Tag Archive for Communist Party of China Virus

Memory Holes

So, I understand RINOsaur Rick‘s newfound best friends Sleepy Joe, and Obama were in Flint yesterday. Must be some damn short memories in Michigan regarding all the aforementioned names.

Yep, and they☝️all got away with literal murder.

Yannow, a person would have to be considered dangerously stupid for them not to understand, with all the evidence on tape, and completely disregarded by Democrat AG Nessel, who panicked about blowing their cover in the Lansing Swamp, that the only reason Rick Snyder endorsed the criminal Biden/Harris ticket is payback for not being prosecuted, and providing the desired propaganda for Michigan’s worst governor ever to use on Fake News.

Thankfully, there are good people in Flint that are not fooled by the despicable charade.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

SEMCOG Update 3

The only thing that changes is the day.

Information from State data as of March 27, 2020.

Livingston County- 21 – 1 death

Macomb County- 347 – 11 deaths

Monroe County- 21

Oakland County- 668 – 15 deaths

St. Clair County- 13

Washtenaw County- 92 – 3 deaths

Wayne County & Detroit City- 1,389 – 26 deaths

Total- 2,551 or, 89.32% of all confirmed cases of the China Virus and 93.33% of all deaths (56).

It’s so blatantly obvious to identify where the problem exists and who should be isolating themselves from the rest of us Michiganians until the TrumpCure takes effect that even a nitWhitmer should be able to see it.

Then again, Gov. nitWhitmer wants you dead.

UPDATE: The coverage of Gov. nitWhitmer threatening physicians and pharmacists is pretty much blowing up everywhere on the internet.



With leadership like this, what possibly could go wrong? 🤦🏼‍♂️

Ps. sit on it and spin, Lee.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

When an incompetent nitWhit hires a Crook, This is to be Expected

From today’s headlines: Michigan is missing 225K surgical masks and nobody appears to know why

Two words- Joneigh Khaldun. If you’re not familiar with that claptrap from Detroit, do take a moment to read.

That said, from within the article not only does U.S. Rep. Paul Mitchell expose the gross negligence of the Gov. nitWhitmer administration but, also how ignorant Greasy forehead Gretchen looks when all she does is whine on the Fakestream news media about her Trump Derangement Syndrome because – wait for it – she is co-chair on Joementia Biden’s campaign committee.

More importantly, here is a very relevant part.

U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a Holly Democrat, said part of the problem is the national stockpile hasn’t been heavily invested in over several administrations or Congresses and is under-supplied.

Slotkin learned the limitations of the stockpile in 2014 when she was acting assistant defense secretary during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

“We clearly very early knew they were not equipped to quickly deploy, to move resources around the country or world. They were not as strong as one would have hoped,” she said.

Wait? What? 2014? Elissa Slotkin knew 6 years ago? And, who was in office then? Oh, that’s right, it was Bathhouse Barry and this guy…

Folks, I really will never understand why anyone in CD-8 voted for this carpetbagging CIA operative that worked for two prior failed presidents.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

To Serve….

It’s been a while since I’ve been compelled to do one of these but, after watching this… A Pox on Michael Shaw’s House.

When did this jackboot become a virology expert? And, he stated that he is willing to run Michiganians out of business permanently because he’s going to tattle to the AG’s office? All this because many morons like Rachel Meyers with blue hair are spouting off about their ‘feelz” on Facebook with our Fakestream news media so, we all should give a damn? Fat chance and slim just left town.

This state under Whitmer is completely and unequivocally out of control.

There is no language in the 4th Amendment that says;

“no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, UNLESS it is a matter of national security or the government has a compelling interest in safety or security to do otherwise.

Folks, you really need to pull your head out of your ass.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)