
I ain’t as good as I once was

But I’m as good once as I ever was

Likewise, Hoekstra said his win was a referendum on Washington and Vander Jagt, who was criticized for taking lavish trips on behalf of special interests while managing the Republican National Congressional Committee that funneled campaign cash to GOP candidates.

“A lot of people thought Guy had gone “DC” on them,” said Hoekstra, adding that both Cantor and Vander Jagt “became the face of Washington rather than the face of their district.”

Pete’s a regular legend in his own mind.

If they’re all like Pete, one really can’t imagine why this is nearing insolvency, can they? Not to worry folks, the Lansing Nerdpublicrats got Pork Barrel Pete’s back covered.

Sometimes it is the best entertainment on the planet to watch how these old corrupticrats bray about themselves.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Will the real Rick Snyder, please stand up?

The governor’s spin people are certainly working overtime trying to pour industrial quantities of perfume on his latest pig (a.k.a. Detroit Bailout).

I’m not going to go (too much) into why this was a terrible package of bills. I’ve done that enough already.

No, today I’m going to go into why Gov. Snyder can’t just show just a tad of integrity, take a position on an issue and simply stick with it.

It really isn’t that difficult to do (unless of course your name is Rick Snyder).

{Continued after the fold}


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

For Thirty Pieces Of Silver

When it comes to campaign finance, the tea party movement just doesn’t get it

“You can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent.” – Morton Blackwell

It’s always an interesting academic exercise to attempt to calculate what Judas Iscariot’s 30 pieces of silver would have been worth in contemporary American currency. Depending upon whose calculations you use (and what assumptions they started with), estimates have varied from a few “benjamins” to a quarter-million “eisenhowers.” Almost all of the speculation, however, misses the point. And if you’re wondering how Judas’ epic infamy is connected to Mr. Blackwell’s wisdom, well, we’ll discuss that after the break.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(3)

What Zoomie Said! …with a Rusty Chainsaw

I just love looking around the Patriot community in neighboring states to see what is happening in their parts. So, anyone heading to Indiana this weekend for somefree fishing? Oh noes! It’s Mike Pence’s Pure Michigan Indiana.

Nah, Team R doesn’t operate on the same orchestrated playbook. Yannow something, all these nauseating revenue raising bastards within government that *think* they’re doing us little people a favor by tossing out the occasional we should be grateful “gift” really do need to have their asses thrown out on the street.

Even more outrageous is that they actually use their “providing crumbs” meme as a propaganda tools. Just watch Joe Graves, Martin Howrylak, Nancy Jenkins*, Andrea LaFontaine*, and Phil Potvin. The other Lansing critters must’ve shot their video budget wad pushing their throw ’em a bone crap during the winter (Ray Franz, Ken Goike, Joe Graves, Nancy Jenkins*, Klint Kesto, Andrea LaFontaine*, Tom Leonard, Ed Mcbroom, Rick Outman, Peter Pettalia (Unfortunately, is my gelatinous assclown), Bruce Rendon, and Pat Sommerville).

What Zoomie says!
Copy of resist bw finger solo
with a rusty chainsaw.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Leon’s old Toady sez…

braun_kind_of_a_big_dildoCliff’s Notes version? The same Liberaltarian former Drolet staffer twit, who apparently is all good with the perversion agenda of males using males rectums as a penis masturbatory canal as much as he condemns all those who oppose such chosen behavior, now digs up a radical “former LEO” Puff Ho blogger from Maryland, to marginalize the followers of His Word much like these bastards assert that His Words are that of a wealth redistributing commie.

Pride flags, jokesmoke, and a little doper cop killing is the reasoning for legalization?

Not long after Mayor Schmoke’s announcement, Neill’s close friend, Corporal Ed Toatley, was killed in Washington, DC while making a drug deal as an undercover agent. “When Ed was assassinated in October 2000, that is when I really made the turn. That’s when I decided to make my views public,” Neill explains. He became executive director of LEAP in 2010.


Times change. Meet Baltimore, Maryland’s new Mayor.


Ironic, yes?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(3)