Tucker describes both Democrat moonbats to a tee. OABTW, Ohio is opening up their state May 1, 2020.
Now, where does Gretchen “Half” Whitmer draw her belief system from? 🤔

Tucker describes both Democrat moonbats to a tee. OABTW, Ohio is opening up their state May 1, 2020.
Now, where does Gretchen “Half” Whitmer draw her belief system from? 🤔
Kill and steal edition.
And, because some MI-GOP fanboys got all dissin’ on Schuette butt-hurt with leveling appropriate responsibility at a sworn Oath to uphold our constitution Attorney General’s feet, Mr. Baker responded.
It’s pretty damn bad when other legalese jihadi openly go after one of their own in their *profession*.
Judge William Whitbeck, formerly of Mich Court of Appeals: @SchuetteOnDuty must defend entire Mich. Constitution http://t.co/hkCO8WgbRy
— Detroit News Opinion (@DetNewsOpinion) February 17, 2015
Where does every politician exploit their sworn Oath? “according to the best of his ability.”
Expediency and a decent line of Bee-esS will carry some places, however, AG Schuette can forget about a run for anything beyond local dog catcher in 2018.
Ps. sorry kid, but you’re still out in a wonk’s Left field. Obviously, age hasn’t helped the lad much.
What happens when Terri Hibma’s former 2010 running mate (this two-time loser) is allowed to go unchecked?
Police in Grand Forks, North Dakota are hailing their new fleet of drones as the “vanguard of police work,” according to the Guardian. But privacy activists are worried that the drones may be a threat to constitutional rights.
Officers in Grand Forks have been operating a fleet of drones, some small enough to fit in a suitcase, others in a larger, fixed-wing design. The department is one of only about a dozen departments across the country testing drones.
Yes, jackboots without any restraint. North Dakota’s state Senate, much like those in Lansing, are useless. Why has there been no movement on HB 4455 of 2013? Why has Speaker Bolger taken it upon himself to make the fringe cupcake agenda a priority over securing our Natural Rights for all?
Transparency, the man asks? Sorry, that’s just not within the MI-GOP character traits.
Funny how I seemed to have overlooked the only Sheriff in the state to shat upon our RTKABA, however, I now feel compelled to give him some exposure love he craves.
I realized when I tried to state the realities of law enforcement today some would go off on me-so be it. http://t.co/amYp5FKbtk
— Mike Bouchard (@MikeJBouchard) September 6, 2014
So, what are some of Bouchard’s “realities” other than Hailstorm?
Debbie Dingell, and Lon Johnson say, “Thanks for the taxpayer funded campaign publicity, Rick!”
Mr. Anthony Amorose’s comment FTMFW
Interesting series on local government invasion of privacy events in the Detnews.com
Now, though, some privacy advocates question why one of the safest counties in Michigan needs the super-secretive Hailstorm device that is believed to be able to collect large amounts of cellphone data, including the locations of users, by masquerading as a cell tower.
“I don’t like not knowing what it’s capable of,” said county Commissioner Jim Runestad, R-White Lake Township, who has met in recent weeks with sheriff’s officials about his concerns.
The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office is one of about two dozen forces nationwide — and the only one in Michigan — with the $170,000 machine. So little is known about Hailstorm that even national experts will only speculate about its capabilities. The technology from Florida-based defense contractor Harris Corp. is believed to be an upgrade of Stingray, a suitcase-sized contraption that is installed in cars and used to trick nearby phones into connecting with it and providing data to police.
….Undersheriff Michael McCabe said, “Hailstorm helps us capture fugitives from the law, people wanted for murder and rape” and can be used only with a search warrant. He said the federal Homeland Security Act bars him from discussing Hailstorm, but he elaborated at length about what it doesn’t do.
“It’s not a tool to spy on people, unequivocally,” McCabe said. “It does not record cellphone conversations … Hailstorm does not capture personal information on anyone or store unintended target data. It does not take photos of anyone. It doesn’t take videos or fly in the sky. It’s a tool used for criminal investigations and it’s legal and lawful.”
McCabe recently gave similar assurances to county commissioners. He was prompted in part by persistent, anonymous emails that have been sent to county officials and others about the system, but also questions from Runestad.
Sure… like why would anyone question the on record judgement calls from the Oakland County Sheriff?
April Fools! Nevertheless, it’s a timeless fun little reminder about Gun Banning Debbie.
H/t Me
Dingell also stressed to reporters that she has different views than her husband.
“I’ve learned a lot from John Dingell. Like any married couple, we don’t’ agree on everything and as we go down the road there may be some differences,” she said. “I’m not going to try to be John Dingell. I’m going to be Debbie Dingell.”
Translation: Not equipped with old wrinkly shriveled-up balls basting in soiled Depends that took a long time to control the People.
One difference between the couple is their position on gun control; John Dingell is a lifelong supporter of the right to bear arms, while Debbie Dingell has spoken out against it.
“That is an issue that we do not agree on,” she said. “We come from very different perspectives.”
But, I repeat myself. So, in essence, ‘ol Queen Debbie will be yet another “Me Next” Progressive in the long list of Constitution loathing Progressives in D.C. Well, I reckon all that’s left now is for Denise Ilitch and Geoffrey Fieger to throw Queen Debbie a “pizza party” too.
Color this a rare occasion but, I’m onboard with Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor.
WASHINGTON — Police officers may enter and search a home without a warrant as long as one occupant consents, even if another resident has previously objected, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a Los Angeles case.
The 6-3 ruling, triggered by a Los Angeles Police Department arrest in 2009, gives authorities more leeway to search homes without obtaining a warrant, even when there is no emergency.
The majority, led by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., said police need not take the time to get a magistrate’s approval before entering a home in such cases. But dissenters, led by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, warned that the decision would erode protections against warrantless home searches. The court had previously held that such protections were at the “very core” of the 4th Amendment and its ban on unreasonable searches and seizures.
At least Texas and Indiana provide remedy.
H/t Knuckledraggin My Life Away