
Turkeys, Sausages, and Turd-Polishing

Will Proposal 15-1 become a bridge too far for the GoverNerd?

According to a colleague of mine, the power of government (at any level), over its law-abiding citizens, is directly derived from the taxation authority. Think about that for a moment or two. In a truly free society, the government has no means to control the behavior of its citizens who aren’t actual criminals, nor will those citizens tolerate any such action from their duly-elected public servants. And while the citizenry does indeed pay taxes – because even in a free society, the government still has the authority to tax – control of the taxation mechanism isn’t left to the arbitrary whims of government functionaries, and the true tax burden is plainly visible for all to see.

By that measure, it’s been at least five decades since Michigan was a truly free state. Since being gifted with an income-based taxation model, and a full-time legislative model, the state that was once the engine of freedom has progressively mutated into a socialist laboratory, at best a generation between now and whatever bankruptcy chapter awaits a nominally sovereign state collapsing into receivership. And in that regard, I don’t think it overly dramatic to suggest that this statewide special election to decide the fate of a legislative piece of sausage is similar to Gettysburg . . . if we don’t stop them here, then where will we ever be able to stop them at all?

The upside is that We the People received a bit of good news on this front yesterday, though how this’ll ultimately play out is still an open question.

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Just Vote Yes, Willya?

Safe Roads YES! is already running media ads . . . why aren’t their opponents?

So, about three weeks ago, Safe Roads YES! launched their radio and television ad campaign, designed to convince us that jacking up our per-person state tax-and-fee burden by roughly $248.12 – permanently (not including inflation adjustments to the wholesale fuel tax) – is a good idea. To do so, they’re using the standard tactics of bogus statistics and emotional appeals, praying that the typical low-information voter isn’t going to do even the basic homework into the legislative piece of sausage that the GoverNerd and his hodge-podge of allies are doing their damnedest to slide by us roughly six weeks from now.

And you’d think that at least one of the organizations or individuals lined up to oppose the Michigan Sales Tax Increase for Transportation Amendment would have already snagged media buys for at least one well-produced television commercial. I’ll freely admit that I don’t spend much time in front of the boob tube these days, but I can’t seem to get through even one prime-time television show (regardless of channel) without seeing at least one Pro-1 30-second spot. The reason that bugs me (both the pro-1 ad campaign and the absence of an anti-1 ad campaign) has less to do with polling, and more to do with my understanding of voter behavior.

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Citizenship – The Conclusion

" .. Immigration policy should first benefit the citizens and lawful residents of the United States. "

presidentReflection on the 14th amendment along with historic reference in parts I and II.

Wrapping up with the conclusion, we have a treat. Fuscaldo answers the questions many have had about a recent high profile announcement.  Enjoy!


An essential part of United States immigration policy is based on the executive branch’s current practice of extending birthright citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are either illegal aliens; a temporary nonresident alien (guest worker) living in the United States, or aliens lawfully in the country for a limited time and purpose.

This practice has never been authorized by any statute or court decision. There is no Supreme Court decision squarely holding that children born in the United States to illegal aliens or temporary nonresident aliens (guest workers) living in the United States are automatically citizens of the United States.

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Citizenship? Part II

AnchorIn Citizenship? Part I, Fuscaldo begins to discuss the 14th amendment.

We continue his essay with executive law, congressional acts, and some historic background.

by James Fuscaldo (continued)

Executive / Administrative Policy on Birthright Citizenship

Advocates for granting automatic citizenship to children born to illegal aliens or temporary nonresident aliens (guest workers) living in the United States always focus on the first requirement of birth.They allege birth on United States soil alone guarantees United States citizenship. These advocates also argue that the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction” simply means being susceptible to police authority (i.e. being required to follow American laws, pay fines for violations and be subject to the police powers of the Federal and State Courts). This interpretation creates a redundancy in the Fourteenth Amendment.


All people born in the United States are subject to the laws of the United States. Accepting the argument that the phrase, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, simply means subject to police power turns a critical and carefully written Citizenship Clause of the Constitution into a redundancy. It also gives the Clause an interpretation that is contrary to the recorded Congressional debate before its adoption, and to the principles of legislative construction and interpretation.

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Union Growth In Michigan?

What happens when the threat of permanence is no more?

MEA-NMCIt occurred to me recently, that we may be seeing the first potentially lasting effects of Michigan’s relatively new Right-to-Work status.

On March 12, 2015, it was announced that NMC faculty had surprisingly decided to subject itself to union dues and contracts negotiated by third parties on their behalf. 

TRAVERSE CITY –The Michigan Employment Relations Commission has certified the election and a majority of eligible faculty who voted have decided that all non-supervisory, full-time and part-time appointed faculty will be in a collective bargaining unit represented by the Michigan Education Association.

Northwestern Michigan College will begin negotiations with the Michigan Education Association for an agreement that will cover wages, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment for this group.

“Northwestern Michigan College will begin negotiations with the Michigan Education Association.” Check.

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Rep. Faris and Sen. Hopgood enjoy a Creative Suggestion

Only in America would folks be so foolish as to pay additional monies for cutesy, and mostly ignoble causes on what is a tax tab, however, there are those who believe our unalienable Right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness also includes our Secretary of State acting as a collection arm for the murdering of babies.



Read both bills here, and here.

Because those on The Left love to provide “free stuff” to “the poor” they create in return for a Democratic Party vote so much, here’s an artistic freebie to all the Femocrats who believe their Bee-esS about “Women’s Health™” isn’t seen for what it is.

Now, really need further convincing that Progressives aren’t just a plantation of simpletons used to elect their dystopian masters?

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Citizenship? Part I

We can continue to ignore the intent to clarify what constitutes being a citizen or ..

Anchor-BoyWe continue to have a problem.

The people who violate our sovereignty are here.  The children of immigrants are assumed to be a way to maintain an illegal presence in our country by these invaders from foreign lands.  In that process, the constitution is used to serve excuses for the law breaking.  Michigan attorney Jim Fuscaldo clarifies a few things in “A Citizen’s Primer on the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

By James J. Fuscaldo


James Madison said, “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

Congress is debating the need for comprehensive immigration reform. The reason is to deal with illegal immigration; manage the growing number of illegal immigrants in the United States, and create an equitable path to permanent residency and citizenship for all illegal immigrants and their families in the United States.

An essential part of United States immigration policy is based on the executive branch’s current practice of granting birthright citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are either illegal aliens; a temporary nonresident alien (guest worker) living in the United States, or aliens lawfully in the country for a limited time and purpose.

Birthright citizenship is not authorized by the Constitution or congressional legislation. It has not been validated by any Supreme Court or Appellate Court decision. Constitutional scholars and eminent jurists have studied the historical record; the congressional debate before its adoption; the case law pertaining to the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and its association with our English Common Law heritage.  They have concluded that granting birthright citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are either illegal aliens or temporary nonresident aliens (guest workers) living in the United States, or aliens lawfully in the country for a limited time and purpose is not supported by the Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Before analyzing the historical significance and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment it is incumbent on us to first consider a review of the Thirteenth Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 as evolutionary precedents for the Fourteenth Amendment.

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Ugh, work is stupid!

Let’s all take a break.

Just when you thought that the Three-ring Circus that tries to pass itself off as “leadership” couldn’t make an even bigger ass of themselves than they already have done to date, they just turn around and surprise you.

Same cast of characters. Same city.

And another example of ungrateful children pretending to be mature adults wasting your hard earned money.

{Click below to find out who they are and what they have done this time}

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