The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


KrisAnne Hall In Michigan

KrisAnneThere is enough going on that should make folks wonder whether our government is operating legally and under the framework it is supposed to be operating under.

To clear things up, KrisAnne Hall is sharing her wealth of knowledge with the curious and concerned in Michigan in a series of can’t miss seminars. (Scheduled appearances to the right and below) There are few people who understand the United States Constitution better than KrisAnne Hall.  From her site bio:

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups – she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents.

KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today.

She presents the “genealogy” of the Constitution – the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very roots of American Liberty.

One cannot properly understand or interpret the Constitution without a firm grasp of its very foundation.

– See more at:

The flyer to the right is about the Traverse City event. The others are below.

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And So It Begins

Sheriff Darin LeafI have made the point more than once that your county Sheriff is the ultimate authority as the highest elected law enforcement official in the county.

Sheriffs throughout Michigan have made statements acknowledging this, and further, have pledged to protect the citizens in their counties from otherwise unenforceable actions of the federal government.  Actions which require the participation of the sheriff to even happen. Sheriff Leaf is on the list of those Sheriffs who have pledged their support to the 2nd amendment.

It seems the government doesn’t like the kind of Sheriff who thinks that way however.

Michigan State Police confirm to 24 Hour News 8 that the FBI raided the Barry County Sheriff’s Department.

Four FBI cars were parked outside the Barry County Sheriff’s Office in Hastings Wednesday morning.

But Barry County Sheriff Dar leaf, with his associations might have dropped a bit of a challenge a while back that stuck in someone’s craw.

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Denny and Kenny: Blundering into Uncle Tom Territory

Just disgraceful the divide they’re driving.


Flint activist Stacy Swimp has provided the most malicious assist yet.

Really, Mr. Braun? Well, I’d like to provide another assist from New York City’s Harlem…

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Yep, it’s an Election Year

The tax hiking surrender monkey majority in Lansing, led by none other than a duplicitous twit from Livonia, lets the retaliation cat out of the bag.

Unionized police and firefighters could again receive retroactive pay raises through new contracts under legislation being considered in the state House that would exempt them from a 2011 law.

The Legislature three years ago outlawed retroactive pay raises for unionized local government workers for time periods when they were working under an expired contract.

But state Rep. John Walsh, R-Livonia, said the law was meant to be aimed only at public school employees and was not intended to cover police and firefighters, whose unions are governed by a different collective bargaining law.

Because those within the union of First Responders are Heroes™ propaganda, oh, say like this example here, have way more enforcement value to a politician than those within the MEA?

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The Rural Michigan Squeeze

chainedIt took a little time for it to sink in, but Michigan’s legislature may have made the same mistake with ATT, that was made with BCBS.

Consider the decades of [government enforced] monopoly protections and the ability to hang their lines exclusively prior to deregulation. A compact that allowed ATT to profit heavily through its stand alone status, was then modified to ATT’s desires during the breakup of the bell system in 1974. Also consider the effects on small rural operators that rely on ATT for service access.

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Falsities About SB789 Being Spread

SB789, sponsored by Mike Green, would make numerous positive changes to the statutes concerned with concealed pistol licensure. This would include such things as:

  • Eliminate the county gun boards – requirements verification shifts to Michigan State Police
  • Count Clerk becomes the licensing authority
  • Remove the requirement to provide two references
  • Reduce the application fee $15 from $105 to $90
  • 100% of court costs and attorney fees to the appellant if a denial gets overturned
  • Shorten and cement the timeframe for a go/no-go in regards to the application

NO WHERE does it remove the fact that the licenses shall be issued assuming the applicant passes the more or less objectively defined standards in 28.425b. In fact, the striking of 28.425b(7)(n) (shown below) further solidifies the the shall-issue aspect:

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The 2013 RightMi.Com Scorecard

scorecardMost folks actively watching the goings on in Lansing might already be aware of the site run by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Nowhere else can you find a more complete collection of legislative efforts.  Easily referenced, and with a record of votes by legislator, party, the chambers the votes were taken in, and legislative sessions. It is an incredibly useful tool when trying to find out how your legislator voted on any particular issue of interest.  Its a great way of keeping these ‘servants’ in check when they claim to be conservative, but vote like the liberals or something even worse.

How cool is that?

One feature often overlooked however,

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