As Vassar is first city in Michigan to be targeted by the Feds for relocation of "Undocumented Children" Vassar citizens plan Protest / Informational Meeting this week.
Protest WHY?
Feds importing undocumented “children” into Vassar MI , Wolverine Center. Some of these “kids” are 17 and 19 years old. The fact is that Wolverine has always dealt with Michigan youth where the physical and emotional needs of its guests are known. We, nor the Federal Government, nor the State of Michigan know ANYTHING about who these individuals background. How will housing these people impact our economy, schools, and neighborhoods? These are reasonable questions that deserve an answer BEFORE these undocumented :children are thrust upon us not after.
The protest Monday July 7 @ 6pm.
Location: Vassar City Council , city building 287 E Huron Ave, Vassar, MI 48768…City Council meeting at 7pm. From the protest we can move to the city council meeting for those would like to present a unified front . During the public comment portion our thoughts will be expressed.
The Vassar Concerned Citizens Committee is presenting a
Public Informational Meeting Wednesday, July
9th 6PM-8PM
On Wednesday July 9 there will be a free public meeting for information about the possible housing of the undocumented “children”. The meeting will be held at Vassar High School, 220 Athletic Street, Vassar MI. 48768…..knowledgeable speakers will present and Wolverine representatives have also been invited to state the reasons for importing the kids.
This informational meeting is about the Wolverine Center in Vassar MI, taking, housing, and providing education for the illegal and undocumented immigrant “children” who have come across our borders. Parking is available in city lot, or at empty parking lots next door and across the street.
There will be no questions or discussion and disrupters will be asked to please listen or if they continue to interrupt/disrupt will be asked to leave. We will be presenting the best information that we have and two hours is a very short time.
Wolverine Human Services traditionally has been for males ages 12 thru 18. 19 years olds have to leave whether they have completed their sentence or are returned to jail. Over 18 does also not have to be usually educated by Vassar Public Schools. Wolverine does not use the state special education guidelines that allows special needs students to be educated to age 25.
To make sure that the event is not misrepresented, we WILL be live streaming the event on the following ustream channel –
Here is some background info and an interview with the Wolverine Centers Owner with WJR’s Frank Beckman
Listen to this podcast from 6.30.14 Frank Beckman show on WJR. Founder of Wolverine Human Services talks to Frank about the possibility of housing 60 undocumented alien juveniles in Vassar at a cost of $52,000 per juvenile ($3.1 million of our federal tax dollars). Wolverine Founder Robert E. Wollack says the cost to Michigan will be zero and goes on to describe this as a win win situation because these are federal dollars. Further in the segment he says some of Wolverine’s $24 million annual budget comes from county and state funds. And they are talking about a 2:1 staff to juvenile ratio. Frank Beckman stated most of these “children” are over 18 and 3/4 of them are male. Wolverine would only take 17 yrs and younger.
No contracts have been signed but this could happen as soon as July 14th folks. This needs to go viral.
Audio 009677

We need to know as much as possible about what could be coming to Vassar. Then we need to stop it. Michigan, and every other state in the union cannot afford to deal with the diseases, unrest, and possible violence that could come from some of these older "children". There is no commonality of language between us and them. How will be communicate with them, if they come in spite of our best efforts? What will we do with them? I think Michigan families will be very reluctant to even consider adoption of any of them.
If we manage to send them back across the border with Mexico, where will we send them? We probably don't even know who their parents or guardians are. The youngest of them will suffer the most. That will be one of the greatest tragedies to come out of this illegal bussing in of foreigners.
We don't have much time. We must deal with this now.
First off, they're illegals - what in the Hell is there to discuss? Send their asses back home.
Secondly, if there is anything that should be discussed, then y'all might want to move your group to Rick Snyder's gated residence to ask him, as governor of this state, WhyTF he is encouraging what amounts to Jimmy Carter's third term of office with enabling President Enrique Peña Nieto's his modern-day version Mariel boatlift? Why not let the Slick, big central power government loving Nerd put up his Barrycades to you on video along with his buck dancing around for an answer, which reveals he considers Amendment X to be null and void.
Thirdly, unless this Discussion group in Vassar, is willing to put all the cards on the table, then you are going to get it - get it good and hard, anyway. Always... Follow The Money.
There is the core problem right there. Long ago, LBJ co-opted churches into IRS Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status, and today they are little more than .FEDGOV line toeing Leftist, open border grant money parasites who wouldn't say shit if they had a mouthful for that Almighty Reserve Note. This has been stated in the past here with regard to Sandra Fluke (does it really rhyme with f**k?) and throughout the interweb as seen here. Slimy bastards that sold their tongue along with their souls for a buck. Our Right to keep and bear arms? Sold for a tax-exempt buck. Sodomites in the church? Yep, sold for a tax-exempt buck, too.
Piss on 'em all.
This human trafficking reminds me of when back around the 1930's and 1940's the government and churches when into Native American reservations and took away many of their poor children or children of single mothers and put the kids up for adoption or into foster homes. Many of these kids were abused and later abandoned. Looks like history is repeating itself.
Two quick points to pass along.
First, if anyone wants to know why CPB can't just point south and simply tell the illegal aliens to go home...they cannot.
They are prohibited from doing so due to a law passed under a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS and signed into law by BUSH V2.0 r
Again, don't just take my word on this. Here's the roll call tally for everyone to read.
All they need to do is answer the questions correctly (which they have already been coached on what to say), and they are in like Flynn.
Second, the dynamics of this story are quickly changing.
After the embarrassment of what happened California several days ago (how dare the source from which government derives its power have the audacity to actually tell government what to do???), the buses will now be escorted by federal agents in full riot gear to ensure that they reach their intended destination.
Think Bundy Ranch all over again.
I see this getting real ugly, real fast.
And not just here in Michigan.
Hi William, any photos or reports from tonite's protest that I can post to Watchdog Wire? Thanks, Izzy
It won't cost us anything except scabies, ebola and dengue fever
This was asked of me on the road and I honestly don't have any idea, so I'll toss it out here to see if anyone else has some info.
What is preventing Corrigan from yanking whatever licenses this place needs to operate so there isn't anywhere in Michigan for them to go?
Preventing a public outbreak of Fleas, Chagas, TB or worse sound like a justifiable rationale to me for doing so.
Fox News picks up my Vassar story:
Well done Izzy!
Izzy, trying to contact anyone. Left a reply at re vassar. Hope u get to read my suggestion. Just posted it. My hometown won out. Info in my reply. My name is jan. Good luck!
Thanks, Jason. PS One of the watchdog wire writers tried this link/registration
(for the immigration meeting) and it did not work. ??
Been an overload on that issue. Link works fine now, but of course, the meeting is over.
No no no to illegal immigrants. These children belong in their own countries with their own families. This is democrat
President barack obamas mess- once here the illegals will never leave.
Contact town of lawrenceville, virginia. They overrode the Feds/illegals being housed at a vacant college/st.pauls college in their town. Important to contact them ASAP or you may not be able to stop the process. Lawrenceville was the town I was raised in and I'm connected with them on Facebook. I saw you on the news. Same situation. You can succeed. But please call lawrenceville. One of my friends is al Roberts. He was an organizer along with town elected.
Best regards,
But... but... but...
Uh-oh, @Rick Michigander #Hispandering