As thousands of migrants march their way up through Mexico intent on overrunning our Southern order, the issue of illegal immigration has become center stage in the race for governor of Michigan as Republican Bill Schuette hammers away at his opponent, Democrat candidate Gretchen Whitmer, and her radical support for dismantling America’s borders.
Whitmer’s support for open borders (a euphemism for ‘no borders’), sanctuary cities, and amnesty became even more evident last week as the two candidates faced off in a debate. Schuette’s positions were clear and rock solid. He boldly said that if elected, there will be “no sanctuary cities in Michigan.” Whitmer, on the other hand, has advocated for the undoing and abolishing of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), and her extremist running mate, Detroit activist Garlin Gilchrist, suggested that the Department of Homeland Security should be removed, a move that would leave America unprotected.
In the past, Whitmer has said that open borders were “fundamental” to who we are as Americans. She has promised to sue the federal government to have National Guard troops removed from our Southern Border. But this past week, when confronted with her position on critical issues, Whitmer dodged and weaved, refusing to answer questions about her support for harboring criminal aliens in sanctuary cities, instead pivoting to claims that Mr. Schuette’s positions were “extreme.”