The number of paid enrollment across the country is bad enough but in Michigan only about half have opened their wallets.
Michigan’s number is less than the 67% national percentage of enrolled + paid ACA participants in the federal exchanges. (note the 67% may change soon as Oregon joins the federal program, currently with 0 participants) That 67% figure undermines the 8 million number that the administration says are signed up, resulting in just over 5 million to date having signed up and paid.
In Michigan only 55% of enrollees in the ACA have opened their wallets. And along with those 55%, there are some other numbers that stand out; Of the under 18 year olds, only 6% are enrolled and paid, the 18-25 year olds only 10%. Given that the plan to fund the ACA was with these healthy young specimens paying their fair share up front, this is going to pose a little problem for ongoing operation of this scam. Heck, even the 26-35 demographic has only a 17% E & P.