Herd Immunity be Damned!

Another day, another mind-numbing stupid headline: Whitmer orders shopping hours for vulnerable residents, masks for employees checking out customers

“This is not the time to slow our efforts; we must continue to be smart. By establishing these guidelines, we can protect Michigan families and our frontline workers. When we come together, we can slow the spread of this virus and save lives.”

More bullshit here

You know who else used “it’s for your safety” as cover for abuses by the state? Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Oh, and piss off, Nasty Nessel. The phony good cop, bad cop routine you and Gov. “Half” Whitmer try to play only works on those Trump Derangement Syndrome, low IQ sheeple, yannow, the typical Democrat mouthbreather voter and sit-down-to-pee Recucklicans.

For full video, CLICK HERE.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchen Whitmer’s Instinctive Lies

A crisis can reveal a person’s true character.  One striking example of this is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.  She has a bad habit of lying about her political opponents whenever they disagree with her.  There are many examples.

1. Republicans in the Michigan senate approved several hundred appointees of Governor Whitmer without issue.  In February, they rejected the appointment of Anna Mitterling in a political dispute related to hunting rights.  The governor’s office immediately accused senate Republicans of sexism:

“Sen. Shirkey had promised to turn over a new leaf, but it’s now clear that they care more about their sexist, partisan games than the well-being of our state.”

Of course, there was no evidence of sexism, beyond the fact that Mitterling is female.  Senate Republicans rejected a male nominee soon after.

2. Early in the coronavirus crisis, Whitmer claimed that the Trump administration told vendors not to send emergency supplies to Michigan:

“What I’ve gotten back is that vendors with whom we had contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan. It’s really concerning.”

Whitmer never provided any evidence to support her claim.

3. When thousands of citizens drove to Lansing to protest the over-broad and irrational aspects of her lockdown policy, Whitmer implied that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was responsible for creating the protest:

“I think it’s really inappropriate for a sitting member of the United States President’s cabinet to be waging political attacks on any governor, but obviously on me here at home,”

(A group that the DeVos family has contributed to spent $250 promoting the protest after it had been organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, a grassroots group.)

4. Whitmer also claimed that protesters endangered lives by blocking ambulances from reaching a hospital:

“The blocking of cars and ambulances trying to get into Sparrow Hospital immediately endangered lives,”

Her claim was rebutted by Lansing police.

Whitmer has displayed little competence at governing in her time in office, but routinely lashes out at anyone she perceives as a political opponent.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Dico Tibi Verum, Libertas Optima Rerum: Nunquam Servili Sub Nexu Vivito, Fili

Apparently, everyone here at RightMi.com and I, are on the correct side of history with this unfunny and “Half” Whit retort about our thin-skinned, beer-swilling Bruce Jenner look alike lawbreaking shitshow (yes, it is serious) residing at 2520 Oxford Rd, 48911 provided at taxpayer expense.

“Look people, it’s live free or die not live free and die.”

Isn’t that cute? Gretchen doesn’t get that she’s claimed the mantel of being a national ass BUT, that skit was also not impressive enough for our thin-skinned, beer-swilling, corrupt empress testosteroMom.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

NO Authority

Michiganians must call Whitmer’s bluff.

The 1945 PA 302 does not grant unilateral power grab authority.  PA 390 Provided a check on her (or any governor’s) ability to extend such authority and subordinates PA302 with the addition of extension rules.

No one should adhere to her tyrannical decrees beginning May 1, unless Michigan’s legislature makes the mistake of extending her Emergency Declaration. Be strong and hold the line Michigan.

God Bless.

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(2)

Ha! Zorn is a RINO even without his Donkey Disguise

Is it possible that people in this state can be this dumb?

LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) — Friday afternoon during a senate vote at the capitol it was brought to our attention that one State Senator was wearing a mask that appeared to have the confederate flag on it.

Kiyerra Lake spoke with State Senator Dale Zorn who was wearing the mask and she’s here for you now with his response.

“I told my wife it probably will raise some eyebrows, but it was not a Confederate flag,” Zorn said.

Industrial “full retard” strength.

As the title to this post says, I’ll let Zorn’s record speak for itself.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Damn it, Where are my Wings?

Every day our trifecta of failed radical Grrlpower™ leadership stacks another load of bullshit on the pile.

Bullshit-o! Just because the lie is repeated it still does not make it true.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Now We Need a F*cking Mask?

Sorry, folks, have had enough of this overbearing, beer-swilling, testosteroMom schoolmarm. Let’s get this straight- 40 days of people roaming aimlessly around Walmarts, Meijer and Dollar Stores because they have nothing left to do other than shop, and now this? Nope.

Up Whitmer’s ass with a mask.

The word Resistance is a two-way street. I am revoking the empress’ wannabe *powers* ’cause SSDD just don’t work for me. I want a real Governor not some DNC colluding vote rigging farce that belongs in jail for non-bid contracts!

I want her 👇

That is what a normal female is, NOT the shitlib slag that somehow got elected to the three most powerful offices in Lansing.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(1)