Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)


Michiganders Deserve the Truth on Illegal Immigration

As thousands of migrants march their way up through Mexico intent on overrunning our Southern order, the issue of illegal immigration has become center stage in the race for governor of Michigan as Republican Bill Schuette hammers away at his opponent, Democrat candidate Gretchen Whitmer, and her radical support for dismantling America’s borders.

Whitmer’s support for open borders (a euphemism for ‘no borders’), sanctuary cities, and amnesty became even more evident last week as the two candidates faced off in a debate. Schuette’s positions were clear and rock solid. He boldly said that if elected, there will be “no sanctuary cities in Michigan.” Whitmer, on the other hand, has advocated for the undoing and abolishing of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), and her extremist running mate, Detroit activist Garlin Gilchrist, suggested that the Department of Homeland Security should be removed, a move that would leave America unprotected.

In the past, Whitmer has said that open borders were “fundamental” to who we are as Americans. She has promised to sue the federal government to have National Guard troops removed from our Southern Border. But this past week, when confronted with her position on critical issues, Whitmer dodged and weaved, refusing to answer questions about her support for harboring criminal aliens in sanctuary cities, instead pivoting to claims that Mr. Schuette’s positions were “extreme.”

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Proposal 2 Funders

The ‘grass roots’ effort to end gerrymandering in Michigan is a scam.

There was an effort by progressive liberals, to rig the game in their favor using the California model as a template.  Gullible voters could give them the win, but the funding for the proposal’s passage leaves us with more questions as to what they really want to do.

Out of state money is pressing hard to destroy accountability, but fighting the yes-vote is Michigan only Money.  MCFN notes the Tony Daunt comments:

Out-of-state special interests are trying to buy Michigan’s constitution, but our constitution is not for sale,” said Tony Daunt, spokesman for opposition group Protect My Vote, in a press release. “Hypocrite is too kind a description for the liars behind this sham proposal, and voters who’ve been duped by their scam have every right to be outraged.”

Over 80% of the funding for Prop 2 passage efforts comes from elsewhere.

Enjoy the video and pass along.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Resistance Comes to Michigan

Friday morning, the MIGOP filed a vandalism report with Lansing Police after hundreds of dollars of damage was done to the Michigan Republican Party headquarters.

We’ve always known what shenanigans they are capable of politically. However, this latest incident caps off a week of harassment by the Michigan Democrat Party (MDP) and their supporters against Michigan Republicans.

Beginning this week, MDP released an ad that displayed the social security numbers, in violation of the law, of Republican House candidate Christine Barnes and her ex-husband in an ad seen by at least 100,000 people, putting them both at risk for identity fraud.

On Wednesday, Mark Burton, a senior advisor for Gretchen Whitmer’s gubernatorial campaign, tweeted an anti-Semitic “joke” at Stu Sandler, a Jewish Republican consultant, as well John James, an African American U.S. Senate Candidate and Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Schuette, implying that they were Nazis.

Congressman Tim Walberg’s campaign had numerous 4×4 yard signs stolen from homes across the 7thCongressional District. In the 1st district, Jack Bergman’s expensive 4×8 signs have been vandalized as well.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

2018 Michigan State House Races

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and RRH Elections.

All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majority in 2016, the same margin as in 2014. There are 42 open seats, 25 held by Republicans and 17 held by democrats. There are 23 open due to term-limits, 18 just due to seeking another office, and 1 pure retirement.

Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm.  Libertarians achieved major party status due to Gary Johnson’s showing in 2016, which led to more Libertarian candidates.  The elimination of straight ticket voting may help Republicans in downballot races.

Conservatives did reasonably well in 2018 primaries.  Conservative Lee Chatfield is the presumptive next house GOP leader.

Republican Michigander has a profile of the Michigan state house focusing more on district demographics.

The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, and 2016 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating.  The complete candidate list is available here:

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Oh no, you’ve caught me in another lie! Now, what do I do?

Jocelyn Benson obviously thinks that women voters aren’t very smart nor can think for themselves.

Perennial Michigan Secretary of State Candidate Jocelyn Benson was on Michigan Matters last weekend.

Despite claiming to be THE candidate for Michigan SoS (even noted democratic contributor Nolan Finley felt that she was more up to the job than Mary Treder Lang), she succeeded in shoving her head firmly up her anal database even before she bothered to open up her mouth.

Let’s just say that Carol Cain’s question right from the start immediately gave Ms. Benson the deer-in-the-headlights appearance for this so-called “Ready-for-Prime-Time” player.

