Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)


Self Service & Jerky Knees

cctv-cameraOne would think there is a point where even the most oppressive government knows when to say when.

I sell security cameras, and the related security recorders. There are few people who understand the advantages of having a properly set up security camera system than myself.  One light think I would always advocate on behalf of my profession. However, like other mandatory (kaf kaf- Obamacare) ‘solutions,’ forcing a business to buy those systems is just plain wrong.  The Detroit news reports that the Detroit city council is doing just that:

“The City Council on Tuesday unanimously voted to strengthen licensing requirements for self-service gas stations in the city and requires strategically placed indoor and outdoor digital surveillance cameras in the wake of a brutal beating on the city’s east side last week.”

“Licensing Requirements” are being used as an excuse to provide public policing tools (remember, police are there AFTER the events) on the back of the gas station owners.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Detroit City Airport to get Michigan Taxpayers “Bailout” Too

Detroit City Airport to get $28.5 Million Taxpayer Money in Revised Bankruptcy Plan Detroit City Airport Grave Yard

The fleecing of Michigan taxpayers money continues with revised bankruptcy plan. The $28.5 million earmarked in Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s revised restructuring plan would also set aside money for a study of the airport’s role in its east-side neighborhood.

The money would come from the city’s anticipated bankruptcy settlement and the total could go as high as $40 million according to some reports. The city’s general fund has subsidized the airport in recent years because its revenues “have fallen far short of expenses,” Orr’s plan says.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

No Need for Public Concern

Christchurch, New Zealand - March 20 2011: Fitzgerald Avenue Bridge Destruction.Right?

Saturday, a taxpayer funded exercise in preparedness was going on.  From the always-up-to-something folks in state government:

LANSING. In an effort to practice and test its emergency mobilization capabilities, the Michigan State Police (MSP) is participating in a simulated exercise tomorrow; Saturday, April 5, 2014.


The simulated preparedness exercise will test the department’s response to an Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) request for police officers to assist the State of Indiana with recovery operations in the aftermath of a simulated earthquake. The scenario will require the mobilization of 60 MSP personnel from across the state to the Lansing area. ..


Please note: This is not a media event but rather an advisory to the media to help prevent any public concern during the activities of this simulated exercise.

Nothing to see here.

Move along now folks.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Article V Debate In Traverse City

912TBIn recent months, there has been an interesting divide in conservative politics on the efficacy of holding an Article V constitutional convention.

Points have been made vigorously on both sides of the issue. Some argue that an article V could get out of hand, while others see it as a way to harden  constitutional principles firmly with specific goals.  The fact is, that average Joe hasn’t a clue of what it entails, what the risks are, or what might be unexpected outcomes.

Here is an opportunity to hear both perspectives presented in a debate format among good friends; each, who are solidly on either side of the question.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Stephen Henderson, why do you have a Free Press reporter playing fast and loose with the facts?

This is an update to a post that I wrote yesterday.

Let me start off by saying that sometimes I get feedback on what I write. Usually e-mail. Sometimes face-to-face. Last night/this morning it was different…someone actually called me. I didn’t recognize the number at first, but later found found out afterwards it was through a mutual friend.

I got some complements on what I wrote, but they wanted to know why I stopped where I did.

Truth be told, I was on the Eastside for most of that day. I didn’t have enough time for a more thorough follow-up because of my own schedule.

I spoke to them about what was missing and asked them to forward me some links for verification.

It’s amazing what gets “omitted” in a product put out by “professional” journalists. In this case, The Detroit Free Press’ own Niraj Warikoo.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s called fellowship. Something someone practicing a “religion of peace” should easily understand. Fortunately it appears there are some who do.

It never gets tiring going after the PC crowd on the radio, online or in the rare instance face-to-face.

But what really sets me off is when they try to bastardize the meaning of the documents that they cite in an pathetic attempt to win an argument.

Dateline: Dearborn, Michigan

On Friday, a parent in Dearborn Public Schools blew a gasket when his children brought home a flyer from the local elementary promoting “Eggstravaganza!” at the Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church in Dearborn.

A copy of the “offending” flyer can be seen here.

Basically, the flyer for the April 12th event (not actually held on Easter), invited people to participate in egg hunt, relay race and egg toss (not actually tenets of the religious holiday of Easter). They were asked to RSVP if they wanted to attend along with an image of a Easter Eggs and a bunny (not actual symbols of the religious holiday of Easter).

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

When is a hate crime not really a hate crime.

Detroit, Michigan – During an unprecedented show of civic unity, community activist groups and civil rights organizations in conjunction with the Detroit Police Department made their strong presence known this weekend during a recent sweep apprehending all of the individuals involved in the brutal assault and robbery of a suburban motorist last week.

Taking part in this weekend’s events was civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson along with his Rainbow-PUSH Coalition. “We are here to fight for the dignity and integrity of all Americans. No one should have to suffer for doing the right thing,” said Jackson after visiting the victim’s family at St. John’s Hospital.

Also taking part was the Rev. Al Sharption. Host of nationally syndicated “Keepin’it Real” and “Politics Nation” along with his National Action Network.  While watching the last of the assailants being taking away in a squad car, Sharpton said, “I cannot imagine how an upstanding, hardworking father of three, is beaten to within an inch of his life by thugs and hooligans simply for stopping and doing what any decent human being would do.”

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

No, It’s NOT Under The Bridge

Clearly, there are interests who will misrepresent data to freak out lawmakers into knee-jerk reactionary positions..

So when we find out the flawed data provided by Jackson Hewitt that was probably the basis for a couple of fence sitters to get lazy and stupid, we don’t have to pretend it doesn’t matter.  Some great big We-Told-You-So’s are due. Perhaps next time low information legislators will look a little deeper into what it is they are exposing the state to.  Mackinac Center Legislative Analyst Jack McHugh says:

“It maMCC_Masthead_2xy be water over the dam, but one report on the potential impact to employers if Michigan did not adopt the Obamacare Medicaid expansion has been exposed as being essentially bunk due to flagrant misuse or misrepresentation of the data it cited.

This is worth noting because the claims from Jackson Hewitt were widely cited by Republican lawmakers here who supported the expansion, and probably tilted others into that camp. Its conclusion was that “employers may pay substantially higher federal tax penalties under the ACA (Affordable Care Act) in states that do not expand Medicaid.” Jackson Hewitt estimated Michigan employers would pay between $42 million and $63 million in penalties without the expansion.

But a further study revealed that to be untrue.

The study notes incomplete demographics and assumptions of static employer behavior in the examples legislators used in justifying their yes votes. No, this is not water under the bridge, but rather a “teachable moment” that will be willfully ignored by those who took the blue pill with regard to Obamacare.

Read the rest.

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