
Sure: Carl Levin just up and Decided to *Retire*

Or, perhaps why Mr. Julianna Smoot‘s White House memo read, “Carl, cannot run for reelection. Tell him thanks for playing along, and dos svidaniya. Now, bring me Gary Peters”.

Read all about the documents obtained at Judicial Watch.

And, don’t even start about being unaware of the Marxist Levin slime that established his political career in the Progressive’s Utopian Cesspool of Detoilet, nor act oblivious about the Socialist-lite Republicans that have propped up that agenda for decades – you all were made aware.


Never fear, Weeper Boehner and Eric Holder have the situation *normalized*

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pure Gross Waste of Tax Dollars

Hey y’all, guess what. Our big spending Lansing Majority is about to stick us with the tab to change out frivolous road signs. You read that right. My Rep., Peter “I love Red Light Cameras” Pettalia (video here) just recently got some traction in the House for his buffoonish legislation to rename tourist-trap roadways with the Pure propaganda trademark. Added MEDC approved bonus? MDOT will have control over the “indeterminate” costly bid process! Cha-ching for some crony relative with a sign business.

Now, for some credit where credit is due.

Amendment offered by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on March 26, 2014, to require the proposed signs to also disclose the amount of cash subsidies and selective tax breaks the state paid to corporations and developers through its “economic development” programs, with the information posted in the same sized font. The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on March 26, 2014.

Thanks for trying, Rep. McMillin. You’re a true lone voice of Conservatism in Lansing. Consistency matters.

Maybe now some of y’all will have a better understanding why I take offense at these two sleazy CD-8 sociopaths.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Who Is The REAL ‘Hate Group?’

Anyone Who Disagrees With These Folks Is A Hate Group.

Its tough to stand for decency, rule of law, the constitution, and traditional values any more.

Its bad enough that the SPLC has been presented as a legitimate decider of who is a hate group, and who is not.  Its hard to argue with their designations when listing supremacy groups (Neo-Nazis and Islamist organizations), but when calling traditionalists hate based?

Political correctness, driven by an emotional need to have a certain group’s behavior unconditionally accepted, has placed those who desire a safe, moral and aesthetically appropriate social environment in a bad light. Media driven values degradation has produced a new class of minority, and if you disagree, or are a practicing Christian, you must be a hate filled bigot.

Traverse City Family members have stood out in the cold, put up with physical assaults by those who disagree with their message, and have yet to hurt, maim, or intimidate any single person because of color, creed, their behavioral orientation, or gender.  This group  provides literature to help folks escape the trap of homosexuality, and produces educational videos designed to encourage more wholesome choices.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(3)

How Can Rich Perlberg Walk Straight?

Obama supporter thinks he can prevail in Michigan's 42nd district Republican Primary.


And man parts the size of watermelons.

That is the only way I can describe one of the ‘Republican’ candidates in Michigan’s 42nd district State Representative race. The former general manager of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus entered into the four way Republican primary April 11, and apparently offers himself up as the RINO candidate.  (sorry Kevin, this one sticks)

And other Republican In Name Only candidates could only be jealous of the nerve Rich Perlberg has demonstrated in calling such a socialist standard as Barack Obama, a good choice for conservatives.  Jennifer Hensley documents the history of editorials from the Press & Argus including doozies like this endorsement:

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(2)

AFP Begins Obamacare Punishment Regimen

Watch for sweaty brows.

afpmiLansing’s legislators who sold their souls during the Medicaid expansion trick are already learning of the failure (job losses, hospital staff reductions, false savings) that they enacted in Michigan by embracing the Obamacare mandate.  Unheeded warnings by activists, REAL economists, and a history of failure by government resulted in a number of Representatives, and Senators expanding welfare through healthcare, and accepting a few shekels from the most tyrannical US federal bureaucracy ever.

And now its time for them to pay the piper, and AFP has started its reminder campaign.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Definitions To Work With

What are the various types of “republican,” and how are they defined?