Submitted without any further comment (the fun starts at this link right at the 1:00 mark).


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Lest We Forget

In 2010, it was the office of Jocelyn Benson that was organizing the fake tea party fiasco.

It was Oakland county operatives who committed felony election fraud.  Those same operatives were toadies for Benson and other political players masterminding the scheme to defraud voters that year.  Michigan Freedom Fund noted this a month ago, but somehow we missed it.  (H/T CS)

Benson has been intimately linked to a 2010 election fraud scheme that resulted in nearly a dozen felony charges and two convictions.  Benson, who was running an unsuccessful campaign for Secretary of State even then, employed a campaign manager named Jason Bauer.  That year, Bauer pled no contest after being charged with multiple felony counts in connection with a voter fraud scheme.  Bauer and Michael McGuinness, Jocelyn Benson’s then operations director, were busted forging records to set up dummy candidates in an illegal effort to siphon votes away from Republican candidates in metro Detroit.

To this day, Benson has yet to answer for the election fraud scheme perpetrated by her senior staff members, or to offer any remorse or explanation for her improper handling as a candidate for the state’s top elections post of individuals who were attempting to rig our elections.

Michigan voters need to be reminded of whom it was that tried to manipulate our elections. they need to be reminded that the #PartyOfCrime never quits. Power seeking by illicit players needs to be checked.

And in this case, making Jocelyn Benson Michigan’s Secretary of State is giving the robber the keys to the vault.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

New Mary Treder Lang Radio Spot Highlights Expertise

The Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State Campaign today unveiled a new statewide radio advertisement reminding voters that when our elections and electronic data are on the line, Treder Lang’s cyber security and technology management experience make her the best candidate for Secretary of State.  I have done a quick video to the right (at no cost) which might make it easier to share.

    “Mary Treder Lang has over 15 years of experience in cyber security in the private sector,” says the ad. “Mary Treder Lang has what it takes to protect the sanctity and security of our voter rolls, election records, and your personal information. Don’t send a law school professor to do the job of a cyber security expert. Vote Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State.”

    The ad is on air now and is expected to be broadcast on radio stations across Michigan between now and Election Day. The ad is also available online.

    “Mary Treder Lang’s experience as a cyber security expert and leader at some of the world’s most well-known technology companies makes her the best candidate for Secretary of State,” said Ian Barber, campaign manager for Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State. “When hackers or foreign governments try to meddle with our elections and steal voters’ personal data, Michiganders know Treder Lang has the experience and the modern day skills to make all the difference.”

    Treder Lang has a modern set of skills, developed over a 30 year record of accomplishment using technology to find efficiencies and improve lives. An expert in cyber security and the meaningful use of technology, she’s spent decades shattering glass ceilings, launching her career at KPMG in Detroit before filling a series of management positions at SBC / Ameritech and LINX Technologies. She later joined Siemens, Inc., where she held various senior management positions. Since 2013, Treder Lang has served as a Vice President at Vista Maria, a nonprofit organization in metro Detroit delivering innovative care, support, treatment, and education to at-risk youth.

    For more information, you should check out


You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Protect The American Dream Tour

John James will be making a number of Northern Michigan Stops this Friday.

Friday, October 26th, John is making a tour through Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula– and you have the chance to meet him at one of four different rallies.

Alpena County Breakfast
Location: Alpena Victory Center, 1201 W. Chisholm, Alpena, MI
Event Time: 8:45 AM Doors Open, Breakfast 9:00 AM-10:00 AM

Marquette County Rally*
Event Time: Doors Open Noon, Event runs 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Location: Marquette Commons, 112 South 3rd Street, Marquette, MI 49855

Iron Mountain Rally*
Location: Lake Shore Systems, 2141 Woodward Ave, Kingsford, MI
Event Time: Doors Open 1:00 PM, Event Runs 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (Central Daylight Time)

Traverse City Rally*
Location: Traverse City Victory Center, 1148 W South Airport Rd, Traverse City, MI
Time: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

*Marquette, Iron Mountain, and Traverse City stops Congressman Bergman will be joining

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Debbie Stabenow Has Been BAD For Michigan

Americans for Limited Government has released an issue advocacy ad (linked and at right) targeted at social media users in Michigan that attacks Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) for her stance against tariffs being levied by President Donald Trump against China.

The ad cites Stabenow criticizing the tariffs in one of the senatorial debates against opponent John James (R-Mich.), where she stated, “What’s happening around these tariffs is hurting us in terms of our jobs.” -more below-

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