Tag Archive for Bullies

For All The Wrong Reasons

Trump and the 16 dwarfs

Reposted from Redstate.com For permanence. ( I am again deviating from the ‘Michigan’ centric mission of this site for obvious reasons – JG)

The talking heads and putative conservative pundits have it very wrong.

A palpable fear of Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee consumes the media from left to right. Fox host and debate moderator Megyn Kelly’s first question to Donald Trump “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. On your Twitter account, your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks,…” might well have been asked by Candy Crowley, or nearly any other left wing operative determined to ruin a GOP debate.

Kelly wasted Trump’s – and our – time by advancing the theme that ‘Trump is too brash, and says things that are hurtful or boorish’. By focusing on his periodic extravagant statements, perhaps she felt the viewers would be persuaded to abandon Trump and his candidacy. ‘The Donald’ can indeed be brash and say things that are both hurtful and boorish, but with 10 candidates to evaluate and a two hour time limit, it just wasn’t a productive line of questioning.

Kelly and many other talking heads who profess conservatism seem to think that ‘brash and boorish’ is a fatal flaw in Trump’s candidacy. Civil discourse, in their opinion, is the only acceptable path to the Presidency of the United States. Trash talk, such as calling people “stupid,” “moron” or even “disgusting animals” does not elevate the campaign discourse to the level they seek.

Perhaps our self appointed media censors should reassess ‘The Donald’ in light of our current predicament.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Most Amazing Wedgie

Hide your lunch money. The DC Schoolyard bully Strikes again.

boehner-wedgie435 US House of Representative members including 234 Republicans were simultaneously given a fanny flossing by the POTUS last night.

The president, in one of the boldest moves yet, did an in-your-face to our sitting elected representatives, the likes of which have never been seen in our nation before.  Picture a petulant child walking up to mom with a Mr. Microphone, calmly telling her to go shtump herself then drop the mic on the floor in a classic you-have-been-served moment.  Though our Congress is not exactly saying “oh what a precious child,” they are enabling the president’s current action, and making future actions likely worse by not putting him over the knee and giving him the red bottom spanking he so desperately needs.

But it should somehow not surprise us that nothing will be done. Especially when our own state elected politicians hardly understand the scope of what this president has done to the constitution.  The president has been recycling the parchment as toilet paper multiple times, yet even our AG’s response is weak as he responds:

“America must have a hopeful immigration policy, a policy of inclusion not exclusion.  America’s door of opportunity must be open to new citizens.  The door to America’s unique experiment of freedom and enterprise must be open and welcoming to new Americans.

However, President Obama seems to be more interested in gamesmanship and litigation than working on bipartisan solutions to immigration reform.  By ignoring Congress and stretching Executive Orders beyond Constitutional limits, President Obama is clearly playing politics instead of providing lawful solutions to immigration challenges.  The result is gridlock and lawsuits, just what the American people voted against in 2014″

This ain’t “politics” bubba.

This is an outright gauntlet thrown down.  This is the gloves pulled off, slapped face, pee-in-your-cheerios, challenge to a duel.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)