Remember yesterday, “Democrats always project onto others what they are up to“?
Yah, well…

Remember yesterday, “Democrats always project onto others what they are up to“?
Yah, well…
I often marvel at how a political perspective can be so exposed in a single editorial.
The left would upend all manner of things traditional Americans and Michiganians stand for. Rule-of-law, constitutional authority, and what constitutes voting access. Today, the Traverse City Record Eagle editorial bemoaned the decision by the Michigan Appeals Court to uphold our state statute regarding absentee ballots:
“There’s nothing more frustrating than a last-minute rules change.
But that’s exactly what voters face after a three-judge panel at the Michigan Court of Appeals decided to overturn a lower court’s decision about how and when absentee votes should be counted.”
Actually, the rules have been in place for 66 years. One would think THAT is enough time to get your affairs in order to vote. The rules are the rules, and Act 116 of 1954, MCL 168.764a provides the rules for absentee voting, and specifically in Step 6: “The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted. “
So there is that. (it continues ..)
The only good thing about Democrats is they always project onto others what they are up to and boy, oh boy, is this one ever a doozy.
Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and RRH Elections.
All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans won a 63-47 majorities in 2014 and 2016, and a reduced 58-42 margin in 2018. There are 25 open seats, 12 held by Republicans and 13 held by democrats. There are 22 open due to term-limits, 1 just due to seeking another office, 1 due to death, and 1 pure retirement.
Democrats are hoping to take control of the state house. They may benefit from anti-Trump enthusiasm, particularly in suburban districts in Oakland County.
The following lists district number, current incumbent, geographic description, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 state house results, 2012 Romney %, 2016 Trump % (if known), and political rating. The complete candidate list and recent fundraising numbers are available here:
2020 Michigan Primary Candidate List
July 2020 Michigan State House Fundraising
Just too good not to share.
Democrats: tHE PArTy oF SCiENcE
Have to thank the Millennial midwit and now, Laura Cox, for reminding me why long ago I stopped contributing to the MI-GOP. It’s nothing other than pouring money into a political swamp- always donate directly to the candidate. Why you ask? Well, as observed across the nation👇
Notice how the Whitmer kidnapping story disappeared after we found out the perps were ANTIFA and BLM anarchists?
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) October 13, 2020
That’s right, nobody is buying this bullshit story. I mean absolutely nobody with a normal functioning brain is buying it. And, anyone thinking these bastards on The Left aren’t milking it here locally for all its worth before the election has rocks in their head. As if this dickhead wasn’t part of the Hutaree farce, right? GMAFB. You see, a rational minded person is willing to weigh all evidence and opinion BEFORE passing judgement.
Well, not so in the new Cancel Culture MI-GOP.
It should not surprise anyone that Dirty Mike Duggan has already performed Big Gretch’s erasure of history for her.
To uplift our country’s indigenous roots, history, and contributions, I proclaimed today, October 12, 2020, as Indigenous Peoples Day in Michigan.
Read the full proclamation:
— Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@GovWhitmer) October 12, 2020
If you think The Left is going to stop at Roosevelt and Lincoln, you seriously need a reality check.
That said, on Sunday, what else would the Godless Democrats celebrate?
With age comes a certain reluctance to engage in a figurative circular firing squad debate, however, in the words of Capt. John Parker, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”
Folks, the House did not upgrade its Millennial midwits.
Originally when I saw this I thought Double G wasn’t going to fall for the banana in the tailpipe, but no… even more retarded.
Where’s Hunter?