The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


RightMi Endorses Denver Broncos For Superbowl

File this under “just because” if you like.344px-Denver_Broncos_logo.svg

Who says politics and sport should not mix. 

OK folks.  Throw away the stats, computer generated outcome scenarios, and bookmaker 1 point over predictions.  The Sea Cow has already chosen this year’s winner, and we agree. From NBC Miami:

Buffett, a resident manatee in the aquarium at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, has picked the Denver Broncos to beat the Seattle Seahawks in Sunday’s big game.

And Buffett’s prognostication shouldn’t be ignored: He’s predicted the correct Super Bowl winner for the last six years.

RIghtMi finds it hard to argue with success and a truly scientific method of prognostication.  We call it Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos beating the Seahawks by 3

Go Broncos!


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Mike Lee Response To SOTU

Last night the Prevaricator did what the Prevaricator does; he lied through his teeth, pretended that his policies are effective, and then complained about how much of a failure government has been, as not doing enough.

It was an exercise in pandering to all groups and deflecting any responsibility for being the lousiest of leaders.

The GOP response was predictable and boring, but provided no inspiration and left  those of us right of center with a sadness and nostalgia for Reagan’s bold colors.  Not surprisingly, the alphabet networks, and even Fox left out the only response worth listening to.

Sen Mike Lee  – R has been a solid conservative who like most of us here, rejecting Corporate cronyism, and supports a return to the constitution. His efforts reject the ongoing destruction of our culture and country by the Prevaricator in chief, and his party; the Democrats.  He stands apart from those within his own party who appear to be cowering in the corner, afraid to speak out against the lawbreaking by this administration.

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Mike Hewitt: Agema Interview

Michigan Republican Committeeman Dave Agema on Mike Hewitt’s Renegade River Show, scheduled for February 02, 2014 airing. Includes guest Norm Hughes on the phone. They talk policy, principle, and economics.


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Feds: “Maybe If You Were A Democrat”

Not stated directly, but it would probably help him out.

Implied by Tim Skubick, and more directly stated by a commenter; “Snyder is a Republican, so he will not get the $250 million for the customs plaza necessary to complete his end-around bridge play.”  Tim says:

Can’t you see it now? The governor shows up with shovel in hand, let’s say in October, one month before the election, for the launch of the bridge project. He could boast – although he says he does not take credit – that 20,000 jobs are being created with a whole host of them aimed at union workers in vote-rich southeast Michigan.

The Democrats want this state back.  And even though Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder has ‘progressed’ their goals in many ways, he still wears the R flag, and is by association to it; the enemy.

A solution of course, would be for Mr Snyder to own up to his meandering left of center on so many issues, and simply switch.

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Grassroots Support for Dave Agema

Dear Fellow Patriots,

The attacks on Dave Agema have weighed heavy on my heart for Dave, his wife Barbara, and for those interested in seeing freedom and liberty prevail in our state and nation.

Dave Agema has been standing up for fiscal and social conservative values and Constitutional freedoms for many years – first as a fighter pilot, then as a State Representative, and now as Republican National Committeeman. He has been a strong and solid conservative voice within the Michigan Republican Party and also a strong supporter of the TEA party and grassroots movement in our state. He has spoken to TEA Party groups all around Michigan in support of founding principles and the core values that separate the Republican Party from the Democrat Party. Recently, I attended the MRP State Committee Meeting in Lansing where Dave’s speech on standing firm on our Republican Platform’s core values resulted in a standing ovation and resounding applause unmatched by any other speaker that day. These core values are not just talking points to Dave, but values he has spent a lifetime defending and fighting for.

Over the years I have learned how the media and the progressive movement will do whatever they can to silence conservatives through threats, intimidation, and attempts to destroy a person’s life and credibility, even making things up if necessary. I have learned how dirty politics can get, but I understand the reason behind it – it is because of what is at stake. This battle that we are in is a battle for the heart and soul of our nation, it is ultimately a spiritual battle and the stakes are high.

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This Too Shall Pass

Abraham_Lincoln-1858Abraham Lincoln from  in an address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, September 30, 1859, offered a thought that offers both hope and caution. (from The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln )

“It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’ How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!”

As Lincoln opined, things both good and bad; as a part of the flow of time, will eventually, simply, cease.

Whether one is to take it as a warning, and advisement to actively protect what has been made good, or a promise that certain blemishes will eventually fade is certainly upon the perspective [of the] bearer of such impairment or achievement.

And it is the perfect sight of historical fact under which we can see both sides in play.  The abolition of the American slavery, and the more recent loss of Liberty earned by the blood of our forefathers.  The routing of a scourge of man set to control man, and the promise that would prevent it from ever happening again disappearing under the most false pretense of populist desire.

Recent events involving an organized effort to remove a Michigan defender of what is good, through such false pretense has in its operative design a working model of historical precedent.  To make great achievement ‘pass’ all that opposition must do is wait for a plausible flaw.

Be it truth or not matters little to those of destructive intent; when the objective is to make what is good, wither and fall.

I await eagerly, the passing of a current pretense of despair that will indeed happen; but knowing that with time, it too, shall return.

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Winning Our Future

By now, migrating readers of sunsetting RightMichigan are probably familiar with the Michigan Republican Party’s obsession with destroying Conservatives within their “all inclusive” endeavors.

It’s unfortunate and disappointingly true, that the Left’s agenda has crept deeply into the Grand Old Party. Instead of explaining WHY a large Welfare State is not healthy for the individual as well as their families, some Republican legislators are following the pied piper Nerd of Ann Arbor and are growing it. Instead of Reminding us of the Party’s stated mission that high taxes are destructive to economies, some Republican lawmakers wish to fiddle with drastic increases in Use Taxes instead of correcting poor existing allocations. Instead of ‘True love’ as an answer to gross mismanagement for decades, Detroit leadership’s irresponsible behavior would instead be rewarded by a Republican Governor who pretends a bailout of hundreds of millions of dollars is .. well .. somehow not a bailout. The same Republican governor who advocated transparency in his campaign, but vetoed a 100% UNANIMOUS bill demanding transparency; a condition that could be effortlessly over ridden, yet forgotten by Republican and Democratic leadership in both houses.

Add to this, Republican Party leadership who in the face of all this remained mute, leading us to believe there was no problem? That Republican Principles as stated, were doing just fine. That no diametric anomaly was present, and all was well?

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