Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)


Enough already!

This was not the piece that I had originally intended to post this evening.

I was originally going to go into last week’s election as it related to the November General and some disturbing numbers.

Now, after getting blasted with e-mails and texts this afternoon from family and friends relating to Gov. Witless and her latest power grab, this is the question that begs to be asked: When will Michiganians say “enough is enough”?

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Call Whitmer’s Office Now

There is much more I could have said in this video, but this is clearly enough to take action on.

Call the Governor @ 517-373-3400, and let her know how happy you are with her destroying an entire industry of 600,000 workers in Michigan, and hurting all those who rely on the immense value provided by that industry.

You Betcha! (26)Nuh Uh.(1)

Monday Divertere: You Are All Diseased

Menopausal schoolmarm nitWhitmer’s latest jackboot exercise of flexing government control closing all bars and restaurants in Michigan, makes this all the more funnier.

That was from 1999…. if George could only see how batshit crazy everyone has become over the Wuhan flu.

###UPDATE###: Welcome to 13% unemployment in Michigan.

The restaurant and hospitality industry employs more than 600,000 people in Michigan, he said. It’s possible that the state’s jobless rate will jump from about 3.8% in January to over 13% in a “blink of an eye,” Winslow said.

Gotta give Gov. nitWhitmer credit… it only took her one year in office to achieve double digit unemployed where it took Granholm two terms.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Welcome To Venezuela

OK, we aren’t drawn out quite as as bad as the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST S**thole of South America.

Price controls don’t work, and people who are prone to freak out about Trump tweets, or surprises on their favorite reality shows are hardly prepared for any potential disruptions to their otherwise ‘normal’ lives. Empty shelves on a few items really isn’t that bad however.

A quick tour through Meijer today revealed what really matters to the panicked herd least in THIS neck of the woods.  Empty, to near-empty shelves might only be so in a temporary way (unlike any ‘socialist’ country), in this part of the world, but we can at least note what people worry most about being without.

Starting off, the Vitamin aisle was fairly well decimated, with nearly all the chewables gone, and in particular those yummy gummies!  Healthy treats for sure, and even testing is always on the mind of today’s crisis families. Nearby, the absence of any temperature measurement device from the shelves comes as no surprise as seen in the picture to the right.

Hand pump soap shelves were barren in spots, but some stock still remained.  Listerine and other mouthwashes also down in stock.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Son of a Glitch!

Coverage of Sleepy Joe Biden’s virtual Townhall disaster via Gateway Pundit.

Meanwhile, the ‘Never Biden’ movement begins to grow.

In Michigan — a state critical to Democrats’ efforts to reclaim their general election footing in the Rust Belt — just 2 of 5 Sanders backers said they would vote Democratic in November, regardless of who became the nominee, according to exit polls. Four in five said they’d be dissatisfied with Biden as the Democratic standard-bearer.

Folks, get ready for the Trump 2020 Landslide victory.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Capitalism Works

You want some of this, punk? Do ya?

If only we allow it to work.

The wife and I stopped at Meijers last night to get a few things to top off the ol prepper inventory.  It was almost a surreal experience however, as nearly every cart we saw was full to the brim and strangely guarded, as-if each person was carrying around their most treasured worldly possessions.

I guess the WuhanVirus panic has taken over.  And along with that, folks are planning on hiding out in their homes with as much as they can, at least until the NBA resumes its normal schedule.

By now folks have probably heard of the toilet paper crisis. There are few stores if any that have any stock of toilet paper left on the shelves, and there are many videos of morons with dirty derrieres have been cage matching it to make sure they have enough wiping paper to last them through the year 2022.

*Public service announcement – Note that the picture above is recently taken.  Also note this property is defended, and I am always home.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

12 with Wuhan Flu

Or, in other words, because of 0.00012015% of Michigan’s population?

I hope Gretchen is up to the task of delivering 380,587 Breakfasts, 750,095 Lunches, and 18,050 Afterschool Snacks for the next 14 working days because how is them chil’ens going to fight off the Kung Flu if they’re malnourished?

Knee-jerk much, nitWhitmer?

🤡 🌎

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)