Our *feel good* tax dollars at work…
It’s possible Michigan students might have a state lawmaker reading to them in the classroom this month.
The leaders of the education committees in the Michigan Legislature are challenging their colleagues to each read to 1,000 Michigan students as a part of March is Reading Month.
Rep. Amanda Price, R-Park Township, and Sen. Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair Township, issued the challenge to their colleagues last week. If each lawmaker reads to 1,000 children, the legislators would read to a total of 148,000 Michigan school children during March.
Memo the Republican Majority in Lansing: You gaggle of inept simpletons are the last people who should be invading schools reading to children.
Sen. Rick Jones: “It’s not uncommon to have legislation that needs to be clarified or corrected after it becomes law” http://t.co/4vBSdFzj3y
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) March 2, 2015
Yes, Snyder’s newest agenda pimp, John Walsh, proves that nobody can accuse Sen. Jones of being a liar.
Education is the parent’s responsibility – not yours.

I wouldn't be so quick to knock it, this could be very educational.
Just think: If these eager elected officials were to take along something civics related (say one of those copies of the Michigan Constitution which they all have several cases of in their respective offices gathering dust), not only could they educate the next generation on how government is supposed to work, but they might actually learn how to do their job.
Ha! You said, "if".
Were they to conduct their reading exercises in urban schools, they would get to experience the success of ACLU approved disciplinary protocols in action.
Actually, it would be more fun to watch them teach mathematics in an urban school. Worst behaved classes you can ever imagine.
Worst behaved, huh? Well, maybe throwing $48,000,000.00 at the little bastards will cure the problem?