is yet another mechanism to interfere with your life
Yes “your life,” through your community, tampering with local politics, issues and governance. The increasingly progressive left ‘Republican’ governor Rick Snyder has once again created a new ‘tool’ for communities to manage job creation and success. Usurping the GOP theme of lifting all boats to sell big government, the die is set for more interference.
“We can collaborate with communities to help develop the tools to advance a strong economic vision and create new career opportunities for residents,” Snyder said. “This program will help economically challenged communities be better positioned for redevelopment opportunities. “
The new effort, known as Rising Tide, is sponsored by the Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development and will provide communities with the tools they need to design and build a solid planning, zoning and economic development foundation to attract new businesses and help existing employers to grow.
“As the saying goes, a Rising Tide lifts all boats,” said Steve Arwood, TED Director and Michigan Economic Development Corporation CEO. “Through this initiative, the TED team will work closely with local leaders as they create vibrant and thriving communities across Michigan.”
And if there isn’t a ring of familiarity to this, you may not have been watching your local government create those helpful little ‘authorities’ which rob your township and municipal treasuries under the auspices of creating value.