Joan Bauer, THAT’S a Real Beauty…

25 year career politician and, lifelong feminist submits a question.

But Joan Bauer, another commission member and Democratic former House member, questioned why the panel would spend money to hire an outside attorney when the state’s top legal officer, Nessel, already said it could ban guns. Bauer noted that Nessel was elected by “the people of Michigan.”

“Why is the advice of an outside attorney better than that of our attorney general?” she asked.

That is easily answered. AG Nessel owns an estimated $5B+ Womanmade Disaster, is known for admittedly operating unconstitutionally, has severe Trump Derangement Syndrome and, buttresses the opinions of a documented liar.

In other words, what Democrat Joan Bauer is suggesting for us lawful Michiganians to do is, “Know the difference, bigots!”

Have stated it more times on here than I care to mention anymore, however, if this is what true female leadership looks like, it needs to be never considered again in Michigan.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

  2 comments for “Joan Bauer, THAT’S a Real Beauty…

  1. Jason
    May 30, 2020 at 9:39 am

    Love this:

    “Why is the advice of an outside attorney better than that of our attorney general?” she asked.

    Because she only thinks with her dam clams?

    You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

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