The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


MacMaster On OTR

About halfway through this episode of WKAR’s Off the Record with Tim Skubick candidate for the 37th District Michigan State Senate Race, Greg MacMaster answers questions on Prisons, Detroit, and Roads.

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Minimum Wage And Restaurant Reviews

Truthfully I have never eaten at the Swiss Inn in Lake George, Michigan, so I have no idea of how accurate some of the statements I have found are.

But I had to find out more about the restaurant owned by a man who commented on one of my own statements.  In response to it, and to a recent Capitol Confidential article, he says with his own words:

“As a restaurant owner in northern Michigan, I would disagree with you! The last time the minimum wage went up (30%) I raised my prices only 15 cents to make up for the difference. What we (Small Businesses) need more than ANYTHING, is more spendable income in the hands of the people who spend it, the Middle Class. Giving me and other businesses a tax break did very little to help me. Adding a NEW tax actually took money OUT of our fragile economy, hurting it more. The ONLY thing that would cause me, (or ANY small business), to hire someone, is if there is an increase in the demand for my product or service. I believe the increase of minimum wage will help everyone, putting more money into the economy will not only help the struggling workers, but it will also help the struggling small businesses, and an increase in taxes for the State. Everyone wins!!! As far as a tipped employee goes, the smaller tips you claim will happen, will be taken care of by the $7.60 per hour they will be gaining!”

Everyone wins!

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MIGOP “Tactics” as to get “Their” Chosen Candidates Elected

I’m sure this is going on all over the state as to stifle the Grassroots, Conservatives and Tea Party that dare challenge the establishment but this one is in my own backyard. We all have seen how the MIGOP establishment has gone after and targeted two conservatives Justin Amash and Kerry Bentivolio. Jason Sheppard and Richardville

I had seen in my facebook notifications that one of my facebook friends liked a page so I investigated. To my surprise and shock I couldn’t believe that many of my conservative friends would like a “yes man” for Senate Majority leader Randy Richardville for State Rep. 

The MIGOP establishment has a plan in place as to get their chosen candidates elected and will go to any and all lengths as to make sure this happens. Let’s take a close look at just one example in my district how they are going about this.

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The Old Joke Never Loses Its Luster

Know how you can tell when Jase Bolger, and his Majority are lying? Their lips move.

The state House approved sweeping legislation Thursday to increase road repair funding $453 million through reformulated fuel taxes, budget shifts and higher fees on overweight or oversized trucks.

The 10-bill package, approved by the House Transportation Committee the day before, goes to the Senate for consideration next week. It follows a plan announced last month by House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall.

Bolger said the series of proposals responds to public demands for better roads but with available money rather than higher taxes.

These sociopaths actually *think* that? Liars, all.

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It Takes A Village

To tell those punk kids of Text-Me-Notours to un-kink their goose necks.


“House Resolution No. 354.  

A resolution to declare May 5-11, 2014, as Screen-Free Week in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Screen-Free Week is an enjoyable and innovative way to improve children’s well-being by reducing dependence on entertainment screen media, including television, video games, computers, and hand-held devices, thus offering time for children to go outside, read, daydream, create, explore, and spend more time with family and friends; and

Whereas, Preschool children spend an average of 32 hours a week with screen media; and

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Lerner Found In contempt

joker-petersGary Peters voted ‘innocent’ on IRS chief Lois Lerner’s contempt charge.

Lerner arguably directed the IRS policy to discriminate against conservative groups and their ability to finance against the ongoing federal tyranny.  She was then called to testify on the matter in front of a congressional oversight committee.  Instead of simply refusing to testify, she made a statement before a congressional panel investigating her crimes, THEN shut up expecting to enjoy 5th amendment protections.

It doesn’t work that way.

A Bi-partisan congressional vote 231-187 with 6 democrats joining the Republicans  found Lerner in contempt.  Nothing will happen of course, until the gatekeeper of lawlessness, Eric Holder is impeached and removed from his office.  Holder himself was found in contempt, and still exists as US Attorney General.

Michigan Republicans present voted to find her in contempt. (Bentivolio was unable to make this vote)  Conversely, All of Michigan Democrats including US senate candidate Gary Peters would apparently excuse this type of lawless behavior, and voted to protect her.

Remember this lesson and internalize it.


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Pure Gross Waste of Tax Dollars

Hey y’all, guess what. Our big spending Lansing Majority is about to stick us with the tab to change out frivolous road signs. You read that right. My Rep., Peter “I love Red Light Cameras” Pettalia (video here) just recently got some traction in the House for his buffoonish legislation to rename tourist-trap roadways with the Pure propaganda trademark. Added MEDC approved bonus? MDOT will have control over the “indeterminate” costly bid process! Cha-ching for some crony relative with a sign business.

Now, for some credit where credit is due.

Amendment offered by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on March 26, 2014, to require the proposed signs to also disclose the amount of cash subsidies and selective tax breaks the state paid to corporations and developers through its “economic development” programs, with the information posted in the same sized font. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on March 26, 2014.

Thanks for trying, Rep. McMillin. You’re a true lone voice of Conservatism in Lansing. Consistency matters.

Maybe now some of y’all will have a better understanding why I take offense at these two sleazy CD-8 sociopaths.

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Not a Gadsden to be Found

Living in Michigan, is one step closer to getting a whole helluva lot more expensive.

A House committee on Wednesday voted to permanently shift money from Michigan’s general fund to transportation spending. Another panel approved legislation bringing the diesel tax in line with the gasoline tax and taxing fuels on price instead of a flat per-gallon basis.

Fuel taxes would grow with inflation.

The $450 million is just a third of what Gov. Rick Snyder says is needed to bring Michigan roads up to par. Michigan’s gasoline taxes are among the country’s highest while its per-capita road spending is among the lowest because the sales tax on fuel primarily goes to non-transportation funding.

Then, there’s the 900% increase on business.two-headed-snake

Permits for oversized and overweight trucks would jump to $500 under House Bill 5452, as amended and advanced by the transportation committee. Overweight permits currently cost $50 for a single trip or $100 for multiples. The original bill would have doubled those fees, but Rep. David Rutledge (D-Ypsilanti) won an amendment to raise the rates even higher.

MDOT gets to run further amok entering into agreements, too. Sure is a winning stratagem all them TEA folk have chosen with allowing the bastards to run wild simply because the Majority in Lansing has an “R” after its last name.

Out of sight, out of mind.

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