The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


Governor Rick Snyder Flips Position Agrees with Clinton to “Force Internet Sales Tax”

Snyder “Favors” State Action on “Internet Taxes!” Governor Rick Snyder said Wednesday the Legislature should tackle the problem of collecting sales tax on Internet purchases instead of waiting for action by Congress as he’s previously advocated.Clinton & Gov. Snyder

Snyder’s shifting view on the issue came one day after The Detroit News first reported his newly appointed state treasurer, Kevin Clinton, came out in favor of the so-called “Main Street Fairness Act” legislation aimed at forcing all Internet retailers to collect the sales tax.

Main Street Fairness Act was introduced by a Democrat.

Snyder’s Newly Appointed State Treasurer Clinton: Force Internet retailers to collect Michigan’s sales tax

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Is it time for Michigan’s Legislature to go Part-Time?

The taxpayers of Michigan would be better “served” with a part-time legislature and it would be more in line with the “Pure Michigan” theme. Michigan legislators worked (in session) only 81 days during 2012 and 100 days in 2011; pay them accordingly.A Part Time Legislature

The way it’s set up now only works for the legislators, the powerful “lobbyist” and “special interest” that contribute to their campaign coffers.  Essentially public policy is set by these groups over “We the People” who have elected them to represent and serve us. The public be damned.

The idea that they are working for us just does not cut it. The only thing they are working on is getting re-elected so that they don’t lose the gravy train they already enjoy along with their spot at the public “feeding” trough.

Many legislators constantly complain about people receiving welfare benefits without knowing their situations by claiming they are lazy and refuse to look for work. These legislators are in session for less than half of the 365 days a year, and yet receive all the benefits of a full-time worker.

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Tea Party Pow Wow

gadsden-flagRegister for the upcoming Michigan Tea Party Pow Wow. Register by Clicking the picture!

Friday, March 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM – Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM (EDT) Mt Pleasant, MI at the Soaring Eagle Resort.

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Fostering Distrust

According to Michigan State University Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest Policy, some of the responsibilities of the individual and several members of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees are:

  • Fiduciary Responsibilities: Trustees will act in a manner consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities to the University. Trustees will place the University’s interests ahead of their private interests. Trustees will exercise their powers and duties in the best interests of the Board and the University and for the public good.
  • Conflict of Interest: (a) A conflict of interest exists when a Trustee’s financial interests or other opportunities for personal benefit may compromise, or reasonably appear to compromise, the Trustee’s independence of judgment in fulfilling his/her Board duties. (b) Trustees will endeavor to remain free from the influence of, or the appearance of, any conflicting interest in fulfilling their Board duties. Trustees will exercise care that no detriment to the University results from conflicts between their interests and those of the University. (c) Trustees will attempt to refrain from accepting duties, incurring obligations, or engaging in activities that would be incompatible with, or in conflict with, their Board duties.

Now, I’m not a Harvard-trained Philadelphia lawyer, but I am an educated man who is perfectly capable of understanding basic legalese. And I gotta tell you, I’m having one helluva time reconciling that with this here 7 Action News investigation from WXYZ-TV in Detroit.

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The Tea Party, Conservatism, and the Constitution

With the flurry of “tax increases” that have been levied upon the taxpaying citizens of Michigan at the hands of the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing since gaining power and control with the help of the Tea Party in 2010 is unconscionable.Boston TeaParty Small

The Tea Party movement is named, of course, for the famous event in late 1773 when cases of tea were dumped unceremoniously into the Boston harbor. The Boston Tea Party was a carefully orchestrated strike against a commodity that was being taxed and sold by a monopoly provider the British East India Tea Company. The tea the Sons of Liberty dumped into Boston Harbor was in fact from China.

The link below is an excellent read for those Tea Party Conservative Patriots of Freedom and Liberty who strongly believe in a Constitutional government and a return to those principles that have lost their way in today’s tyrannical government. The following is adapted from a speech delivered by Charles R. Kesler on October 21, 2013, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.

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Lon Johnson and Julianna Smoot sez…

Release the Kraken


Dingell also stressed to reporters that she has different views than her husband.

“I’ve learned a lot from John Dingell. Like any married couple, we don’t’ agree on everything and as we go down the road there may be some differences,” she said. “I’m not going to try to be John Dingell. I’m going to be Debbie Dingell.”

Translation: Not equipped with old wrinkly shriveled-up balls basting in soiled Depends that took a long time to control the People.

One difference between the couple is their position on gun control; John Dingell is a lifelong supporter of the right to bear arms, while Debbie Dingell has spoken out against it.

“That is an issue that we do not agree on,” she said. “We come from very different perspectives.”

But, I repeat myself. So, in essence, ‘ol Queen Debbie will be yet another “Me Next” Progressive in the long list of Constitution loathing Progressives in D.C. Well, I reckon all that’s left now is for Denise Ilitch and Geoffrey Fieger to throw Queen Debbie a “pizza party” too.


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And The Carnage Continues

Are we at all surprised?

Yesterday Local TV 7&4 had a story on the lay off of 43 employees, and the director had only alluded to the reaosns why.  Today the report is much clearer and more direct.  Add to the layoffs a little North of where I am at is the Munson health system which will be facing significant reductions in revenues to the tune of $15 Million averaged EACH YEAR over the next ten years.


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