Why is a Republican Who Approved Voter Fraud Up for a Promotion in the Party?

In lieu of the election farce that took place last November, heads need to roll in the Republican Party, and that is finally beginning to happen.

Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox is history, having failed to do anything to stop voter fraud before the fact. She will be leaving in disgrace with it largely being recognized that her incompetence harmed the state and the nation, perhaps irreparably.

The cowardly party hack attorney Aaron Van Langevelde, who certified the fraudulent vote total before whistleblowers could even finish their testimony, has been replaced on the state board of canvassers. These moves need to be the beginning of a major overhaul within the MIGOP.

Much to my horror, I have learned that members of the 14th District Republican Party are considering Monica Palmer to lead their Congressional district. This would be a major setback toward improving leadership within the state party.

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Next Up – Kent County?

How about it Grand Rapids?

Perhaps it’s time to reflect on the mistake made in your 2020 primary, and regain a little self respect.  The Allegan GOP had no problem with calling out the perennial weasel Fred Upton, who has caused the Republican party pain, and put The “INO” in Rino for way too many years.  Their resolution is clear:

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