
So Much for Wooing the Moonslime Vote…

Looks like Slick Rick is going to don bigger pandering knee pads, soon. Probably should’ve followed his convention friend’s lead when dense enough to hug a cactus.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

If RINOs Fought Democrats as Hard as They Fight TEA Folk

Yessirree. They’ve been content being the minority Party at the table ever since the big spenders under Bush, gave up both chambers to Reid, and Pelosi, in November, 2006.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(3)

When Republicans Advocate for Apartheid

“I am a strong supporter of equal pay for equal work, and the two laws on the books that protect women in the workplace – the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.” – Terri’s Solutions

And, supports Elliot-Larsen expansionMinimum Wage hikesdisplays expediency against those with Conservative values…

Yannow, I just can’t wait to see her next flip-flop before November.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(2)

Franchise Envy

The power of government can be instructive AND abusive.

When an operation hosted in publicly owned property is as successful as what might be considered only in ‘wildest dreams,’ it is then eyed with a lust that is found only within the failure of bureaucracy.

baseball1I’ve seen it first hand.  In Grand Traverse County in 2010, a highly successful  baseball program run by veterans was quite literally confiscated, and taken over by the landlords.  An empire building, bureaucratic strategist, coupled with a misunderstood management glitch in the popular 62 year old program opened the door to it being taken over by the county.

The PRIVATE program which began more than a half century earlier by veterans building ball fields was summarily sequestered because the landlord didn’t like the way ‘management’ of the program was operating.  The county board was convinced to back a parks decision to take the program away from the vets, and the participation dropped by 30%.

In the end, a newly elected county board (including myself) in the beginning of 2011 convinced enough of the old to give it back.  In the end as well however, we should note that it was a government entity (the parks department) trying to justify its existence, (programming beyond rental of properties) show a profit (a stated argument during the takeover) and be a controlling authority.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Canvas & The Wind Blowing

Hot air, rhetoric, and special interest conflates into a false idea of what inclusion truly is.

Big tent arguments have been the mainstay of Right Michigan since it’s inception.

commentaryBefore reading it I wasn’t sure where it might go.  But I found a worthwhile essay by Jack Spencer at Cap Con wrapped up in this way:

” Based on recent polling, neither major political party in this nation can, with a straight face, claim to have a “big tent” appeal. For years polling has shown that voters tend to want smaller government and to see government more as a problem than as a solution. Make no mistake about it; both of these sentiments are joined at the hip with the fear of freedom and liberty diminishing.

Theoretically this should be an advantage for Republicans. But in recent years it has been an advantage Republicans love to speak to but very rarely deliver on. “

Its worth noting that either party’s impetus for promoting THEIR version is the use of a large hammer; “smaller government” claim noted

To ‘promote’ business, claims of job creation aided-by-government is necessary, or to ‘promote’ a living wage for workers, control of those business entities is paramount. Is this a false populism of sorts? Neither party properly embraces truly free markets, true liberty, or lower government intervention.

Its worth reading the rest.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

A Convention Prayer

We are in need of guidance at the least, and maybe of a 'family intervention' otherwise.

I offered a prayer for the election August 5th.

Some might ask me with a level of expected incredulity “did it work!?” To which there is only one answer. Yes of course it did. And I will pray again for the same guidance and outcome of what is part of His plan.

Father God above

We know that it is by your grace that man pursues what is right and just. We know that absent reliance of your word, there is only chaos and uncertainty.

As we choose from our brothers and sisters in this gathering, we ask that you guide us to make those choices so that we may better represent YOUR will on earth. Make our eyes discern more clearly truth from deceit. Let the hearts of our leaders know you. Let agents of deception fear the righteous, and keep the will of the righteous strong.

We humbly ask that the voices of the unborn are heard, that our disadvantaged are made self sufficient, that the nation founded through your strength, regains its path of prosperity and leadership of men through you and your son, our savior, Jesus Christ.


See you in the morning

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)


Pissant’s unhinged rant of the day.

These extremists are what Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson rightly calls the “Taliban wing” of the GOP.

Ah yes, old Babbling Brooksie is a helluva example.

While the extremists attempt to portray themselves as principled conservatives fighting against what they claim to be Republicans-in-name-only (aka RINOs), the truth is they are the pretenders.

That isn’t to say everyone in the tea party is a conservative pretender.

Far from it, actually.

Unfortunately, the mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers who filled parks and courthouse lawns four years ago were preyed upon by all sorts of hucksters and grifters, who declared themselves to be the tea party leaders.

They then aligned with extremists, themselves the descendants of the John Birch Society who were rightfully expelled from the conservative movement by Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley Jr. and Michigan’s own Russell Kirk when these three served as the political and intellectual leaders of conservatism.

That’s why political leaders and activists who were the tea party long before the tea party existed — Macomb County’s Leon Drolet comes to mind — [snip]

Bingo! Where it always leads to if one allows a platform to a moronic Millennial.

Ps. Mush-mouth Buckley’s son turned out to be a pile of dung, too.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(5)