I have learned to despise the term “Republican In Name Only” (a.k.a., RINO). My hatred for it is, likely, because the term is almost always lobbed around thoughtlessly with no regard for meaning or context, but simply as a foul insult meant to disparage a political opponent, and often by someone who’s lacking for constructive rhetoric. (By that standard, “RINO” is no better than “Nazi,” “communist,” or “faggot,” in that the value of the term is cheapened when it’s reduced to a common insult.) Quite frankly, there are better ways to address the intra-party philosophical divide than to randomly sling profanity around; and this is coming from a career Sailor. However, in order to constructively address the problem, because other terms also get abused so badly, I think that perhaps some effort ought to be expended in pursuit of some basic definitions that concisely and completely identify the various types of “republicans” present in today’s party apparatus (both establishment and grassroots).

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(5)

I don’t smoke pot, but I think you should be able to

The War on drugs must end: not working, causes violence, started in racism, many drugs have medical uses, and it just plain costs too much.

First, let me talk about me for a moment.  I consider myself a Republican.  I am a precinct delegate, a member of the Ingham County Republican Executive Committee, and a frequent delegate/alternate to State Republican Conventions.  Let me also say this: I don’t smoke pot.  By that I mean, I tried it — once.  It wasn’t for me. I have seen people who have been addicted to it and them getting admitted in Addiction treatment center delray beach.  I don’t judge people who do.  It could be completely legal and I don’t see myself partaking in it.  Point being, I’m hardly a  stoner or a druggy: I don’t have a dog in this fight.

So, that’s me.  Now to the issue: we need to end prohibition.  I know the headline lured you in thinking I was just talking about Marijuana.  WRONG! I’m talking about all of it: Marijuana, Meth, Crack, Cocaine, Heroin, you name it.  Why?  Let me lay out a few reasons.

1. The War on Drugs Simply isn’t Working!

Yep, that’s right, the war has been going on for decades and we are losing, folks.  Back in the early 1900’s, when there was no prohibition the percentage of the population that used what we now consider to be illegal drug as compared to now was actually less.  Trillions of dollars spent on the war — how can this be?!?!

By continuing prohibition, you’re actually making an incentive for people to push drugs and I mean push them hard.  If these things are a commodity you can buy at any corner store, the profit margin on this stuff is going to be lower — much, much lower.  Right now there is a huge profit margin which makes opportunity for adventuring black market entrepreneurs.  With a lower profit margin, these things become far less profitable to “push” on a person to person basis.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(10)

Freedom Fund Silent On MCRI Victory

Why is such an influential 'conservative' group so silent about such a civil rights victory?

cone-silenceA funny thing happened on the way to yesterday’s US Supreme Court victory for Michigan.

Greg McNeilly, and the DeVos funded Freedom fund were unusually quiet.  The all-things-go except true equality “Freedom Fund” was silent on the issue, offering no opinion, no support, or any insight where it stands with regard to racial preferences.  Apparently, this influential, well financed, political advocacy group had no qualms about the state constitution being squashed by activist judges.

The question if of whether we should be surprised was answered years ago.  In 2003, Greg McNeilly, who was the executive director under Michigan Republican party chair Betsy DeVos,  made it clear that voters should not be in charge of repairing the mistaken race based decision making process.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Timing Is Everything

The overturning of the Sixth Circuit Court may have positive impact on other Michigan imperatives.

Supreme_Court_US_2009The US Supreme Court decision today was probably an easy one.

In a 6-2 ruling. (see KG’s article for a link) the court upheld the ban enacted by Michigan voters in 2006; Proposal 2, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative.  Race shall NOT be used in admission policies in our colleges and public institutions, or for purposes of employment or contracting through government. From the Detroit News

The ruling championed the right of the voters to set policy in writing their own state constitutions.

“Perhaps, when enacting policies as an exercise of democratic self-government, voters will determine that race-based preferences should be adopted. The constitutional validity of some of those choices regarding racial preferences is not at issue here,” Kennedy wrote. The decision here “is simply that the courts may not disempower the voters from choosing which path to follow.”

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, who appealed the appeals court ruling, hailed the justices decision.

That was a free promo, Bill. Lets start working on the next battle shall we? – JG

There is no doubt Michigan’s Attorney General carried this one across the finish line, but the argument was simple on a number of levels.

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