Tag Archive for Bootstraps

Who Says It Won’t Happen?

A Political Star Is Born On Facebook

Need some conservative inspiration? Last May, 17-year old, Saira Blair, walked away the winner in a West Virginia Republican primary for the state legislature. If Blair wins the November election, she will become the youngest lawmaker in West Virginia history. There’s more rising stars, and for those who prowl Facebook well after the stars have risen, here is one you may have missed….

rigasAngela Rigas was born trailer-park poor in Hastings, Michigan, 39 years ago. Her mother had serious personal issues and walked out on the family when Angela was thirteen years old. “My grandmother was the only person who loved me,” Rigas said during a July 14 interview. “When she developed Alzheimer’s, I had to watch while she forgot me.”

There were two choices she could make: become a victim or become a champion. Her story speaks to spiritual deliverance, and to turning anger into a loving toughness that put her squarely on the path to becoming a voice for those who have been denied having one.

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