Who are we really fighting on this issue?
Dick Manasseri has been chronicling illegal immigration, the refuge crisis, and the effect on Michigan for some time now.
He writes today on the effort made by our president, and then about those who presumably wear the mantel of Republicanism. Manasseri points out the contradictory elements within the GOP and other leadership ranks, and how they affect our fight to keep our country safe and viable.
He Reports:
If you voted for President Trump, you need to take the protest, chaos, and general blowback directed at him personally. The Muslim Brotherhood [MB] protests/chaos triggered by his executive order on refugee resettlement are a direct attack on you and your personal security.
Good Guys
These are the people who understand the refugee threat, speak out and take action like President Trump:
- Brooks Patterson
- Attoney General Select Jeff Sessions
- WH Advisor Steven Miller
The U.S. ‘Has an Absolute Sovereign Right to Determine
Who Can and Cannot Enter the Country’
Enemies Within
These are the people who support the importation of refugees despite Trump’s Army’s overwhelming support to halt this expensive, secretive, and dangerous program.
- Rick Snyder
- Arlan Meekhof
- Mike Dugan
- Mark Hackel
- Steven Gold
- Michael Taylor
Snyder welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood within Michigan by appearing at the ISNA Convention and he fully welcomes the refugees flow via his MDHHS and their oversight of services provided by the refugee resettlement vendors, e.g. Catholic Charities, Samaritas, USCRI, and Jewish Family Services, even when they break the law by not providing “prior consultation”.Arlan Meekhof held a hearing where refugee resettlement opponents were accused of being racists and he did nothing.
Detroit Mayor Duggan wants the refugees flowing into his Welcoming City to continue despite President Trumps executive order.
Mark Hackel has made Macomb County a Welcoming County where thousands of Shariah-compliant Sunni Muslims have been placed by Catholic Charities right in the midst of Chaldean communities who justifiably fear for their safety.
Steve Gold, head of the Macomb County Health and Community Services Department, lectures on behalf of Welcoming Michigan to intensify the flow of refugees while his office denies having any records of refugee health screening records, contradicting the claims of the health screening vendor that the records are regularly provided to the County. Conflict of interest – no health records for the public, but propaganda for more refugees.
Michael Taylor, Mayor of Sterling Heights, has maintained Sterling Heights a Welcoming City where the leaders of Samaritas and Catholic Charities are given awards for promoting diversity by resettling hundreds of Shariah-compliant refugees all of whom are on federal and/or state welfare.
Take it personally! These are Your Enemies!
Applaud the Trump Administration for its first step in the Anti-Shariah Marathon that lies ahead.
Listen to Philip Haney, one of the most knowledgeable experts on Muslim Brotherhood infiltration.
The crucial next step for CAIR-infested Michigan is the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as seditious terrorist organization by the Justice Department via the continuation of the Holy Land Foundation trial which was terminated by the Obama Administration, so that they could inject Muslim Brotherhood members from CAIR and ISNA into leadership roles in DHS, State, and the White House itself.
No MB action by Congress is necessary or likely. President Trump needs to proceed without waiting for the ambivalent GOP congressional leadership to pass MB legislation. It is his national security priority; he has the legal evidence and motivated experts like Haney ready to move forward ASAP to indict the Muslim Brotherhood for supporting Hamas and for plotting the overthrow of America via their promotion of the Shariah legal system as a replacement for the U.S. Constitution.
If the Muslim Brotherhood is allowed to continue to function in Michigan, Michigan will go the way of Germany, Belgium, and France, rather than their neighbors Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic all of whom strongly support Trump’s action to restrict toxic immigration.
It will take You, Trump’s Army to Make Michigan Great Again!
Keep up with Mr Manasseri’s reporting at http://securemichigan.org

Thank you Dick Manasseri for all you do. There are other things that should be mentioned such as empty hotels being bought up and refurbished by private contractors for anticipated housing of refugees. That all the "social services" agencies bringing these unvetted refugees into MI are really bogus agencies receiving back-door UN funding and that these mandates are UN Mandates while other countries and states have refused. Snyder needs to question why he's pushing UN mandates down our throats and this one act I consider treason. Why is it that Christian Refugees are not being considered? Why is it that most of these refugees are young, single Muslim men of "fighting age"? And lastly, Saudi Arabia will completely fund a mosque near you, and all that's necessary is a group of seven to be considered a community. Other things I've learned from Dick: There is an 80 foot high wall around the Vatican built centuries ago for, you guessed it--to keep out Muslims. There are videos out there showing how carefully contrived the Muslim's have been in pushing their dangerous agenda. Please become informed.