Tag Archive for Bullsh!t Talks = Money Walks

MDOT Wastes More Tax Dollars on Hollywood Nonsense

MDOT’s latest effort at abject buffoonery? Click HERE. What crap. Did you count how many union scale jagoffs were standing around with their prevailing wage shovels in their hands? Ya, I did too. Look, it’s no secret that the real waste within MDOT is the layers of bureaucrats who are more interested in their job security than with accountability of our tax dollars squandered so as not to upset organized labor. What has been The Left’s agenda? Raise minimum wage. Who benefits most from raising the minimum wage? Public sector unions. What has MDOT done to modernize its operations? Not a damn thing other than make damage control propaganda wasting more of our tax dollars instead of fixing roads.

Screw ’em. Not another penny in fuel tax and registration fee hikes. Automate their jobs too.

The Kiwis have been doing this since 1985, folks…

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

The “New Normal” Nation Within America

Little did the Founding Fathers know that only 237 years after giving George III a boot ride out of America, that a new empire surpassing Britannia’s size would now occupy America.

The number of Americans who were enrolled in Medicaid at any time during fiscal 2013 exceeded the entire population of the United Kingdom, according to new data published by the federal government’s Medicaid and CHIP Payment Access Commission (MACPAC).

Were Medicaid a nation instead of a U.S. entitlement program it would be the 20th most populous country on earth.

“The estimated number of individuals ever covered by Medicaid remained steady at 72.7 million in FY 2013, compared to 72.2 million in FY 2012,” said MACPAC’s statistical report, released on April 1.


Congratulations Nerdpublicrats, and Mr. “Take a vote, not a vacation” – You ALL helped Obama grow that!

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Where is the Money From Public Act 95 of 2013 Going?

Serious question when those in Lansing just performed government sanctioned theft of $60 million dollars (includes $10M gamed from .FEDGOV). Why is this going on anywhere?

Be careful how you answer that because it sure as Hell is not giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling that the Progressive Nerd’s non-bailout bailout schemes is spending another $350M in tax dollars.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)


Or, more accurately, windsuck.

Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration is reviewing whether some 300 same-sex marriages performed Saturday in four Michigan counties are valid, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.

Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said the governor’s office could make a determination on the legality of the marriages as early as Wednesday.


Following Friedman’s ruling and Schuette’s continued defense of the 2004 voter-approved ban, Snyder has stayed away from reporters’ questions this week about his views on gay marriage.


There is no end to the deceitful propaganda that continues to flow from this administration. Snyder has a J.D. from U of M, and damned well knows this Anthony Kennedy-esque out in Left field opinion is being appealed, and is sworn to the same Oath to defend Michigan’s Constitution as every other elected office.

DicksI’m also not impressed with the Alticor checkbook that funds the MI-GOP fueling the divide with their cabana boi’s publicity stunt.

If it weren’t for Ruth Johnson, I’d stay home in November.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(3)

“Take a Vote, Not a Vacation”

Remember the last time you heard those infamous words blasted in the Mitten? I do. We all ended up with Snydercaid Expansion. How did that work out? Well, now we have a Speaker of the House walking back on his $25 fee per insured vehicle he brazenly sneaked in to fund Snydercaid Expansion that he and SML Richardville, knew damned well was unfunded within a House proposal of allegedly lowering vehicle insurance rates, which coincidentally, the insurance industry is lobbying for just as they did with “no-fault” decades prior because… it would keep rates low.

OK, so? Where is this post going, CS?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)