
Cannot fix the Roads but the DNR has Advertising Money for Penske Isle

Actually, let’s rethink the title of this post. Somehow, our state government found a way for our tax dollars to fix the roads (see page 7) where Roger Penske’s and Government Motors’ crap rolls, and now the DNR has another share of $6,600 in bait monies to throw at the Nerd’s playpen and ongoing money pit.

crony-capitalismThis Saturday, 600 more vehicle owners (and their friends and family in the vehicles) will get the opportunity to explore Belle Isle Park free of charge – courtesy of the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix.

The Recreation Passport giveaway begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 23, at the White House (administrative building) lawn, located at 2 Inselruhe Avenue across from the Belle Isle Aquarium. Grand Prix officials and the Department of Natural Resources will distribute the Passports (normally priced at $11 for Michigan residents) to the owners of the first 600 Michigan-registered vehicles that currently don’t have the Recreation Passport. Complimentary Recreation Passports will be distributed through 2:30 p.m. or until 600 have been given away.


Bread and circuses, folks. Bread and circuses.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

She Must Mean Terminating and Prosecuting Kirk Steudle

Well, Boobus Michiganderus in CD-12 who elected her, go ahead, explain to the rest of us what the barking moonbat is trying to convey.

Because both the Senate, and House Transportation Committees sure as hell are not doing their jobs when it comes to roads and boondoggle trains? For that matter, this guy, closely aligned with Steudle, and his *special department* sure makes a habit of stumbling around with his thumb up his ass on trains, roads, and other MI-GOP payola, too.

Flushing-MoneyBottom line. From how a rational mind reads Debbie’s brassy statement is not much different than what our state legislators are doing now: throwing more money at a problem without cutting the wasteful ineptness and blatant corruption within MDOT.

You see otherwise? Drop a comment below.

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MiCPAC – Rebecca Kiessling

"Conceived in Rape" Author Rebecca Kiessling addresses the conferees at the 2015 MiCPAC in Troy.

Finally getting this out of the to-do bin.

A couple of weeks ago, Rebecca was one of the speakers at the 2015 Michigan Conservative Political Action Conference, speaking on ‘messaging.’  Rebecca knows a little about messaging, as she has been using her personal story for several years now to reach those who think that rape is justification for the murder of the unborn.

She advocates a true pro-life stance which recognizes that even ‘in the case of Rape,’ abortion is murder.

Sorry for those brief moments when the audio is overwhelmed by the activity in the other conference room. Lessons have likely been learned for next year’s event.

Enjoy and comment.

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Is Fred Upton More Conservative?

One of the arguments used by conservative supporters of Congressman Fred Upton is that Upton is more conservative now than he used to be.  Is there any merit to this argument?

To analyze this claim, we consider ratings issued by conservative groups over the years.  This will make it easy to spot any trend.

Of course, the usual caveats apply.  These ratings are calculated based on a selection of votes.  The votes rated each year are different, but these groups use fairly consistent standards that allow comparison over time.

First up is American Conservative Union (ACU), which has been rating Congress since the 1970s.  Their ratings for Upton’s entire tenure are graphed below.

A linear regression line is graphed along with the data.  As you can see, the line is virtually flat, indicating no substantial change.  There is actually a very slight decrease over time.

Upton’s two best ratings occurred in 2002 and 2010, both of which were years when Upton received serious primary challenges from the right.

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Be Proud of Yourself Detoilet

Because Teh #ComebackCity and “Reserve your judgment.

Imagine that

Johnson has a list of past financial issues including a foreclosure, unpaid child support, evictions, bad debts, unpaid income taxes and he even bounced a check to himself.

Yep. Aren’t y’all glad that RINO Ron and Slick Rick flushed our money down the drain bailing out that cesspool? Me? I’m ecstatic about it, and the next bailout in the wind.

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Michigan Is On The List

Michigan is one of several states used to relocate 'refugees' from the most dangerous and corrupted nations on the earth.

Of course you all knew that.

Michigan is one of the ‘resettlement’ states used by the UN and our state department to implant refugees from the worst areas of the world. Under the auspices of humanitarianism, we are being invaded by people who carry with them the very troubles we are told they are fleeing.

Dave Agema mentions A.L.A.C. in his presentation to Michigan conservatives last Saturday. He has seen this coming and has been working with Kamal Saleem spreading the word around Michigan in the past few years. A.L.A.C. stands for American Laws for American Courts, and simply reaffirms the constitution and state laws, while preventing the very anti American aspects of Sharia from creeping into our justice system.

I was fortunate to attend one of the presentations by Kamal Saleem a couple of years ago.

It has not gotten any better since then.

Do we become Europe in a couple of decades? (Video H/T George)

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

MiCPAC – Kevin Jackson

Conservative Kevin Jackson highlighted the 2015 MiCPAC this past Saturday

Want to have some fun?

We were lucky to have had Kevin Jackson speak to the conferees at the May 16 2015 MiCPAC in Troy. He lived up to the hype with a lively presentation. A heck of a nice guy so articulate that I hardly noticed he was short.

Shorter than me anyhow.


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

Click It Or Ticket Force Zones Ramp Up

Never happy enough with mere taxation and over burdening regulatory efforts, state officials want to remind you who is boss.

Michigan State Police are stepping up efforts to imprint their thumbs on Michigan motorists this coming holiday weekend.

Ever since the seat belt legislation was foisted upon a gullible electorate, millions of dollars have been used to cajole, threaten, and punish drivers who have threatened no one’s safety but their own. Since the inception of the law that was NEVER meant to be a primary offense, TENS OF THOUSANDS of citizens of our great lake state have been harassed by authoritative desires of some in law enforcement, and have had their 4th amendment rights violated under the guise of suspicion that they were not properly buckled in.

From the state department of propaganda today (with commentary inserted):

May 18, 2015

Seat_Belt_Law_Graphic_-_Web_489461_7For the first time, federally funded seat belt enforcement efforts will take place in all 83 Michigan counties to help jump start an increase in seat belt use and reduce traffic deaths and injuries. Starting today through May 31, police departments, sheriff’s offices and the Michigan State Police will conduct stepped up seat belt enforcement as part of the annual Click It Or Ticket campaign.

According to Joshua, a personal injury lawyer in Peoria Az, the enhanced effort coincides with the 15th year since Michigan adopted a law allowing law enforcement officers to stop motorists for not being buckled up. According to the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, 2,659 lives have been saved since the law began in 2000 as a result of substantially higher belt use. States with primary enforcement laws have higher rates of seat belt use.

15 years of jackboot tyranny, now enhanced courtesy of an overreaching federal bureaucracy.

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