
Rep. Faris and Sen. Hopgood enjoy a Creative Suggestion

Only in America would folks be so foolish as to pay additional monies for cutesy, and mostly ignoble causes on what is a tax tab, however, there are those who believe our unalienable Right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness also includes our Secretary of State acting as a collection arm for the murdering of babies.



Read both bills here, and here.

Because those on The Left love to provide “free stuff” to “the poor” they create in return for a Democratic Party vote so much, here’s an artistic freebie to all the Femocrats who believe their Bee-esS about “Women’s Health™” isn’t seen for what it is.

Now, really need further convincing that Progressives aren’t just a plantation of simpletons used to elect their dystopian masters?

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(2)

Citizenship? Part I

We can continue to ignore the intent to clarify what constitutes being a citizen or ..

Anchor-BoyWe continue to have a problem.

The people who violate our sovereignty are here.  The children of immigrants are assumed to be a way to maintain an illegal presence in our country by these invaders from foreign lands.  In that process, the constitution is used to serve excuses for the law breaking.  Michigan attorney Jim Fuscaldo clarifies a few things in “A Citizen’s Primer on the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

By James J. Fuscaldo


James Madison said, “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

Congress is debating the need for comprehensive immigration reform. The reason is to deal with illegal immigration; manage the growing number of illegal immigrants in the United States, and create an equitable path to permanent residency and citizenship for all illegal immigrants and their families in the United States.

An essential part of United States immigration policy is based on the executive branch’s current practice of granting birthright citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are either illegal aliens; a temporary nonresident alien (guest worker) living in the United States, or aliens lawfully in the country for a limited time and purpose.

Birthright citizenship is not authorized by the Constitution or congressional legislation. It has not been validated by any Supreme Court or Appellate Court decision. Constitutional scholars and eminent jurists have studied the historical record; the congressional debate before its adoption; the case law pertaining to the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and its association with our English Common Law heritage.  They have concluded that granting birthright citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are either illegal aliens or temporary nonresident aliens (guest workers) living in the United States, or aliens lawfully in the country for a limited time and purpose is not supported by the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Before analyzing the historical significance and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment it is incumbent on us to first consider a review of the Thirteenth Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 as evolutionary precedents for the Fourteenth Amendment.

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Ugh, work is stupid!

Let’s all take a break.

Just when you thought that the Three-ring Circus that tries to pass itself off as “leadership” couldn’t make an even bigger ass of themselves than they already have done to date, they just turn around and surprise you.

Same cast of characters. Same city.

And another example of ungrateful children pretending to be mature adults wasting your hard earned money.

{Click below to find out who they are and what they have done this time}

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Where Elliot Larsen Would lead.

Any fool in Lansing who thinks ANY form of LGBT protections added to Elliot Larsen is a good idea, needs to seek help.

FB-Coffia-LabelingDumb Dumb Dumb.

A former Michigan Democrat candidate for State Representative 104th district demonstrates typical short sighted immaturity, and a propensity for government in charge. In her post that seems to decry religious protections, she advocates ‘labeling’ as a solution to disagreement.

In her Facebook posting of a Raw Story article (complete with a couple of local ‘likes’), Betsy Coffia says:

“seems reasonable. if this type of ;aw is passed by our current GOP legislative majority, I hope to see a similar amendment.”

Can I get an “Oy Vey?

Coffia, as with many others of the progressive left, appears to have a weak understanding of the dangers of government and the evil within it that is always waiting for such an opportunity as this.  Yet the left and the LGBT movement in this country apparently wants US to label THEM so they can be ‘proud’ of their poor decision making and self destructive behavior, or at least not feel like their choices have consequence.

A change to Elliot Larsen would be terrifying enough to those who believe in the first amendment.  The addition of religious exemptions that some believe would protect our ability to practice our faith would be challenged like they are now in Oklahoma. Of course most of us would rather ignore this radical new ideology of in-your-face activism, but we must also recognize an ultimate endgame when we see it.

And call it what it is.


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The Science is Settled

In response to the latest manufactured controversy by those who have no respect for Freedom of Speech, and are besides themselves in their effete circle-jerk advancing their goal that is the elimination of independent thought, what we see above matters little if it’s Black, Blue, White or Gold, because without a shred of doubt it is a muhammadan empowering, race-baiting, socialistic, quisling a**hole.

The end.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(2)

Pavlov’s Politicians

Reflex Conditioning Drives Uncontrolled Government Spending

Pavlovs PoliticianThe brilliant, Nobel Prize winning physiologist Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov demonstrated that you could condition a dog to salivate by sounding a metronome. All he had to do was sound the metronome when putting out food for his dogs. It did not take long for his dogs to associate the sound of the metronome with food.  Then he no longer even had to put food out to get the dogs to salivate; he only had to sound the metronome.

Today, inferior rank politicians have been conditioned to salivate when a financial grant is offered by superior rank politicians. The only problem with these grants of largess is that they always come with caveats, and usually require matching funds. These restrictions are a deliberate – and successful – effort to frustrate all efforts to manage government expenditures.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Michigan Political Math: $ 1.2 Billion = $ 1.08 Billion

Mass Transit Skims $ 120 Million from Proposal 2015-01 Road Work Funds

Train Wreck ImageEver hear of the Michigan Comprehensive Transportation Fund? Ten cents of every Michigan fuel tax dollar gets diverted to this mass transportation slush fund.  It is only just behind the sales tax as a diversion of your current fuel tax dollars from Michigan’s roads.

All motor vehicle fuel taxes collected in the State of Michigan are first deposited into the Michigan Transportation Fund. Then MCL 247.660 (1)(f) (Public Act 51 of 1951) dictates that 10% of the funds deposited in the Michigan Transportation Fund be immediately transferred to the Comprehensive Transportation Fund. The amended version of MCL 247.660 you are being offered in Proposal 2015-01 has the very same section (1)(f), making the same 10% immediate diversion.

So the $ 1.2 billion that Proposal 2015-01 supporters are promising you for road work is actually only $ 1.08 billion.  Kirk T. Steudle, P.E. gets a whole new stash to maintain and expand his stable of rotting train cars, $ 120 million that cannot be spent on the roads by law.  $ 120 million that gets skimmed from the $ 1.2 billion you are being promised for the roads.  And no, it is not skimmed from the $ 800 million that Proposal 2015-01 dedicates to the Democratic base.

Now you now know how Michigan political math works in the age of Common Core.  Pay $ 2 billion for roads, get $ 1 billion in road work.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

In Honor, Mr. President

Today, marks what would’ve been our nations’ leader’s 283 Birthday.

In 1968, congress did away with recognizing President Washington’s birthday on February, 22, to provide government bureaucrats and their staff to get their 3-day weekends, which has become commercially known as Presidents Day Sales for the retail industry.

Sometimes, I wonder what all of our Founding Fathers would think if they saw their gift to us today.

My thoughts are that they would be repulsed at what we’ve allowed their dream to become. I wouldn’t blame them.

At least there is record of what General Washington, thought of this.

Slippery slopes

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We’re 31st!

FFI 2015 Overall Rankings Screen-Shot

The twenty-five year old John Locke Foundation has just released its First in Freedom Index for 2015. The Freedom Index ranks states for the level of freedom allowed their citizens in four weighted areas of policy:

Fiscal: 50%
Education: 20%
Regulation: 20%
Health Care: 10%

Michigan ranks 31st overall among the states in the Freedom Index. Dismal per capita levels of state taxes, spending, and regulation weighed down Michigan’s rankings. Michigan’s ranking in the individual policy categories are:

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