Drain the Swamp Michigan is one year old in January...
Happy Birthday Swamp Drainers!!!…
Come all members, curiosity seekers, RINOs (if you have the nerve), and Constitutional Liberty supporters…
We are celebrating our successes, and planning our agenda for the 2018 election year…
Food, door prizes, a birthday cake and cash bar…and a few laughs at government expense…
Hear our ads, and support us in our efforts to Drain the Swamp!!!
Tickets are $19.75 at EventBrite, $18 by mail, and $20 at the door..
Tickets may be ordered by mail at:
PO Box 5122
Cheboygan, MI
Make checks payable to: DTS Michigan
Hope the weather cooperates this afternoon...Had to order a bigger cake to accommodate the response...
See you at Streeters at 1 o'clock...
Happy Birthday, Drain the Swamp!!!..Wish you many more successful years...