We Build the Wall & MEDEFCO are hosting a Michigan Town Hall on Thursday, March 14 in support of The Wall in Warren Michigan at 7:00pm.
Sponsored by 100% Fed Up & One American News Network the event will be held at the Faith Baptist Church, 26510 Schoenherr Road in Warren.
And it couldn’t be more timely.
From WBTW:
About this Event
Michigan Townhall with Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, Sheriff Clarke, Angel Families and MORE.
- Michigan Conservative Union
- OANN- One American News Network
- The Gateway Pundit
We Build The Wall, Inc.
We acknowledge that the federal government won’t be able to accept American Citizen donations specifically for the wall anytime soon.
American citizens in the private sector are better equipped than our own government to use the donated funds to build an actual wall on the southern border.
We Build The Wall, Inc’s highly experienced team is highly competent and will complete significant segments of the wall in less time, and for far less money, than the federal government, while meeting or exceeding all required regulatory, engineering, and environmental specifications.
***Ticket to event is free only to supporters of the wall, we reserve the right to remove anyone from the event for any reason at any time. You may be required to show ID with ticket upon entry.***
For those interested in attending, click on this link.

I will not be attending, however, I do hope Bannon, and Sheriff Clarke, speak out on charlatan Amash, and his 'muh principles' cohorts who are continuing to place American lives in danger in their opposition to President Trump.
Where the hell was Amash (CD3-LOLbertarian), and Rand Paul, standing on their vaunted, lofty 'muh principles' when Bathhouse Barry declared his 'border crisis' in 2014?
Ps. KG, you might want to tag this as an 'upcoming event' so it remains visible.
Duly noted.
FYI: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/magaphobia-hotel-rejects-reservation-request-after-learning-triple-amputee-veteran-brian-kolfage-steve-bannon-and-sheriff-clarke-were-included/
Got too big for original location.. Cobo center now
I have some issues with their overall timing, but changes have been noted.