MIRS Weekly Report – Primary challenges emerge for 19 GOP incumbents Yours truly quoted with one of our favorite lines.
Grassroots In Michigan – Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes! Clearly Joan has had enough of that. The transportation bills seem to promise more taxes. And under a ‘Republican’ administration, no less.
Motor City Times TWOFER! – Robin Hood Tax: Another bad European idea that will find its way here Minimum wages are too low, right? AND Regional blackouts coming to an electrical outlet near you starting in 2015 Driving home the point that the EPA is a thing that must be removed .. like yesterday.
Michigan Taxes Too Much – ICY Michigan Just because there was a lot of ice this year.
The Shekel – Several articles on a recently attended NRA convention Quite complete with pictures and seminar reports.
Wayne County Taxpayers – Contacts in All 83 Counties are Now a Reality for Part Time Legislature Petitions If you need some petitions, we’ll get em to you.
Watchdog Wire – OPINION: Sports Media Scrutinize Richard DeVos’ Views on Traditional Marriage Thanks Izzy! This is just really good on a number of levels. I’ll leave it to the reader to figure out why.