Are these three always projecting “leaders” still hiding behind their skirts? Well, again, Karen Big Gretch would like to talk to a manager…

Are these three always projecting “leaders” still hiding behind their skirts? Well, again, Karen Big Gretch would like to talk to a manager…
It is said that you never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake so, I sorta hope it doesn’t draw too much attention to this corrupt hair brain👇
The only thing missing from this post-election circus was a lawsuit from Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf against @GovWhitmer and @JocelynBenson. Until now, of course. Because 2020 is still happening.
— Dana Nessel (@dananessel) December 7, 2020
Frankly, the nationally recognized loony tunes yammering of a crooked, aging yenta is a gift that never stops giving. Why?
With all the Dominion equipment Ruth purchased in Michigan, am beginning to suspect the 2018 election was bogus too. Why?
We should take a moment and thank our lucky stars that this Patriot is still in the trenches, tirelessly fighting for all that is good in America.
The Michigan Secretary of State has issued guidance to county clerks.
A press release from Senator Lana Theis:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Benson memo demanding deletion of electronic pollbook data questionable
The timing and motivation of a memorandum transmitted Monday by Secretary of State Joselyn Benson to all county clerks in the state demanding, among other things, the deletion of all electronic pollbook software and associated files is questionable, said Senator Lana Theis, Senator Aric Nesbitt and Senator Tom Barrett.
(See Copies of the memorandum below)
For years, I have used my platform to #BacktheBlue when the media and leftwing politicians baselessly attacked LEOs.
Now it’s time to discover if the Blue backs us.
I stand with every business owner who is opening their doors in defiance of tyrannical Democrat lockdowns.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) December 3, 2020
I wouldn’t hold my breath based upon what we’ve witnessed as our Democrat-socialist corrupted LEO have a piss-poor track record.
Other than the squishy Republican leadership on committee, I’m rather pleased with what the nation witnessed.