Because .. well .. just in case.
If ever you were going to do the bridge walk, this might be the year to do it. Because of expected traffic backups and associated complications, it is doubtful that there will be a walk after this year’s soon-to-be catastrophe.
Should it be any surprise that as leadership fully embraces their faces with their ass-cheeks, that the terrorists have our number? We pointed out a few months ago that The Islamists continue with their version of winning.
Our way of life has changed, and our liberty has been indeed exchanged for a modicum of security. Ironically, at the same time admitting more of the problem into our communities; the very ideology that has destroyed nations, slaughtered innocents, and subjugated women and men for 1400 years.
Try to deny it.
And now we walk on eggshells, and tiptoe around the problem that our own Governor willfully invited to this state.
What a legacy.
But hey, while the traffic is stopped for a dozen hours, the locals along side the MDOT got it under control. With the assistance of Mackinac County 911/Emergency Management, you can sign up now for Mackinac Bridge Authority (MBA) text updates during this year’s Annual Bridge Walk!
The MDOT is letting us know that they and Mackinac County will advise if there are any problems for this year’s event.
Mackinac County 911, using its RAVE Alert System, will send updates and information from the MBA to users’ cell phones now through Labor Day. Alerts will focus on event schedule reminders, traffic notifications, weather updates, and emergency notifications.
“With the changes taking place during this year’s walk, we’re trying to reach as many travelers and bridge walk participants as possible,” said Bob Sweeney, executive secretary of the MBA. “We really appreciate Mackinac County 911/Emergency Management’s willingness to make this system available for notifications on this event.”
There is no cost to receive these updates, aside from any texting fees from the participant’s mobile coverage plan. The system will automatically shut down on Sept. 5.
To opt in to this text alert system:
1. Text “mackinacbridgewalk2017” to 67283
2. Users will receive a reply “Welcome to the Mackinac Bridge Walk 2017 text alerting system,” verifying participation in the text alerting system for the event.
3. Users can opt out by sending a reply “STOP mackinacbridgewalk2017” if they no longer wish to receive text messages/alerts. Messages will automatically stop on Sept. 5.
Unlike in prior years, only buses used to transport walkers to the starting point for the walk and emergency service vehicles will be allowed on the bridge during the event. All other vehicle traffic will be stopped from 6:30 a.m. to noon while event participants are on the bridge. The Authority made the decision during a special board meeting May 16, citing safety and security recommendations by the Michigan State Police and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Every year, between 30,000 and 60,000 people from several states and countries come to the Mackinac Bridge for the Annual Bridge Walk, which has taken place since 1958, the year after the bridge opened to traffic. The event will begin at 6:40 a.m. with the start of the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness Jog, followed by a greeting from Gov. Rick Snyder at 6:55 a.m. Walkers will begin across the bridge at 7 a.m.
This ^ jagoff illustrates just how bad the Michigan Democratic Party sucked our past two gubernatorial elections.