Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)


Glory Glory!

Last night Donald Trump and family, in a inaugural-eve show looked splendid.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic playing with fireworks and cheers in the background. What an outstanding way to celebrate the last day, and the end-of-an-error Barack Obama. May God grace our nation once more under the leadership of the new president.

Indeed, the challenges will be great, but with the Almighty’s Blessings, “His Truth” will certainly be “Marching on.”

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

The democrats are coming! The democrats are coming!!!

I’ve mentioned previously that get contacted fairly frequently asking for my input on various political things going on around the area.

This one is too good for me not to share with everyone here.

{Continued below}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Do The Dance

Perhaps someday, we won’t have to ask permission to opt out of buying our business equipment over and over.

For the time being however, if the business related property you own is less than $80,000 in true cash value, you must.  IF you don’t feel like paying property tax on it.  Our benevolent overlords have made it possible with Michigan Department of Treasury form 5076; that ‘golden ticket’ for small business which relieves them of the perpetual financial burden of fixture ownership.

Of course it is hardly an everlasting gobstopper of taxation relief. the 5076 form must be filed annually, and specifically with your local township, city or village taxing unit.

You have until February 10 to turn this sucker in.

You’re welcome

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Hell-thee Michigan

Republican Rick Snyder has been flat out wrong.

He was wrong when he signed Medicaid expansion into law, and he was still wrong more recently, by defending this costly and inefficient boondoggle.  Sometimes it takes a great governor and statesman from another state to make the point:

“..  Second, Obamacare made millions of able-bodied Americans newly dependent on direct government assistance for their health care. Whether through a massive expansion of Medicaid beyond its original target populations of poor children, disabled and the elderly, or through exchange subsidies for the vast majority of participants, Obamacare masked the true cost of health care, rather than truly “bending the cost curve down.” Pretending that subsidized health care is affordable without considering the true cost to taxpayers is disingenuous at best.  ..”

Thank you Mr Jindal.

Why does Michigan always get the [Baby Ruth in the pool] for our governors?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

How Trump Won Michigan

Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 presidential election was capped off by winning Michigan. The vote total was
Trump 2279543 (47.50%)
Clinton 2268893 (47.27%)
The margin was only 10704 votes. Michigan had the closest percentage margin of any state in the nation.

Analyzing the election results nationwide leads to four basic observations:

1. Trump won huge margins in rural areas.
2. Trump improved significantly in downscale (white working class) areas.
3. Trump did poorly in upscale (wealthy, highly educated) areas.
4. Clinton won blacks by large margins, but turnout was significantly down.
The following maps show Trump/Clinton and Romney/Obama by county.
You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

A National Model


On the eve of the elimination of the greatest disaster spawned by [a Democrat] congress in our lifetime, we still have to fight ‘our own’ to get relief.  One should understand that the road tax passed by the legislature, after it was unceremoniously trounced by voters, was not intended for roads, but rather to pay for for the very thing that Governor Rick Snyder claims should be used as a “national model.”

Don’t doubt for a minute, that careless handling finances so fungible don’t have consequences.

Frilliant, .. yes?


You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Nolan Finley really should come out of the closet.

Supporter of Detroit bailouts and special Detroit tax hikes, a non-libertarian “Libertarian” for president, noted contributor to the democratic party and now this.

This latest rant might have been credible if it weren’t for this.

I’d post that clown pic of him right about now…if I didn’t find that demeaning to actual clowns whose job it is to get people to laugh on purpose.

‘Nuff said.




You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Fear The Stupid

So we thought Michigan’s newly implemented gas tax was bad?

Sure, the road tax puts us at the most expensive gas tax level in the country.  And because of the idiocy of OUR large groups in Lansing, it even protects itself for inflation!  But even so,  our absurd taxation scheme has been relegated to second place in absurd tax schemes.

If Michigan were to follow the lead of Philadelphia (which I think could somehow happen), every six pack of coke 16.9oz bottles would have $1.52 tacked on.  Every Pepsi 8 pack would have $2.03 added on.

And Gatorade?

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

26 Cent Gas Increase?

We expected the gas tax increase to bring about a $0.07 gas, and $0.11 diesel bump, but ..

We are getting reports from around the state show increases are a little higher.  In Traverse City, Gasoline that was at $2.33 per gallon jumped to $2.47, and stations with  $2.35 gas jumped to $2.59.  It seems there is some confusion caused by the GOP led legislature’s ‘Christmas’ present of 2015.

What is happening where you are at?


You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)