Statistically, figures don’t lie but, liars do figure.
❝If there were ever a debate to be made for a quarantine in this state- SEMCOG is it. They probably need to be cordoned off from the rest of us Michiganians before they spread it further.❞
Information from State data as of March 24, 2020.
Livingston County- 9
Macomb County- 175 – 2 deaths
Monroe County- 7
Oakland County- 329 – 4 deaths
St. Clair County- 7
Washtenaw County- 42
Wayne County & Detroit City- 638 – 8 deaths
Total- 1,207 or, 90.88% of all confirmed cases of the China Virus and 93.33% of all deaths (14).
The only noticeable change is Kent County on the list with 28 cases and 1 death, however, is understandable with having Democrat city Grand Rapids as its county seat.
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(10)Nuh Uh.