If you all thought Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer was unstable, well, get a load of this.
What the hell were you thinking by electing a pumpkin-head Millennial nutcase, CD-11?

If you all thought Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer was unstable, well, get a load of this.
What the hell were you thinking by electing a pumpkin-head Millennial nutcase, CD-11?
Democrats and Republicans want to be on the same page while fighting the Kung Flu.
So reps Annette Glenn, and Mary Whiteford are taking no chances. They have offered to assist the governor of Michigan in making sure that no medical product channels are being blocked in Michigan.
Whiteford the Chair, and Glenn as committee member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, have penned a letter to the governor offering their leverage and help if in fact there are shenanigans (as the governor alleges) that would block life saving assistance from being distributed in Michigan.
They issued the letter below today :
This is a complete abomination orchestrated by Soros’ flunky Jocelyn Benson, that I’m happy to see SML Shirkey, and Senator Johnson, have stated firm opposition.
The order was swiftly opposed by Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, who argued the May elections should be delayed instead. He cautioned against “decisions made in haste” and asked Whitmer to “reconsider this misstep.”
“Our Governor has authorized the Secretary of State to send absentee ballots to individuals who apply to register to vote without first ensuring proper verification,” Shirkey said. “This unilateral change to how we secure our elections has the potential to invite fraud and security concerns that may last well beyond the circumstances of today.”
Correct, SML Shirkey, that is what the game plan has been all along. Shutter a nation then, vote by mail.
Every voter must have the opportunity to vote by mail this year.
Senators @RonWyden and @amyklobuchar have a bill to get it done, and you can call your senators right now at (202) 224-3121 to urge them to support it. https://t.co/9ACURsoNrE
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 19, 2020
The more that things over time change, the more they stay the same. Ignoring it will not change a thing.
Information from State data as of March 28, 2020.
Livingston County- 31 – 1 death
Macomb County- 404 – 14 deaths
Monroe County- 28
Oakland County- 834 – 26 deaths
St. Clair County- 15
Washtenaw County- 150 – 3 deaths
Wayne County & Detroit City- 1,810 – 37 death
Total- 3,262 or, 89.19% of all confirmed cases of the China Virus and 88.04% of all deaths (81).
Isolating the core problem is the only logical step to make across the country.
I am giving consideration to a QUARANTINE of developing “hot spots”, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A decision will be made, one way or another, shortly.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
Thank you, Mr. President! Americans want to get back to work. This is what real leadership looks like, not like imposing a knee-jerk economic shutdown from Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer using the Democrats playbook to sink our economy by putting Michiganians out of work and shuttering business that bureaucrats in Lansing deem as ‘non-essential.’
“Last week, the Trump administration extended the federal income tax deadline to July 15.”
So basically, greasy forehead Gretchen got herself elected as governor and all she has accomplished for Michiganians is she earned herself a nickname.
I love Michigan, one of the reasons we are doing such a GREAT job for them during this horrible Pandemic. Yet your Governor, Gretchen “Half” Whitmer is way in over her head, she doesn’t have a clue. Likes blaming everyone for her own ineptitude! #MAGA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2020
Heh! I truly do love our President.
Someone whispered into her ear: “If you don’t find a way to walk that threat made to doctors back, you will find a Stiletto jammed up your backside so fast ..”
The Director of Michigan’s Licensing agency Debra Gagliardi has ‘refined’ her message to suggest that all they were talking about with regard to Hydroxychloriquine was that hoarding was a concern. Though not entirely sanctioning the use of the antimalarial drug as a cure for this new public health threat, the softened tone of LARA in its newest release is clear: “Doctors do what you gotta do!”
DOWNERS GROVE, IL – Restoration PAC today announced a new statewide TV ad buy in the Michigan Senate race drawing the distinction between dynamic outsider John James and go-with-the-flow career politician Gary Peters.
Restoration PAC has been a strong supporter of James since 2017.
The :30 ad airs across Michigan starting Saturday and runs two weeks. The buy is approximately $280,000. It will be supplemented by at least $10,000 in digital advertising.
The new ad again hits Peters on his cagey support of the Green New Deal. Peters told the Detroit News he supports “many aspects” of the radical plan, but has been non-responsive about specifics.
“I can’t think of a contest anywhere in America where voters will have a starker choice,” said Restoration PAC founder Doug Truax. “On one hand, you have John James, a combat veteran and accomplished outsider with fresh ideas versus Gary Peters, a reliable, go-along career politician who supports many aspects of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.”
Restoration PAC’s first Michigan TV ad aired last November and focused on Peters’ non-specific support for the Green New Deal.
Restoration PAC was formed in 2015 and since has become one of the most effective conservative SuperPACs in America. It has focused primarily on U.S. Senate races but has also launched TV and digital advertising in the 2016 presidential race and several House races.
The only thing that changes is the day.
Information from State data as of March 27, 2020.
Livingston County- 21 – 1 death
Macomb County- 347 – 11 deaths
Monroe County- 21
Oakland County- 668 – 15 deaths
St. Clair County- 13
Washtenaw County- 92 – 3 deaths
Wayne County & Detroit City- 1,389 – 26 deaths
Total- 2,551 or, 89.32% of all confirmed cases of the China Virus and 93.33% of all deaths (56).
It’s so blatantly obvious to identify where the problem exists and who should be isolating themselves from the rest of us Michiganians until the TrumpCure takes effect that even a nitWhitmer should be able to see it.
Then again, Gov. nitWhitmer wants you dead.
UPDATE: The coverage of Gov. nitWhitmer threatening physicians and pharmacists is pretty much blowing up everywhere on the internet.
With leadership like this, what possibly could go wrong? 🤦🏼♂️
Ps. sit on it and spin, Lee.
Some readers may recall this term bandied about several years ago, when Congress being Congress, went on a spending spree that can be accurately compared to giving an alcoholic an open bar tab and then being shocked when not only all of the top shelf inventory is cleaned out first, but the rest of the bar as well.
Take a wild guess what happened earlier this week?
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