Well, it’s in the hopper.
Yesterday afternoon, Rep. LaFave introduced HR 324 to initiate impeachment proceeding against one Gretchen Esther Whitmer.
Take you pick on which one is the best reason:
- Abusing her power.
- Adversely affecting the education of millions of Michigan Students by depriving them of a proper education. (Work with me on this one, people)
- Ignoring her oath of office and using the Michigan Constitution to wipe her backside with.
- The deaths of thousands of Michigan Seniors with her “orders”.
The bill has been referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
It’s fate is inexplicably in limbo given SML Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield’s rather unusual tactic of waving the white flag, even after they both criticized the untold damage her actions have wrought on Michigan’s economy and general well being given her “orders” this year alone.
When you let a petulant child run wild for as long as you both have, and fail to act as a responsible adult (you know, that office you ran for), what other possible outcome did you expect?
My advice to readers, light up the phone lines, people!
YOUR elected officials can be reached here and here.

Speaker Lee Chatfield groveling on his knees before a democrat.
It’s now or never!
You Betcha!
(8)Nuh Uh.