Well, that didn’t take long.
After crushing deeply entrenched embedded Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Anthony Marrocco last November by nearly a 40k vote margin, former U.S. Congresswoman Candice Miller packed her bags and moved back home to Macomb County. People were scratching their heads on why someone with a VERY safely gerrymandered political district would want to give up a cushy job in Washington and take a literal/figurative cut in position for this post.
Then Public Works Commissioner-elect Miller danced around the question when interviewed repeatedly after her win last November regarding WHY she made this career move. Needless to say, THE reason is not as ominous as some theorists have speculated (yes, THIS writer does know the answer to that question…it is the worst kept secret in Macomb Co. circles), but since it is not germane to this post, I’m moving on.
Also late last year, a sinkhole (later determined to be very “man-made” sinkhole) developed in Fraser about 10 miles north of Detroit. Travel into some adjoining neighborhood streets was blocked and restricted until the severity of the situation could be determined. Families in several homes near the sinkhole were prohibited from returning to their homes for their own safety.
Several of those homes were ultimately condemned and demolished.
The cause of the sinkhole was determined to be a main interceptor line running under 15 Mile Road that had collapsed.
One would think that major sewer line falls under the purview of the Macomb County Public Works Department (and you’d be right).
And since it was their responsibility after all, that the Macomb County Public Works Commissioner would be on the scene immediately coordinating the investigation and repair efforts.
Well, did I mention that the previous Public Works Commissioner was a democrat?
And a very likely dirty one at that.
No, that wasn’t a bad pun.
This is where our story gets interesting.
{More tantalizing details below}