Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Elections, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy, Republicans
Minimum Wage Insanity Passes GOP ‘Firewall’
by Jason • • 21 Comments
Sausage Grinding In All Its Glory. Minimum Wage Today, Higher Gas Taxes Tomorrow.
In a move reportedly designed to head off a ballot initiative, a higher minimum wage was passed and signed by Governor Rick Snyder.
Snyder yesterday signed ‘bipartisan’ legislation raising Michigan’s minimum wage by September to $8.15, and to $9.25 an hour by 2018, a move he said “will help hard-working residents without hindering the state’s improving economy.” SB 934 is now Public Act 138 of 2014.
Oh, and by the way; It should be noted that a majority of the House Republicans voted NO on this. (albeit a small one)
We support those voting no, including one of our Northern Michigan legislators who gets it. Greg MacMaster (R-105) says
Conservative News, Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Elections, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy, Republicans
Detroit Bailout: Why the “Grand Bargain” is actually a Faustian Bargain.
by KG One • • 4 Comments
Not actually Gov. Rick Snyder
Like most Conservatives here, I was disappointed, but honestly not surprised in the least, by last weeks vote in the Michigan House on the “Grand Bargain”.
I say this because leading up to the vote, when my sources go dark, or when they do finally return my calls and begin to waffle, that is almost always an indication that things are going bad rather quickly.
I’m not going to mince words here. Aside from absolutely hating that misleading term “Grand Bargain”, I still can’t see why people in Lansing can’t/won’t do their homework on what is really going on here and why they are reticent on calling a bailout what it actually is: a bailout.
You’re probably asking yourselves; what causes people like that to lose their way?
Limited government and fiscal responsibility were once hallmarks of the Republican Party platform a long time ago.
Let’s take a look as to what happened, shall we?
{Continued after the fold}
All the Other Stuff, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy
Pure Memorial Day Weekend
by Jason • • 5 Comments
Have we allowed policing powers on some issues to go too far?
What says Memorial day in Michigan, more than an emptied beehive of police cruisers out to sting anyone they can?
Its the annual tradition of seat belt oppression on Michigan roads and highways. With grants providing overtime and special enforcement zones, this weekend’s vacation fun should fatten the local coffers and library penal fund balances right up. Most of our Michigan governments have been asked to accept such funding on behalf of their policing units, so as to enforce more rigorously, a regimen of protecting us from ourselves.
Sadly, the same legislature that allowed the return of helmet less motorcycling, has yet to reverse the 4th amendment violating features of seat belt enforcement. The original law, supposedly a non actionable civil infraction, now enshrines the means for abusive police action.
Conservative News, Opinion, Philosophy
Heh… Eloi he says
by Corinthian Scales • • 1 Comment
Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy
There Is Nothing Wrong With The GOP Platform
by Jason • • 1 Comment
And genuinely supporting it with a message to leadership is worth doing.
Take 2 minutes and sign your name.
Stop the progressive, Greg McNeilly from tearing apart the Republican party in Michigan.
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Cronyism, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy, Republicans
AFP Mobilizes Grassroots to Oppose Detroit Bailout, Pension Deal
by Jason • • 1 Comment
AFP Grassroots Gear Up to Fight Detroit Bailout Deal
The Michigan chapter of Americans for Prosperity is launching an effort to contact 90,000 grassroots activists across Michigan and engage them in opposition to the latest iteration of the Detroit bailout deal
The group plans to spend significantly in order to hold state legislators accountable if they choose to support an appropriation of Michigan taxpayer dollars for this deal. Checkout for more information on the bailout and AFP’s grassroots efforts. Scott Hagerstrom says:
“Detroit receives more of our hard-earned tax dollars than any other municipality in Michigan. It should be clear to all of us that throwing more good money after bad can’t save Detroit from big-government policies that constrict private growth and rob taxpayers of wealth. Allowing the City of Detroit to sit on $3 billion in assets while pensioners see cuts is not acceptable. Lawmakers in Lansing need to know that 90,000 Michigan activists are watching closely as they consider appropriating more money to throw down the drain.”
And we agree.
Detroit tries to have its cake and eat OURS too, and our GOP legislators could very well sell us down that river.
Go get em AFP.
All the Other Stuff, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy
Tea Party Pow Wow Flashback
by Jason • • 0 Comments
Been busy folks!
But never fear, we always have good stuff for you.
All the Other Stuff, Humor in Michigan, Michigan, Philosophy
It Takes A Village
by Jason • • 6 Comments
To tell those punk kids of ours to un-kink their goose necks.
A resolution to declare May 5-11, 2014, as Screen-Free Week in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, Screen-Free Week is an enjoyable and innovative way to improve children’s well-being by reducing dependence on entertainment screen media, including television, video games, computers, and hand-held devices, thus offering time for children to go outside, read, daydream, create, explore, and spend more time with family and friends; and
Whereas, Preschool children spend an average of 32 hours a week with screen media; and
All the Other Stuff, Conservative News, Michigan, Opinion, Philosophy
Who Is The REAL ‘Hate Group?’
by Jason • • 5 Comments
Anyone Who Disagrees With These Folks Is A Hate Group.
Its tough to stand for decency, rule of law, the constitution, and traditional values any more.
Its bad enough that the SPLC has been presented as a legitimate decider of who is a hate group, and who is not. Its hard to argue with their designations when listing supremacy groups (Neo-Nazis and Islamist organizations), but when calling traditionalists hate based?
Political correctness, driven by an emotional need to have a certain group’s behavior unconditionally accepted, has placed those who desire a safe, moral and aesthetically appropriate social environment in a bad light. Media driven values degradation has produced a new class of minority, and if you disagree, or are a practicing Christian, you must be a hate filled bigot.
Traverse City Family members have stood out in the cold, put up with physical assaults by those who disagree with their message, and have yet to hurt, maim, or intimidate any single person because of color, creed, their behavioral orientation, or gender. This group provides literature to help folks escape the trap of homosexuality, and produces educational videos designed to encourage more wholesome choices.