Tag Archive for Cow farts

Green New Squeal

Jeez, the Democratic Party is going down faster than Kamala did on Willie Brown.

Washington — The U.S. Senate’s vote to advance the ambitious Green New Deal failed as expected Tuesday, with most Democrats voting “present” in protest of what they’ve called a “sham” vote.

Michigan Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, both Democrats, were among 43 senators voting present on the resolution, while 57 [Republicans] voted no.

Neither Stabenow nor Peters have publicly endorsed the Green New Deal but both roundly criticized their Republican counterparts for supposedly failing to take climate change seriously or even acknowledge it’s man-made.

Rest of Michigan’s two midwits drool here

Now, let the comedy ensue…

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Thought Carrie Nation was an Abject Failure? Try, Allah Nation

The first question should be, much like any homicide, does current statute prevent anything? If no, then what’s the point of criminalizing another whole new group of people other than to backdoor prohibition?

State Rep. Abdullah Hammoud concedes that his goal is not just to eliminate drunken driving. He wants to keep anybody who has consumed any amount of alcohol from getting behind the wheel.

“Drink, or drive,” said Hammoud, D-Dearborn. “Choose one. It should never be both.”

Hammoud, 29, a non-drinker with a background in public health, introduced a package of bills last week that would lower the threshold for drunken driving to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05, from the current 0.08.

Hammoud a non-drinker? Allah-Shazam! Guess what? He’s a non-pork eater too. Shall we criminalize eating bacon? Why not, Abdullah’s Democrat Party buddy, Alexithymia Ocashew-Cortex wants to ban cow farts, and am pretty sure pigs fart too so, let’s not offend any moslems, right? 🤦‍♂️

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)