Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(3)


Boxing Moniker’s for MIGOP Politicians

How about we use these moniker’s in describing MIGOP politicians like boxers for instance: Boxing
Randy (The Philanderer) Richardville
Roger (The Pirate) Kahn
Brian (Lapdog) Calley
Arlan (Reconsider) Meekhof
Tom (Sissy Boot Licker) Casperson
Dan (We Don’t Need No Doctor) Benishek
Howard (Screw You Dude) Walker
Rick (Relentless Progressive Action) Snyder
Peter (The Un-Friender Pretender) Pettalia
Frank (Faux Tea Party) Foster
Dale (Ask Party Leadership How I Should Vote) Zorn
Wayne (Red Light Scamera) Schmidt
Al (Skinhead) Pscholka
John (The Finger Wind Checker) Proos
Tonya (Barbie Doll) Schuitimaker
Fred (Lightbulb Louie) Upton
Lisa (Daddy’s Girl) Posthumus Lyons

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(3)

FreedomWorks Mi Score Card

A reliably conservative watchdog, FreedomWorks reflects the views of many conservative and tea types

Not surprisingly, certain lawmakers scored higher than their supposedly ideological brothers.  We have seen the squishy unprincipled selling out of the USA for far too long to not expect it to be revealed in this type of scoring.


The card can be maximized by clicking on the image.  the corresponding votes are below.

You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)

Riling the Silver Ponytail *Brotherhood*

Look for the union label, which if that floats one’s sinking boat… work it fo da chil’ren, sista!

The outspoken Brown – named running mate of Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer more than two months ago – expressed empathy with retired teachers at the West Michigan MEA-Retired Chapter at a luncheon gathering.

“I know it’s not a 9-to-5 job, and I know it’s not a nine-month-a-year job, either,” she said. “There’s some people in the state who feel that educators are evil. That’s really the feeling that seems to come out of Lansing all too often.”

Election HellIsn’t it odd that Lisa didn’t get in there that they start Teaching at 17. Ouch! Is that just a cheap shot at Terri List? No, not so much as she received …wait for it… a public education. C’mon, I’m no monster, I “feel their pain“. So, how bad is it for the Michigan Democratic Party? It’s so bad that all they can do is reach out to their base that is bankrupting cities and burying states in debt all across this nation. Seen Michigan’s liability just for teachers lately? Many players on “Team R” are complicit, too.

Exit question. What can Brown do for you? Perhaps, make an alleged Republican legislature grow a pair when there’s an actual card carrying Democrat in the governors office. They sure as Hell have no balls with the Bill Milliken v2.0 in office now. This November is going to be a choice between two losers for governor no matter which way the mop flops.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(2)

Hospice – Another ACA Casualty

Hospice has been a way to deal with terminal situations in a compassionate way that suits patients and their families.

The way it has evolved with medicare has made it an affordable option; one that allows the passing of loved ones in comfortable and appropriate surroundings.  The medicare component has been affected by the ACA however, and the continued meddling by government in its attempt to provide broad health coverage to all has accelerated the financial troubles experienced by all in the health industry.

H/T Raffi Williams

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Deep Pockets – Short Arms

As expected

Detroit’s planned 3.3-mile $137 million Woodward Avenue streetcar project faces a $12 million funding shortfall, and Michigan members of Congress warn the project could be in jeopardy unless the Transportation Department gives it more money.

A two-page letter to Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx obtained by The Detroit News on Tuesday warns that the project urgently needs additional grant money to proceed. But even without federal funds, officials of the so-called M-1 project says it would survive — but concede it might have to be scaled back.

Whoa! Has anyone looked at the top two names listed on the M-1 Rail Board of Directors? Click here. So, you mean to tell me that Roger Penske, or Dan Gilbert, both billionaires, can’t reach into their front pocket and pull out $6M each? YGBFKM. Better yet, if one looks a little further down the Board of Director names listed one will see Ilitch Holdings. How about giving a little back to the rest of us in the state, Mike and Marian? There you go. Penske, Gilbert, and Ilitch, can all pony up $3M each to cover the “shortfall”.

Funny how yet another .gov subsidized P3 project always has these budget “shortfalls,” isn’t it?

The May 1 letter, which has not previously been made public, discloses that Detroit applied for a supplemental $12.2 million grant from the Transportation Department’s TIGER grant program. The project received $25 million in federal funds from the program in January 2013.

“Without the requested $12.2 million TIGER grant, this important project will be delayed indefinitely, and we fear the resulting costs could make the project unaffordable,” said the letter signed by Sens. Carl Levin of Detroit, Debbie Stabenow of Lansing and Reps. Sander Levin of Royal Oak, John Dingell of Dearborn, John Conyers of Detroit and Gary Peters of Bloomfield Township. The lawmakers, all Democrats, urged Foxx to “award a TIGER grant to close the funding gap.”

Ah, all Democrats Socialists. I guess that is where the Ilitch’s paid their “fair share” already.

Subsidies in perpetuity! Get ready to keep paying up, Nerd voting suckers.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Blogger Round Up

logo-sphereFrom The Right –  Michigan Gives Up – A reminder the the GOP totally caved to progressive goals. – Suspension of the Part Time Legislature Ballot Initiative Due to numerous reasons it will not happen in 2014 by ballot.

Republican Michigander TWOFER

Michigan Capitol Confidential – Yeah, Detroit is going to get even more of the pie.  It’s Just amazing

The Shekel – Firearm Law Improvements in Michigan A couple of improvements, and looking for more.

The Voice of One Crying Out in Suburbia – When Did Modesty Become An Ironically Dirty Word? Seriously.

WatchDog Wire – Izzy tells us how ‘eco-tourism’ gets a great big boost from the starry eyed pols in Emmet County – $15 million in bonds approved by county commissioners and fulfilled by taxpayers.  Whatta bargain!

If you have a Michigan based blog that should be included, or have a Michigan based story that cannot be missed, shoot a message over via the tips link above.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)