Research & Analysis

Jocelyn Benson: From Election Fraud Adjacent to Aspiring Governor

Jocelyn Benson - a name synonymous with 'election fraud'

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has declared her candidacy for governor in 2026. Yeah, this is the same Jocelyn Benson whose political ascent has been peppered with controversy, eyebrow-raising connections, and what some might call an opportunistic knack for ‘Teflon’ politics. Let’s take a little walk down memory lane and unpack her storied past.

2010: Fake Tea Party Shenanigans

You may recall that in 2010, Michigan witnessed a blatant attempt at election fraud: the creation of a fake Tea Party to siphon votes from legitimate candidates. Two Democratic operatives from Oakland County, Jason Bauer and Mike McGuinness, were convicted for their roles in this debacle. Bauer got probation and a slap on the wrist, while McGuinness faced perjury and forgery charges. Fun fact: both of these fine gentlemen were connected to none other than Jocelyn Benson.

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Matt Deperno On Antrim

Attorney Matt DePerno discusses the Antrim County lawsuit.

Its on appeal, and attorney Matt Deperno is sure they will eventually prevail.

This video was taken last evening in Traverse City, MI during the “Audit Michigan Now” tour, election integrity event. Speakers included Pat Colbeck, Matt Deperno, and numerous others who have committed their time and energies to making sure that the election of 2020 is recognized fore the fraud that it was, so that it may not happen again.

Presented without further ado.

More information, including case facts and arguments available at

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Money Well Spent

"Bureaucracy" is never having to say you're sorry.

Government always has a plan for us.

In 2010 it was scam on the American people known as the “Affordable Care Act,” or ..more lovingly known as “Obamacare.” During the roll out of the ( site, there was little demand, and it wasn’t until other aspects of the law destroyed traditional insurance plans that the site began to see broader use.

The price tag of course was a healthcare system that collapsed in terms of value, requirements that people buy a product in order to remain a free citizen, and about a trillion or so dollar funneled into the pockets of those well connected enough to be a part of the scheme.

Federal ‘health’ insurance asserted itself into our lives with a full blown partisan takeover, and a traitorous piece of garbage in the Supreme Court rewriting the law so that it had some semblance to legitimate authority.

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Governor Leading The Lawless

The side effects of having an unrepentant lawbreaker as a governor.

Something occurred to me this morning.

One of the ways in which government has been able to operate at a board level is by Zoom, of some other streaming service.  The problem with this however, was the ways in which the streaming option limited the ability of those who wish to attend meetings and keep government open and transparent.

The answer was Executive Order 2020-15.  EO 2020-15 changed the requirements of having the meetings, to allowing by remote access with limited public interaction:

Acting under the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and Michigan law, I order the following:

Effective immediately and continuing until April 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm, to the extent that the Open Meetings Act, 1976 PA 267, as amended, MCL 15.261 to 15.272 (“OMA”) requires that a meeting of a public body be held in a physical place available to the general public or requires the physical presence of one or more members of a public body, strict compliance with section 3 of the OMA, MCL 15.263, is temporarily suspended in order to alleviate any such physical-place or physical-presence requirements, as follows:

Etc., and so on.. (feel free to follow through and see the conditions)

The order allows forms of electronic meetings that would not otherwise be allowed under legislative authority without the power assumed by the governor.  It essentially kept local governments ability to operate under ‘stay home’ conditions that might arise.

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April 09 2020 – The Rule Of Law

If the governor cannot abide by the law, why should anyone else?

I am not advocating for lawlessness.

But the basis under which Whitmer has crafted EO 2020-33 is not entirely within the scope of the law.  PA390, the act under which certain transgressions of our daily liberties might be enacted, does have rules that the governor must follow.

Specifically, it must describe the manner under which we can be assured that the ‘disaster’ has been resolved.  the order must describe the conditions under which, if met become the basis for rescinding such an order.

As you see in the actual order 2020-33, it cites PA390 and in particular the section which grants her authority to make an EO.  It does not however, describe what constitutes an end to the ‘disaster’ as required by section 3.

So, is this order even legitimate?

And going beyond even this particular evidence that this governor is both power hungry and in over her head, are her edicts about movement and congregation even lawful?

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In A Couple Of Pictures

Analyzing $500 Plus contributions to El-Sayed Gubernatorial bid reveals significant outside interest.

The total amount contributed to Abdul El-Sayed through contributions of $500 or more as reported to the SoS is nearly  $1,500,000.00

This is not the total amount he has raised, but simply the aggregate amount by contributors who really really really want him to be the first Islamic Governor in the United States.  It INCLUDES his own minor personal and in/kind mileage contributions, which in the tables shown are reflected in the Michigan portion.

Let this sink in.  Less than 50% of this particular candidate’s receipts $500 and more are from Michigan voters.

The BIG money comes from somewhere else.



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Oh no! This doesn’t look too good.

With County leaders going off-script and not following the established speaking points. When your (possible) PR-firm goes and takes a page from the Coleman A. Young (The First) Playbook and employed a time-worn (and easily recognizable) tactic which hopelessly backfired. When The Bridge Magazine (of all people), comes out and tells people that the latest iteration of mass transit, the Q-Line, over-promised its potential and hilariously underperformed when it comes to paid ridership and maintaining schedules. Now comes the Michigan Legislature throwing yet another log on the fire that is the RTA.

{You’ll need to click below to find out what that is}

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I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!

Local leaders aren’t warming up you your schemes. The scuttlebutt is that focus group testing isn’t looking too good either (not having a real plan with real numbers didn‘t help). Lately, you have enlisted local business “leaders” to help in promoting your cockamamie strategy, but wouldn’t you know it, they aren’t getting that much traction either.

So, who are these people and why are they employing the last refuge for desperate men?

Here’s a hint: All the more reason to hold onto your wallet a little more tightly around Detroit.

{I’ll tell you who they are below the fold}

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