Popped up in my Facebook feed today:
Run, Ben, Run! Join our effort to draft Dr. Carson, a Detroit native, to return to Michigan and run for the U.S. Senate in 2018. https://www.facebook.com/Draft-Ben-Carson-for-US-Senate-1560440750949118/
I agree.
Come on home Ben. Bring your politically incorrect platform back to Michigan and show how a real conservative can win a US Senate seat in Michigan. Stabenow has been allowed far too much time in DC working against us and the constitution, and the GOP bench repeatedly puts up weak candidates.
This is an outstanding idea.
Run Ben Run indeed!
You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(4)
I'm guessing that he would never consider it. He has inadvertently been exposed to exactly who he would be working with (or more accurately 'for' here in Michigan). He knows Detroit area politics and what a cesspool the entire state is in terms of those outside the area as well. He's smarter than that. The conservative base here isn't strong enough to have his back and he knows it.
On a sidenote...tonight's debate was the most despicable example of so-called non-partisan journalism in the history of American politics. I wouldn't allow a 3-year old to watch that again (I quit) let alone any young adult hoping to receive even a glimpse of what my generation is truly all about.
When Megyn Kelly interrupted/questioned/railroaded Kasich in the first debate; two sentences in to "what if" one of your children was gay?
We were no longer having 'debates' in this country.
Agree. It was a terrible affair. Trump is not my pick, but the hit job Fox did was disappointing.
Well, at least the flavor of Detroit's debate gave us all this moment: https://twitter.com/NeilTurner_/status/705608768667652097
Thank you HDTV, as we now get to focus on those things that are important to us.
Important like carpetbagging Carson into Michigan, whose own state campaign chair defected to Marxo Fruitio 'cause he's just like loser Ben?
You're a sharp one.
LOL! Ya, okay...
You want to buy your hungry boy's domain? Sorry, someone else already *picked it* http://www.tedcruzbooger.com/
Don't donate to "draft" campaigns. They are usually scams run by people with no connection to the candidate.
It's a Faceberg page that asks for no donations, you dummy.
Never said it did. My statement is general advice.
Seen your advise before. It generally sucks.
Real nice...
Yet, another booger eater heard from. Typical zealot. Secret Service really needs to pay Ted Cruz's biggest endorser a visit.
Tho, it does make us rational people wonder if Beck's aim with a knife is like what Carson wrote in his book. #MagicBeltBuckle