Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)


About That Gay ‘Marriage’ thing

First of all, people can want to their hearts desire.

There are certain truisms however.  Diamonds are sparkly, fish swim in the sea, electricity allows us to interact in this way, and “Marriage,” is between a man and a woman. 

Call it what you want, “pairing,” “Coupling,” “Partnering,” etc.. but its not marriage unless its between a man and a woman. And to be clear, it is NOT a civil right.

On the old blog, Kevin Heine posted a great article on a recent manufactured issue within the Michigan Republican Party.  At the end of it he posted a video that is well worth the watch.


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The Snake

snake-horseThere is an old joke that goes something like this:

Once upon a time, there was a snake who at the end of a path wanted to cross a river. The river was raging, and it looked hopeless.

Along came a horse down the path, looking to cross that river. The snake said “HEY! Could you help a brother out?”

The horse was accommodating. He carried that snake across that river safely to the other side, where he dismounted and promptly bit the horse.

The horse was dumbfounded. “Why did you bite me?” he asked.

The snake replied “I’m a snake, stupid.”

Indeed, as one might trust those who are recipients of favor, there is a fairly consistent expectation that simply feeding an alligator wont protect you when he is hungry again.  In this case of carrying the snake, its in his nature to bite.

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Itching Ears and Mad Prophets

My pastor, when he’s discussing contemporary culture from either the sanctuary pulpit or the classroom lectern, likes to refer to what he calls, “itching ear disorder.”  The primary Scripture reference is 2 Timothy 4:3-4, referring to a time when people will have no further interest in the truth, and won’t tolerate listening to anything that contradicts their philosophical predispositions.  As a student of Scripture, I can say with some certainty that the prophets and apostles were well acquainted with this disorder.  Hosea even wrote about a time when hostility against the truth would become so great that those who insist on speaking it would be considered fools and maniacs.  According to a disputed George Orwell quote (“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”), “itching ear disorder” isn’t exactly an unusual condition in the human experience.

And this brings us to the current philosophical skirmish involving Michigan’s Republican National Committeeman, which involves the latest escalation by some unsavory elements within the Michigan Republican Party, who seem to be in a desperate quest to reclaim lost relevance.

Free Speech?

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Michigan Republican L Brooks Patterson Scandal and MIGOP Crickets

Where’s the outrage from Rick Snyder, Betsy DeVos, Ron Weiser, Bobby Schostak, Paul Welday, Dennis Lennox and all the rest of the Dave Agema “head hunter’s” and let’s not forget Ken Braun, Kathy Hoekstra, and Saul Anuzis!

The black community in Detroit is up in arms over the L Brooks Patterson scandal and all we hear from the aforementioned is crickets! Could it be that all those Dave Agema bashers are sympathizers of the Gay’s, Lesbians and Muslims but not the Black Americans in Detroit! Can you say different agenda!A L Brooks Patterson Scandal and MIGOP Crickets

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Setting The Wrong Table

Truly a loss to the GOP if Betsy DeVos remains committed to her recent effort of removing Dave Agema from the position of Republican National Committeeman.

There was a reason he won the position in the first place; as someone who would hold TRUE to conservative Republican principles, and strengthen them in the national platform.  While the establishment Republicans are decrying Democrats as “bad,” Committeeman Agema was rebuilding the foundation so Republicans could say why.  Real fiscal restraint, real solutions aimed at preserving families and traditions that have made this country great.

And the feeble sensibilities of an offended malcontent within the party continuously stirs up sympathy for the other side’s (progressive Dems for those of you who remain unsure) point of view?

“Hey look at me! I am a Republican and I don’t like your stand on what I like to do, so you better tolerate my perverse lifestyle or I will forever more divide the party until I get what I want!  You can call it a big tent if you want.”

And like the ‘Tasmanian Devil’ of the cartoon world, shredding the bonds of good conservatives, and instilling doubt upon the conscience of a party that once at least as a promise, stood for decency and honor.

When moral restraint is removed in one way, it certainly follows that the caps are off in others too.

A sin is a sin is a sin, right?

So lets talk more below the fold.

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Unconstitutionality Of Energy Mandates

Conveniently, the bigger power concerns in the state capitulated to ridiculous 10% energy mandates during the Granholm administration.

In 2012, an even MORE ridiculous 25×25 requirement was promoted (and failed) as a constitutional amendment, in a state which has a monstrous electricity appetite as a leader in manufacturing.  Now as the legislature approaches the crossroads of [Oh gosh we can’t meet the 10%!] and [What the hell happened to electricity prices?] in Michigan, another 35% ‘mandate’ pusher shows up with a ‘conservative’ emphasis and the useful idiots who have already signed on.

As soon as Michigan State Representative Mike Shirkey announced a solid-as-steel return to electricity competition in our state, the rust of cronyism began eating away at the plan. Snyder stepped up the call for increased renewable energy in the midst of the current mandate meltdown, and a new shadow group was formed with friendly ‘conservative’ faces to front it. (see useful idiot mention above)

Sometimes however, its worth looking to other experts who have a different take on such things.

Are the mandates even legal?

Thanks to the TB912, and Dining Room productions for another useful and informative video.

And On a related note: Cap Con today, has another take on this.

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Don’t Bail Out Detroit

Apparently, there is a caveat to recent ‘good news’ for the DIA.

Reposted from The Mackinac Center for Public Policy in time for Rick Snyder’s State of the state address tonight:


Don’t Bail Out Detroit with State Tax Dollars

By Michael Lafaive
The recent announcement that philanthropic foundations may donate $330 million to help the Detroit Institute of Arts, which would also help city pensioners avoid the consequences of Detroit government mismanagement, sounds like great news.

Unfortunately, there may be a hook: A requirement that the state treasury contribute, which would convert voluntary private generosity into a coerced taxpayer bailout.

A state bailout of Detroit is a terrible idea. It creates moral hazard and adds to the overly generous financial support the city has for years received from state taxpayers.

And it’s unfair.

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