Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (28)Nuh Uh.(1)


My Two Dads

Most people who know me, understand that I shy away from that which is politically correct.

This Fathers Day, it seemed to be an excellent time to reinforce that understanding, and offer a view that may not be widely held. Try as I might, I can no longer disguise the fact that I have not one, but two fathers; each of whom are so incredibly important, that the loss of either one would leave me in a state of severe depression.fathersday

Both of my fathers have cared for me since I was young, somehow knowing what to provide for my brothers and I, and always making sure we had what was needed. Though they did not always provide the things that we wanted, there is no question we were never without the essentials, and those necessary things were given with unconditional love, and often a touch of sacrifice.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Another “Grand Bargain”

Was that crappy cow-box computer company a bastion of nepotism?

Gov. Rick Snyder on Friday appointed the father of House Speaker Jase Bolger to the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees.

James Bolger, of Whitehall in Muskegon County, is a former state police leader, a criminal justice instructor at Grand Valley State University and alumnus of WMU.

The Republican governor appointed Bolger to the remainder of an eight-year term that expires on Dec. 31, 2020.

“I look forward to my dad’s efforts to help WMU continue to excel and prepare their students for success while providing parents exceptional value for their investment,” Jase Bolger said in a statement.

And, only 18 months for his brother to leap up the government trough. One can’t really figure out why Jase Bolger votes the way he does, can they?

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Taxed Too Much Follow Up

Report from Joan Fabiano

Despite the best efforts, arm twisting, promises and amendment upon amendment) of Gov. Snyder, Senate majority leader Randy Richardville (term limited) and Speaker of the House Jase Bolger (term limited) to put lipstick on a pig the legislature could not  muster the votes Thursday for a big tax increase. The Senate has adjourned until July 16 returns August 13, but doesn’t resume the regular schedule until September 9.

In fact it was high drama under the Dome as Snyder, Richardville and Snyder huddled trying to find a way to “get er done” including keeping the Senators in session long into the night on Tuesday to wear them down however, time after time the big tax increase was rejected.

READ THE REST at Grassroots in Michigan

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Why Is This Load So Heavy?

Edward John Markey, the junior U. S. Senator from Massachusetts (since July 16th, 2013) has represented the Bay State in Congress since November 2nd, 1976. Adding in his time in the Massachusetts House of Representatives (starting January 3rd, 1973), he’s served a total of a little over 41-½ years in publicly-elected office. During this time, Markey has developed a reputation, supported by both his voting record and his own live-mic admission, of having never once seen a tax increase that he didn’t support. (The long-running backroom joke is that the surefire way to get Markey’s support on a bill that he’d otherwise oppose is to slip a tax increase into the final version of the bill.)

Similarly, a certain candidate for this summer’s convention nomination to a certain university governing board already has an 18-year history on the governing boards of Michigan’s Division I universities. Reviewing her history during that time, I have found no evidence whatsoever of a tuition or housing increase that she wouldn’t support. If she gets back on one of those boards this fall, then that particular habit is going to be a problem.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Giant Killers

goliath1The defeat of US House Majority Leader Eric Cantor yesterday has revived the hopes of tea folk across the country, and has set a different tone for the 2014 election season.

While it is only ONE race, it is a whopper; the coattails of which might have real consequence in current GOP contests. One of those is the Dan Benishek (CD-1) incumbency being challenged by business owner, veteran, and political newcomer Alan Arcand.

Arcand, who has been highly visible in Northern lower Michigan, will likely see a boost from the news of Cantor’s defeat; primarily because it drives home the reality that a successful challenge CAN be made if the incumbent is seen as giving in to the other side.  It is not all automatic for the good Dr., who rode in to a win on the tea party train of 2010.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(3)