
One Does Not Have To Be Catholic

One does not even have to be religious or overly traditional ..

To see this as losing the culture war.

Satanic worshipers gather in an unprecedented way to demonstrate their foolishness. Detroit is already a perfect example of what happens when evil is portrayed as good, when force masquerades as charity, and now when ‘tolerance’ is used to usher in a perfectly harmless and ‘innocent’ way to throw off the ‘yoke of Christianity.’

These folks really have no idea of what they are doing.

H/T Church Militant

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

The LGBTIQ-crowd tries to screw Michigan Taxpayers just one more time.

Okay, they played the legal lottery and won.

I get that.

I don’t have to like that, but I get it.

We have a Supreme Court Chief Justice whose mental state is seriously suspect. A fellow Supreme Court Justice who is apparently too concerned with “leaving a legacy” than actually following the letter of the law. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the judicial activism displayed by other SCOTUS Justices in preceding rulings (and these) on unrelated cases should also be a cause for concern for any Freedom-loving American. But that is better left for another discussion.

Now, the LGBTIQ-crowd wants to turn the screws just one more time.

Shakedown Flag

Expect to see this flying in Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Hazel Park and Traverse City sometime soon…

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Now how do you suppose THAT got in there?

I’m in the process of looking for a new truck.

No, not something with 14 more wheels than most people are used to driving.

Just something for me to use personally. Impromptu moving vehicle. Grocery-getter. Off-road. Maybe taking on a side job or two plowing. Towing friends cars out of ditches. That sort of thing.

So, like anyone else who is in the market, I like to keep an eye on what to watch out for while walking around the dealer lot.

Then something I was reading caught my attention.

Yes, I am going somewhere with this.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why telling it like it is should be a newsworthy event.

Why telling it like it is should be a newsworthy event.

I’ll be honest, the whole kerfuffle regarding the “Confederate Flag” hasn’t drawn very much interest for me because of the following reasons:

One, it’s not directly Michigan-related.

Two, it doesn’t affect me personally or anyone that I know (and I know quite a few people who fall into the category the race-hustlers are trying to round up on their side).

Three, I’m actually amused at the time spent distracting focusing attention away from real issues like disintegrating family structures, a education system whose outcome is criminal, cities which have devolved into war zones, the job situation (just to name a few), which are the direct result of actions taken by democrats (See: Cloward-Piven).

But someone sent me this video, and it…well check it out for yourself regarding one Kid Rock, a do-nothing group of “community organizers” (isn’t that a redundant description), their respective list of accomplishments…and the Confederate Battle Flag.

Yes, the content is “safe for work”.



You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Senate Republicans invoke “leadership” strategy gleaned from watching South Park.

Just when you thought that things couldn’t get any stranger?

I bet you’re wondering which strategy that is?

Well, wait no longer (Here’s a hint: We’re at Phase 1)

{Click below the fold for details.}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Mad Max Hits Midland

A new 'terrorism' and whole communities brought to a stop

In a ‘Roundabout’ way.

Watch this instructional traffic video produced for those in Midland who are about to have a circular road feature. Pay attention to the way folks enter and exit, then imagine what would happen if 8 or ten cars just went around a few extra times on a busy day.

Just spin and spin until dizzy.

Imagine that.

That is all.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Stop Issuing Marriage Licenses Altogether.

The Supreme Court has spoken!

States should no longer issue licenses for marriage whatsoever.

Already the federal government has determined whether we are capable of governing our own health choices.  The ACA made sure that we are to buy THEIR preferred type of insurance or pay dearly for the failure to do so. The executive office driven EPA has determined that the coal fired plants in Michigan are not worthy of our electric payments, and that we would be better off blacked out and without lights (wait until 2017 folks!)

After today’s ruling it is quite clear that the state of Michigan needs a hands (or paws) off policy with regard to marriage.  The federal government has assumed the responsibility for who is eligible for the license necessary to achieve marital bliss as of this morning. Logically it makes no sense to further burden the stae of Michigan’s legislative code with marriage requirements that have no meaning or cultural protections.  Reasonable people can agree that such language only occupies our books and takes up space.

Our appropriate place in this great experiment of AmeriKa has ended.

The occupiers of the white-house have made it clear that a living constitution CAN be achieved if the push is strong enough. And if the stacking of the court has been properly done, there are numerous goals that can be met, never before imagined.

Go ahead Michigan.

Cut out the middleman.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(3)