Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)




A group that sought to increase Michigan’s minimum wage to $10.10 per hour effectively ended its ballot campaign Friday.

The Raise Michigan Coalition said Friday it would not wage a legal battle to get on the November ballot after the Board of State Canvassers rejected the group’s petitions last week because they contained too many duplicate signatures.


And to think that my spineless squish and his pandering Democrat-lite friends capitulated to these losers.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

And so it begins…

Not letting something called local opposition (or Heaven forbid…national sovereignty) get in the way of them assuaging their troubled conscience, Gov Rick Snyder announced that around 100 illegal aliens are already in Michigan.

According to the Cadillac News, at least 100 of these illegals, a breakdown from where they are coming from has not been provided, will be here on a “temporary basis”.

No word on exactly how long “temporary”  might be.

While speaking to a business round table this morning in Washington, Gov. Snyder said,

“It’s really terrible the whole situation with the undocumented children and that’s really generated the crisis that you’re currently talking about.”

Umm, yeah Gov. Snyder.

It’s really sad that the current administration has done NOTHING to stem the current invasion into our county. In fact, Pres. B.O. has gone out of his way to promote this invasion.

It also really sad that there are no plans in place to address the outbreak of communicable diseases and other health issues that these “poor undocumented” are bringing with them into this country and now very potentially Michigan.

I sure hope that you’re accounted for the additional costs to the State Budget when this jumps into Michigan’s population Gov Snyder?

According to The Detroit Free Press, the first wave of illegals are in Farmington Hills and will be taken care of by Wellspring Lutheran Services.

In further displaying his poor grasp on how government operates, Gov Snyder added;

“With respect to the impact on Michigan, it’s not going to be costing the state of Michigan. The federal government is paying for all that.”

Call me an ill-informed bumpkin who spends most of my time behind the wheel of a large truck.

I haven’t sat in on a civics class for decades, so I’m a little fuzzy? Exactly where does Washington get their money from again, Gov Snyder?

More details to follow…

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Will Momentum Cause Freak Out In The First District?

CD1-TrendOne of the surprise campaigns of the year might be in Northern Michigan where veteran Alan Arcand has just crept up on CD1’s Dan Benishek and gave him a poll wedgie.

The Arcand camp is reporting that a three day series of polls in the first congressional district show a momentum surge that has brought upstart Arcand within the margin of error. From a press release:

Iron River, MI — The campaign of Republican challenger Alan Arcand today announced the results of three polls conducted over the week of July 28, 2014. Respondent surveys indicate a distinct trend of momentum shifting towards the conservative veteran in the final week leading up to the August 5 primary election. With the favorability rating of Congressman Dan Benishek at an all time low during this campaign cycle, newcomer Alan Arcand is poised for victory against the establishment incumbent.

The average of the results over the three-day period, which include 1,875 respondents, reveal the race is neck and neck. Arcand’s chipping away at Benishek’s fiscally irresponsible voting record has gained him 47% of the vote.

Campaign manager Ben Lazarus said, “The polls show people are not happy with the job Dan Benishek is doing in Congress. They want someone who will represent them.”

The universe of potential survey respondents was geographically proportional to the 2012 Republican primary election turnout, by county.

Polling conducted by the independent research group has a margin of error of +/-3.5%.

At this point, it shouldn’t surprise.

The Heritage rated 50% Benishek campaign has all but ignored Arcand, while he (Arcand) and his family have been working non stop to establish credibility and name recognition.  Signs may not win races, but as a political sign watcher, it should be noted that Arcand signs are popping up in locations and businesses normally associated with incumbency.  Benishek signs are nearly absent.

Aug 5 is going to be fun.

You Betcha! (41)Nuh Uh.(2)

Because Graham Beal Wouldn’t Take a Cut In Pay

No, not joking about Graham Beal (actually, Ron Weiser organized the theft from us for that money pit), as you soon will see who is selected to operate the DRIC boondoggle.

Canada appointed Kristine Burr and Genevieve Gagnon to the International Authority while Michael D. Hayes, Birgit M. Klohs and Matt Rizik [more Pricewaterhouse cronies just like Rich Baird] were appointed by Michigan [Slick Rick]. Burr will serve as the chairwoman of the authority. Officials said a third Canadian member will be selected soon by the new Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority, which also had appointments announced Wednesday.

Burr recently served as assistant deputy minister of Policy for Transport Canada; Gagnon is president of XTL Transport Inc.; Hayes is president and CEO of the Midland Center for the Arts; Klohs is the president and CEO of the Right Place Inc.; Rizik is the chief tax officer for Rock Ventures LLC.

The International Authority will oversee and approve key steps in the procurement process for the crossing.


I guess cousin George didn’t want a seat at the table (pun intended) of the NAFTA Bridge.

UPDATE: our good friend, Mr. Ed Arditti has more at Windsor Square.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

2014 Michigan State House Races

Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans currently hold a 59-51 majority, following a 63-47 majority after 2010. There are 40 open seats, 21 held by Republicans and 19 held by democrats.  There are 30 open due to term-limits and 10 just seeking another office.

Republicans gained one new seat (73) and one existing seat (39) due to redistricting, but also lost one existing seat (55) in 2012.  They also lost five incumbents (52, 71, 84, 91, 110), not counting party-switcher Roy Schmidt (76).  They could have won several more seats with a more effective redistricting plan.

Democrats want to take back the state house, but face a difficult playing field.  Of the Republican-held open seats, only 56 and possibly 65 are competitive.  They will try to defeat some Republican incumbents, but it is not clear how they will beat incumbents this year that they couldn’t defeat in 2012.

Meanwhile, Republicans will seek to gain seats.  The best opportunity is the open 84, which was lost due to scandal in 2012.  There are two lean dem open seats (21, 62) that may be competitive.  Republicans will also try to defeat several incumbents who picked up seats in 2012 (25, 71, 91).

There are a number of interesting primaries in August.  A bunch of Republican incumbents are being challenged due to their support of Medicaid expansion, Common Core, and the Detroit Bailout.  Most will win easily, but there is the potential for a few to be surprised (39, 79, 107).  The open seats feature more competitive primaries, many of which also feature establishment versus Tea Party battles.  Establishment candidates are receiving support from the Chamber of Commerce and Great Lakes Education Project.  More conservative candidates are receiving support from Americans for Prosperity and Madison Project Michigan.

State house fundraising is analyzed in the following article.

Michigan State House Fundraising

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