Cronyism, Elections, Michigan, Opinion, Rent Seeking
So, Weiser was in on the DIA Raises too
by Corinthian Scales • • 1 Comment
Ho, ho, ho, this certainly is fun. The chair of the DIA just threw RINO Ron under the bus.
“We sincerely regret that we did not anticipate the way in which our promotion and compensation decisions in late 2011 and early 2012 would be perceived in late 2014 in light of the conditions that developed for the city and the region as the DIA millage was approved in late 2012 and as the City of Detroit entered bankruptcy in 2013,” Gargaro said.
This from, Thursday, December 16, 2010:
“We are happy to welcome these prominent community members to our board,” said Eugene A. Gargaro, DIA chairman of the board. “Their dedication to the arts and array of experience and expertise will help us continue to provide great art and educational programs to the community.”
Re-elected members include Jeffrey Antaya, chief marketing officer, Plante & Moran, PLLC; Eleanor Ford, philanthropist; Thomas Sidlik, retired from Chrysler; Ronald Weiser, retired ambassador to Slovakia; and Janis Wetsman, art collector and philanthropist. Marc Schwartz, managing partner in SM/ART Editions, was re-elected to the board after a two-year hiatus.
Shall we talk about those low interest loans, Ron?
Michigan, Opinion, Philosophy
Keep Your Fingers Crossed
by Corinthian Scales • • 5 Comments
Tho, heed caution when a Family of Flip-floppers open their mouth’s.
Anyhoo, don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya, Willard.
Conservative News, Democrats, Elections, Michigan, Michigan Politics, Opinion, Philosophy, Republicans
Gridlock Is Good?
by Jason • • 3 Comments
Bill Ballenger, Kyle Melinn make the point that might have to be considered in this election.
Video found at VoteForGridlock.com
Its pretty bad when our BEST alternative comes from tying the hands of our lawmakers so that they might accomplish none of their goals. Its bad when either gubernatorial candidate represents a regressive or potentially dangerous path for our state. Its uncomfortable to have to advocate such a position, but Ballenger, and Melinn get it.
Look, its not as if we didn’t warn of the poison infecting the Republican party before. Mark Schauer is BAD NEWS. But Rick Snyder, beyond whatever reasonable reforms already made, has his own plans that we will not, and can not support any more than the Democrat’s own.
If Snyder loses, (which appears to be less probable the more folks see Schauer) it must be seen as a clear repudiation by conservatives, and a loss of the base. Don’t think the flags wouldn’t be raised for broader support of the Schauer (leftist) doctrine. As we have seen already, the Romney loss and subsequent misplaced blame was a severe example of denial by party leadership.
Michigan, Opinion, Philosophy
They all lie
by Corinthian Scales • • 0 Comments
What utter crap Lansing, and Snyder’s talking-heads are peddling to these nurses.
Nurses in Michigan and nationwide charged Wednesday they are not adequately prepared to care for Ebola patients, lacking both the training and proper equipment to deal with the deadly disease.
The Michigan Nurses Association called on Gov. Rick Snyder for greater leadership, even as state agencies and the Michigan State Police stepped up efforts to prepare for a possible outbreak.
Snyder spokesman Dave Murray said the administration is pushing the group for details about the complaints because its “statements are very general and broad.”
The state Department of Community Health said Wednesday it continues to follow the situation in Texas.
“The governor was 100 percent correct when on Oct. 9 he said all hospitals were equipped to do isolation work per the Centers for Disease Control requirements at that time,” department spokeswoman Jennifer Smith said.
CDC? Oh, that’s rich. The fact is The State (government) is lying to everyone.
So let’s look at that infrastructure.
There are, in fact, a total of four medical isolation units in the entire United States, as we noted yesterday, that are capable of handling infected Ebola patients near endlessly.
Where are they, and what can they handle?
Emory University’s Serious Communicable Disease Unit is in Atlanta, GA. That’s where Brantly and Writebol were treated. It has three beds.
St. Patrick Hospital’s ICU Isolation Unit is in Missoula MT. It has three beds.
The National Institute of Health’s Special Clinical Studies Unit is in Bethesda MD. It has seven beds.
And the biggest, the Nebraska Medical Center’s Biocontainment Unit is in Omaha NE. It has ten beds.3+3+7+10=23 beds, coast to coast.
So, where did they just transport Dallas Nurse #1? If you guessed Maryland – Bingo!
More… this Ebola stuff sounds like a whole bag of fun, yes?
H/t Wirecutter
Elections, Michigan, Opinion, Philosophy
Thursday’s TOTD
by Corinthian Scales • • 0 Comments
Sorry, crony MI-GOP toadies, however, you cannot say you all were not warned.
Elections, Humor in Michigan, Opinion, Philosophy
Fitty Cent
by Corinthian Scales • • 0 Comments
Hey, we here at RightMi.com refer to him as Benishemp for a reason.
H/t Michigan Report
Cronyism, Democrats, Detroit, Elections, Opinion, Philosophy
How ’bout That Regional Transit Authority?
by Corinthian Scales • • 1 Comment
Remember December 20, 2012?
Besides it being another disgusting theft, and redistribution of our tax dollars by Rick (wear a tie and I’ll use Governor Snyder), and his crony ‘Team R’ looters in Lansing…
That’s right, only a stone throw away in Cleveland.
Conservative News, Opinion
Go Away Willard
by Corinthian Scales • • 4 Comments
Slow news day. Was looking past candidate Terri I’m a Mom™ continuing to expose her lack of brain with the Common Core© crew an interesting WaPo snippet boasts of billionaires in the Team R Country Club wailing for another Willard loss.
Well, let’s recap from December, 2011:
1. Before Barack Obama trounced John McCain in 2008, McCain trounced Romney.
2. Romney couldn’t crack 50% when elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002.
3. By the end of his first and only term, he had a 34% approval rating and a 65% disapproval rating.
4. Survey USA ranked Mr. Romney’s popularity 48th out of the 50 governors.
5. The supposedly electable Mitt Romney walked away rather than face the voters – even though he had just signed the – supposedly – wildly popular and successful MassCare legislation with its mandate into law in April of that year.
6. During his time as governor, Massachusetts ranked 47th in job creation in the private sector.
Go away, Willard. Take your “soccer mom” niece and old fart brother with you.
Humor in Michigan, Opinion, Philosophy
Muss ich liebe diese Deutschen
by Corinthian Scales • • 1 Comment
Diese Reaktion funktioniert für mich.