Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)


In Honor, Mr. President

Today, marks what would’ve been our nations’ leader’s 283 Birthday.

In 1968, congress did away with recognizing President Washington’s birthday on February, 22, to provide government bureaucrats and their staff to get their 3-day weekends, which has become commercially known as Presidents Day Sales for the retail industry.

Sometimes, I wonder what all of our Founding Fathers would think if they saw their gift to us today.

My thoughts are that they would be repulsed at what we’ve allowed their dream to become. I wouldn’t blame them.

At least there is record of what General Washington, thought of this.

Slippery slopes

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

We’re 31st!

FFI 2015 Overall Rankings Screen-Shot

The twenty-five year old John Locke Foundation has just released its First in Freedom Index for 2015. The Freedom Index ranks states for the level of freedom allowed their citizens in four weighted areas of policy:

Fiscal: 50%
Education: 20%
Regulation: 20%
Health Care: 10%

Michigan ranks 31st overall among the states in the Freedom Index. Dismal per capita levels of state taxes, spending, and regulation weighed down Michigan’s rankings. Michigan’s ranking in the individual policy categories are:

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Yet, Granholm’s Kirk Steudle Hasn’t Been Fired nor Jailed

The latest ongoing MDOT buffoonery from Auditor General, Doug Ringler.

dozer-money“Our review … identified 48 of 92 [52%] expired warranty projects that needed corrective action,” the report said. “As of June 30, 2014, 24 of the warranties had been expired for over one year without MDOT having addressed the corrective action.”

MDOT said it agrees with all six recommendations made by the auditor general and is taking action to improve its system of monitoring and enforcing warranties.

“By October 2015, MDOT, in working with the Department of Attorney General, will develop a procedure for non-responsive contractors that have been notified to perform warranty work,” the department said in part of its response to the audit.

But the auditor noted that similar issues were raised in an earlier audit, released in 2010, and at that time the department said it would “strengthen its procedures to assure the completion of inspections.”


Hmmm, something to hide here, Mr. Steudle? And, the AG is involved? Can one say like placing a fox to watch the hen house? I can, as they all, the AG, the MDOT Director, and MSP Director, sit on the same committee endorsing Snyder’s Democrat wooed Proposal 2015-1 better known as the $2,000,000,000 16.7% Sales Tax Hike with double taxation for off road agricultural and recreational fuels, 30% registration fee increase, and loss of IRS deduction – among other handouts to buy votes.

Bonus? Just like clockwork, it’s Norm partying in Tampa Shinkle and Dan Pero’s wife Colleen to Snyder’s rescue (No, seriously!). How about it, Rule of Law Ruth? Nah, not so much as a peep.
Shame on those who seldom follow the linked information here on, because we all are truly getting the government that’s deserved, and getting it good and hard.

You Betcha! (50)Nuh Uh.(0)

Happy Deer in Michigan

Happy Deer

DNR just slyly reported that Michigan hunting license sales dropped to 729,000 in 2014, a 4.2% drop from 2013 sales and the all time low in data extending way back to 1958. This drop is even worse than the numbers suggest, since the new HB 4668 hunting license rules require base licenses for hunting activities which did not require licenses in previous years. And if you believe President Obama and his statistical mathmagicians, the U.S. economy surged at a 5% GDP growth rate in 2014Q3 just before Michigan’s traditional firearms deer season. Michigan’s population increased by 11,684 people in 2014, the third consecutive annual increase. So the number of hunters should have increased in 2014? But the number of hunters in Michigan dropped, and hunter numbers declined because license fees skyrocketed under HB 4668 of 2013.

The most popular hunting license prices increased 50 – 100 % under the new 2014 fee schedule, although a direct comparison is not possible because the licenses were restructured under HB 4668 to ‘simplify’ the license schedule. Even though the DNR has not released license sales dollar amounts yet, we can still sketch out the doleful effect of the DNR hunting license fee increases on Michigan’s staggering economy.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(5)

Overloaded Your Asses, huh?

Think that EITC part of the Proposal 2015-1 equation isn’t a fool’s errand? Look at what $9,400,000,000 gets us just to maintain floundering employment while buying poverty moocher’s votes.

“The goal should be to try to honor these agreements or, in the context that if there are changes, they’re mutually agreed to,” Snyder [Mr. Avalon, founding chair. Yes, that John Truscott] said in a Detroit News editorial board interview. “These are major job creators. They’ve helped bring us back economically [what Team Obama says] in the state and we shouldn’t overlook that fact.”

NerdandJohnSnyder said he wants to work with companies holding the business tax credits to “bring better visibility” and “transparency” [a Snyder priority. No, seriously.] to the tax credits, which will consume more than $500 million a year in general fund tax revenue until 2029. The final tax credits awarded under the Michigan Business Tax [thank Brian] don’t expire until 2031, according to the Michigan Economic Development Corp.

The MEDC [Snyder’s Mini-Me] has asked companies to agree to redeem their credits in the year they were issued and give the state a three-year forecast on using tax credits to help governors and legislators budget for the subsidies.

But Snyder did not rule out pursuing legislation to put new rules in place for when the tax credits could be cashed in. [here, pull this finger.]

“I think the starting point should be what we can do in a mutually agreed-upon fashion,” Snyder said.

Mike Johnston, vice president of government affairs for the Michigan Manufacturers Association, said his members, which include Detroit’s three automakers [$3,000,000,000 yes, Ford too], are open to helping state officials know when they will seek tax refunds.

The games all these mother******* play with other people’s money is downright obscene.

We now return you to your regular Team R points its collective finger’s at Granholm programming…

You Betcha! (32)Nuh Uh.(0)

A Good Start

presser-walber-randThe constitution laid out the responsibilities and roles of the different parts of the federal government.

However to clarify its scope and the limits, it was necessary to enact the bill of rights.  And over the years, as different administrations championed their own versions of judicial conduct, even THAT became corrupted in application. Business owners and citizens have had to fight the leviathan of big government simply to retrieve confiscated property that was either improperly taken, or destroyed by overly zealous authority, even without criminal charges being filed.

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Reps Tony Cardenas (D-CA), Keith Ellison (D-MN), and Scott Garrett (R-NJ) are hoping to correct this, and once again clarify the meaning of due process, and restore the value of the 5th amendment. The Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act is apparently designed to do that.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Throwback Thursday

“or against internal attempt to seize power”

Yep. That’s where the Ruling Class hypocrites soil themselves. Frankly put, if one was not born before 1934, then one does not know, nor truly understand what America was. Thomas J. Dodd? Go figure. The one who has been censured… then along came, Chris and The Floater™.

As usual, Mary Jo is unavailable for comment.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Paging Little Ronna … Paging Little Ronna Romney

Ain’t this Detroit News story just delightful?

Imaging that. And, CPA Snyder’s $250,000/year numbers guru John Nixon, bails out of Michigan a year ago, too? Go figure.

Snyder enlisted the help of Detroit attorney George Scott Romney, the brother of 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in bringing Nixon to Michigan, because Romney shared ties to Utah and the Mormon faith.

“They’re just a wonderful family,” Romney said of Nixon, who along with his wife, DeAnn, has six children between the ages of 4 and 17.

“I was disappointed” to hear Nixon was leaving, Romney said, but “I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for him.”

Leaving is “a wonderful opportunity”? That’s an understatement. Then again, ‘ol Elder “Arithmetic” Romney ain’t never been too sharp with numbers, has he?

24 + 4 = 30

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(3)