Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)


Former MiGOP Comm Director Freak Out?

11703079_10207830552694502_7459487762420931420_nPerhaps Bill Nowling, formerly the Director of Communication for the Michigan Republican Party has popped a vessel.

In a Facebook post, Nowling now pleads with his fellow Republicans to vote for Bernie as apparently he did “feeling the Bern” yesterday.  Nowling says that “the only way to defeat an anti-establishment candidate, in an anti-establishment environment, is with an anti-establishment candidate.”

Also making comparisons of Trump to Hitler, he calls himself a yellow dog republican.

Unless this is an elaborate prank, this is a perfect example of the establishment self destruct that is going on right now.  As a former apparatchik of the MiGOP, Nowling once used his communications skills to target liberals and their antics.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.


H/T Joan Fabiano

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Detroit Schools Bailout Opposed

bailoutsSome information from the Michigan Association of Public School Academies

MAPSA notes that the the poll is very timely, because the bailout is up for a vote today.

As expected, Michigan voters strongly oppose using taxpayer money to pay off the Detroit Public Schools’ $715 million in debt, according to a new poll by the Marketing Resource Group (MRG). The poll of 600 likely Michigan voters, commissioned by the Michigan Association of Public School Academies, was conducted Feb. 22-27.

Statewide, only 33 percent of voters favor using taxpayer money to pay off DPS’ debt, while 56 percent oppose it (with most of those saying they “strongly” oppose it). Even among Detroit voters, sentiments are almost evenly split, with 40 percent favoring the bailout and 38 percent opposing it. In the entire Metro Detroit region, the bailout also isn’t popular, with only 37 percent favoring it and 52 percent opposing it.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(2)

Kasich Surge In Michigan Changes Math Slightly.

bizarro-voteMichigan has a proportional system to settle the 59 delegates choosing the GOP candidate for the presidential primary in 2016.

Because legislators chose a date prior to March 15, the is no winner take all system in place.  Currently polling has Trump at about 42%, Cruz and Kasich each at about 20, and Rubio falling flat at 10 or so.  In the delegate pooling (hopefully I calculated this correctly), this would result in 25 delegates for Trump, 12 for Cruz, 12 For Kasich and zero for Rubio.  The remainder is split the same 8 for Trump, and 1 each for Kasich and Cruz.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(3)

A Path To A Brokered Election

Kasich-RubioA vote for Rubio or Kasich in Michigan is a vote for a RINO brokered convention. Look at the numbers.

Rubio will not win Florida! Why? Northern Florida…aka the “red neck riviera”, will probably go for Trump. Southern Florida, which is predominantly Cuban Americans, will go for Cruz. Why? Rubio’s support for amnesty and immigration reform allowing more Mexicans and Puerto Ricans and other non Cuban “Hispanics” into the U.S. will be his downfall.

Cubans trace their heritage back to mother Spain as do the Argentines and Chileans. They are the true Hispanics. Lyndon Johnson bastardized and generalized the term Hispanic to mean all persons living in Latin America. There is significant bias and prejudice in Southern Florida between Cuban Americans and Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other Latin American cultures that do not derive their heritage and roots from mother Spain. They are predominantly perceived by Cubans as indigenous Indians.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

Bitter Consequences

Mitt Romney Image 1Anyone who watched or listened to Mitt Romney’s lame assault on Donald Trump yesterday had to wince at the Obamacare architect and gun control proponent questioning the bona fides of the current Republican front runner. Hypocrisy at its finest. A blatant violation of Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment. A testament to the abject desperation coursing through the Republican establishment today. Stark evidence of how few friends the Republican establishment actually owns has.

Just how did the Republican establishment get themselves into this predicament?

What does their predicament portend in Michigan politics?

This year’s Presidential nomination process demonstrates convincingly that money is no longer a substitute for actual human support in a political process where the great unwashed get to vote. Money – and the TV advertising it bought – had a 40 year run buying elections, but this elixir of modern American politics is no longer working. ¡Jeb! is very expensive history. The great unwashed are in open revolt.

Ace over at the Ace of Spades HQ blog offered the very best analysis of the national Republican establishment’s current predicament, which compelled Mitt’s embarrassing performance yesterday. You should read it in its entirety, but in a nutshell:

The Republican establishment has no one credible to make their case against Donald Trump. Absolutely no one who has even a shred of credibility with Trump supporters. They sent Mitt Romney out on yesterday’s kamikaze mission because they had nothing better to offer. Then they will have to spend a mountain of wealth with no real prospects of success. And engage in strong arm tactics. Making an embarrassing spectacle of themselves.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Draft Ben Carson For US Senate

Ben-CarsonPopped up in my Facebook feed today:

Run, Ben, Run! Join our effort to draft Dr. Carson, a Detroit native, to return to Michigan and run for the U.S. Senate in 2018.

