Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)


Another ACA Casualty

There seems to be an unending stream of hospital budget shortfalls lately.

The ACA, Medicaid expansion, and the changes in insurance status has messed up the way hospitals are getting paid.  What seemed to be the promise of getting paid more regularly from the indigent, has resulted in fewer dollars for medical facilities from all classes as the ACA kicks in more fully.

This from tonight’s 7 & 4 News:

Lets hope the hard love isn’t coming a little too late.

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AFP Begins Obamacare Punishment Regimen

Watch for sweaty brows.

afpmiLansing’s legislators who sold their souls during the Medicaid expansion trick are already learning of the failure (job losses, hospital staff reductions, false savings) that they enacted in Michigan by embracing the Obamacare mandate.  Unheeded warnings by activists, REAL economists, and a history of failure by government resulted in a number of Representatives, and Senators expanding welfare through healthcare, and accepting a few shekels from the most tyrannical US federal bureaucracy ever.

And now its time for them to pay the piper, and AFP has started its reminder campaign.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Definitions To Work With

I have learned to despise the term “Republican In Name Only” (a.k.a., RINO). My hatred for it is, likely, because the term is almost always lobbed around thoughtlessly with no regard for meaning or context, but simply as a foul insult meant to disparage a political opponent, and often by someone who’s lacking for constructive rhetoric. (By that standard, “RINO” is no better than “Nazi,” “communist,” or “faggot,” in that the value of the term is cheapened when it’s reduced to a common insult.) Quite frankly, there are better ways to address the intra-party philosophical divide than to randomly sling profanity around; and this is coming from a career Sailor. However, in order to constructively address the problem, because other terms also get abused so badly, I think that perhaps some effort ought to be expended in pursuit of some basic definitions that concisely and completely identify the various types of “republicans” present in today’s party apparatus (both establishment and grassroots).

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(5)

Traverse City RTW Victory

FTWAlmost missed this one right in our back yard.

From Up North Live

”  A Traverse City UPS employee won a federal settlement against Teamster Local 406 union for violating her rights under Michigan’s Right to Work law.

After Michigan’s private-sector Right to Work law went into effect, Plamondon sent several letters to the Local 406 union stating that she was exercising her right under Michigan’s Right to Work law to refrain from union dues payments. In the letters, Plamondon attempted to comply with Teamster Local 406’s procedure to end forced dues payments by revoking her dues deduction authorization, a document union officials use to take dues or fees from workers’ paychecks. “

But as is the case across the state some leeches are hard to pull off without a little help.

H/T Tanya Hill via Politibrew

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Four Options

A toilet at Highland Park Community High School. Photo by Audrey Spalding. (courtesy of Capitol Confidential)

More examples of enlightened utopian planning.

Not surprisingly, Highland Park has found itself as one of the latest symptoms of leftism. The city that boasted a 3712 to 43 win of Marxist Barack Obama over Moderate Mitt Romney in 2012 has achieved its natural evolutionary state. The canker sores of progressive policy have found a new (and old)  host.  From a Snyder admin release yesterday:

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)

You Gotta Give The Lady Props

passportFor getting out into the water already.

Its cold, and even in the river around Belle Isle, a slip into the water might make one want to hit the chicken soup for about a week straight.  Secretary of State Ruth Johnson is a pretty tough player however.  After visiting two local SOS offices, she continued on in a promotional trip to talk about the benefits of the state of Michigan’s ‘recreation passport’ and ‘Express SOS,’ joining Tiffany VanDeHey, to take the opportunity to kayak in the Detroit River around Belle Isle Park. VanDeHey is owner of Riverside Kayak Connection in Wyandotte, a small business offering kayaking tours in and around the area.

Johnson says “The Recreation Passport is only $11 and is available at our branch offices or online at when renewing your tabs.” Johnson uses these excursions to promote the new efficiencies brought about at the SOS.

Next up is a ride on a Harley-Davidson to promote Motorcycle Safety Month in Farmington Hills on May 1. Johnson will likely buck the recent trend to go capless as many do with Michigan’s mandate off the books, and actually wear a helmet.

What a rebel.

Oh, and the title of this piece?  Pun fully intended.

Johnson is an avid kayaker and owns the kayak she used for the trip. The boat is powered by pedals (see what I did there?) or paddles and is also outfitted with a sail. The sail features advertising for and the boat has decals promoting the Pure Michigan license plate, Michigan’s Recreation Passport, organ donation and Johnson’s OPERATION: OUR TROOPS COUNT initiative.



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Sunday RightMi Reader

Some Michigan blogging folks on state and national issues.

Watchdog Wire – Emmet County Watchdog Calls Out Commissioners Over Bond Vote Some shady backroom dealing going on, and a $15 million dollar taxpayer headache.

The Voice Of One Crying Out In Suburbia –  A Tale Of Two Baskets A decidely different take on the tithe.

The Western Right – Terrence Moore on Common Core A couple of video presentations of Terrence Moore of Hillsdsale College

The Other Club – An Analysis of Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women Given the claim of wars on women and such ..

Motor City Times – Left claims Hillary’s age is no big deal, forgets brutally attacking President Reagan for being the same age He DOES have a point.

Jen Kuznicki – Guys With Guns Dictate Policy Noting that the left likes guns as long as they are pointed in our direction.

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