Shut up, John

Oh, the outrage

AFFS, hit Teh iWon with your gottdamn purse, John! Sorry folks, but I just have no tolerance for all the Beta male bitch-boy nonsense House Republicans display, especially, when House Republicans not only fund this despicable president, you have cretins like John Boehner-RINOhio, and House Republicans also heaping on another $3+ Trillion of debt.

Pot meet kettle, Weeper Boehner.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Madison Project Michigan Endorsements (Round 1)

The Madison Project Michigan has just issued its first round of endorsements.

Our values are Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Limited Government, Defenders of Religious Freedom. We only endorse candidates who clearly demonstrate their conservatism. We evaluate every House and Senate race in Michigan, and our endorsements are only extended to key competitive races which have a strong conservative candidate with the ability to win.

The Madison Project Michigan PAC raises money for conservative candidates through our network of grassroots conservatives. We provide our members with campaign profiles of selected candidates, and contributions to the PAC are used to support those candidates.

Please DONATE to the Madison Project Michigan PAC to help us elect solid conservatives in Michigan.

ENDORSED CANDIDATES (more endorsements will follow soon):

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Annette Kirk Weighs In On The Fourth Congressional District

ConservativeMind_cover-202x292If I had my Druthers, the best man for a seat in Congress is the guy willing to take a few arrows, and guard the purse a little better than all those before him. (or her)

There are certain folk who I have no question would be outstanding legislators, yet cannot muster the financial resources enough to pay for 30 seconds of air time. They have a great message that resonates with constitutional types.  Those folks have a clear understanding of this ‘Republic’ we are a part of.  One of them is THIS guy whom I personally believe is as solid a conservative as they come.

Then there are OTHERS who certainly have the resources, but no history, and frankly seem to have no message other than “I am a conservative” (and play an accordion, shoot crossbows, etc.) Yeah, One particular guy has CASH, and piles of it to work with. And anyone who thinks money can’t fake out Republicans in primary elections has never heard of Rick Snyder.

There is an another candidate who has impressed the wife of Russell Kirk, author of “the Conservative Mind” sufficiently, that she has written an op-ed endorsement exclusive for RightMi.Com

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

No Powder In This Cannon

poachingMichigan is indeed a sportsman’s paradise.

Naturally, the coveted NRA scoring and endorsement will be flaunted by would-be Michigan politicos who want an edge up on their opponents.  In the strange circumstance however, the NRA has been rewarding legislative support for ammo registration in Michigan yet is fighting it in California.

Go figure.

Yes, in Michigan, several legislators are being punished by the NRA scoring process for voting against a package of bills designed to ‘Keep ammo out of the hands of felons.’ Certainly the NRA is acting responsibly, right? Until you carefully think through what it takes to enforce such an act.

Lets consider what the NRA uses as legislative candidate scoring criteria first.

A+: A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.

A: Solidly pro-gun candidate. A candidate who has supported NRA positions on key votes in elective office or a candidate with a demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.

AQ: A pro-gun candidate whose rating is based solely on the candidate’s responses to the NRA-PVF Candidate Questionnaire and who does not have a voting record on Second Amendment issues.

B: A generally pro-gun candidate. However, a “B” candidate may have opposed some pro-gun reform or supported some restrictive legislation in the past.

D: An anti-gun candidate who usually supports restrictive gun control legislation and opposes pro-gun reforms. Regardless of public statements, can usually be counted on to vote wrong on key issues.

Emphasis in bold.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Quote Of The Day

The stupid, it burns

“The establishment strikes back,” said Paul Welday [narcissist fool], a GOP consultant who was congressional chief of staff for former Republican Rep. Joe Knollenberg.

Just remember folks, the above is the slime that wants a Foreclosure Shyster in CD-11, orchestrated by Democrat-lite losers who are also trying to hold up the clean end of a turd in CD-8.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(2)

HELP NEEDED against the Federal Government housing undocumented “children” in Vassar Michigan

Protest WHY?
Feds importing undocumented “children” into Vassar MI , Wolverine Center. Some of these “kids” are 17 and 19 years old. The fact is that Wolverine has always dealt with Michigan youth where the physical and emotional needs of its guests are known. We, nor the Federal Government, nor the State of Michigan know ANYTHING about who these individuals background. How will housing these people impact our economy, schools, and neighborhoods? These are reasonable questions that deserve an answer BEFORE these undocumented :children are thrust upon us not after.
The protest Monday July 7 @ 6pm.
Location: Vassar City Council , city building 287 E Huron Ave, Vassar, MI 48768…City Council meeting at 7pm. From the protest we can move to the city council meeting for those would like to present a unified front . During the public comment portion our thoughts will be expressed.

The Vassar Concerned Citizens Committee is presenting a
Public Informational Meeting Wednesday, July
9th 6PM-8PM

On Wednesday July 9 there will be a free public meeting for information about the possible housing of the undocumented “children”. The meeting will be held at Vassar High School, 220 Athletic Street, Vassar MI. 48768…..knowledgeable speakers will present and Wolverine representatives have also been invited to state the reasons for importing the kids.
This informational meeting is about the Wolverine Center in Vassar MI, taking, housing, and providing education for the illegal and undocumented immigrant “children” who have come across our borders. Parking is available in city lot, or at empty parking lots next door and across the street.

There will be no questions or discussion and disrupters will be asked to please listen or if they continue to interrupt/disrupt will be asked to leave. We will be presenting the best information that we have and two hours is a very short time.
Wolverine Human Services traditionally has been for males ages 12 thru 18. 19 years olds have to leave whether they have completed their sentence or are returned to jail. Over 18 does also not have to be usually educated by Vassar Public Schools. Wolverine does not use the state special education guidelines that allows special needs students to be educated to age 25.

To make sure that the event is not misrepresented, we WILL be live streaming the event on the following ustream channel –

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