I agree.

Come on home Ben.  Bring your politically incorrect platform back to Michigan and show how a real conservative can win a US Senate seat in Michigan.  Stabenow has been allowed far too much time in DC working against us and the constitution, and the GOP bench repeatedly puts up weak candidates.

This is an outstanding idea.

Run Ben Run indeed!

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)

Ross’ Revenge

To say that the 2016 Republican Presidential Campaign has become interesting since June of last year is a bit of an understatement, to say the least. An out-of-the-blue “chaos injection” on June 16th (that FOX News polling saw coming as early as March 31st, but no one else picked up on until late May) became the nationally-recognized front runner not five weeks later, completely leapfrogging the “heir apparent” (who promptly went into a freefall, and has now exited the campaign). Because of this chaos injection, one candidate, who was until that point considered to be irrelevant, leapfrogged to become the national runner-up about five and a half weeks later (and was the national front-runner for three days in November), and two young guns are now openly tussling for second place nationally, neither of whom were supposed to have a realistic chance to begin with.

As should have been expected, the thorough derailing of the coronation train for the republican heir apparent makes the professional political establishment very unhappy, and, of course, they’re hell-bent on doing something about that. But the reason that all of their scrambling is increasingly ineffective is that they don’t seem to really understand the causa provocare of the outsider’s challenge, perhaps because they really don’t understand the degree to which the typical voter is disgusted with the political status quo in America, or why. Thus, predictably, the flailing increasingly exposes them for who they are and what they intend, which conversely makes the outsider’s job that much easier.

You Betcha! (59)Nuh Uh.(5)

The Free Press Wants to Help Republicans

John Kasich Image 1The Detroit Free Press Editorial Board endorsed Ohio Governor John R. Kasich in the March 8th Republican Presidential Primary yesterday. Governor Kasich is a fine man with many worthwhile qualifications, but every poll and vote this year indicate that he is way out of step with the current political zeitgeist. Common Core, Medicaid expansion, and global warming are not Republican crowd pleasers. Even the Democratic Presidential candidates are soft peddling these losers.

Is there a single genuine Republican in Michigan stupid enough to believe that the Detroit Free Press Editorial Board would actually do anything of benefit to the Republican Party, nationally or in Michigan?

Remember that the Detroit Free Press Editorial Board endorsed our current “I know noooooothing” RINO Governor not just once, but twice. Governor Snyder and his merry band of brown-nosing bureaucrats have really boosted the fortunes of the Michigan Republican Party, haven’t they? Even the DeVos family – big Kasich contributors in Ohio Governor racesare not peddling him in Michigan.

So why would the Detroit Free Press Editorial Board endorse Governor John Kasich in the Republican Presidential Primary? Two possibilities: the arrogance of the witless, or another ploy to destroy the Michigan Republican Party.

You decide.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(3)

Donald Ducking Duke: Trump’s betrayal of Republican’s Abolitionist roots.

Apparently Donald Trump’s supposed affinity for Hairpieces is not his only flirtation with WHIGS. Since the Iowa caucuses robocalls, endorsements, and rumors of ties with White Supremacist groups have been quietly dogging the yuuuuge campaign juggernaut that is the Donald. The issue finally came to a head this last week when the media decided to finally start asking the Donald actual questions, rather than lobbing Morning Joe softballs.
On Sunday the supposed Not a politician,in perpetuum presidential candidate,with the rumored Genius level IQ, claimed to be unaware of who David Duke even was, and was apparently unaware of why the question even applied to his campaign.

This latest controversy is opening the doors for many to ask, who is the real Donald Trump?  Is he the Political genius outsider?  or is he a Bondesque evil genius billionaire plotting to rule the world?  Here is a second Link of Dana Loesch explaining the article for Donald’s base, as he describes them, the “poorly educated he “Loves so much.” 
To be Fair we need to follow the Complete timeline.
In February, 2000, Donald Trump revealed that he knew enough about Duke to point out that the Klan member’s entourage is “not company I wish to keep.”
At the time, Trump was considering running for the presidency on the Reform Party ticket. He ultimately refused to go for the nomination, citing the party’s troubling connections.
”So the Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep,” Trump said.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(10)